Why does this guy get so much hate?

Why does this guy get so much hate?

Honestly, everyone seems to be happy he got cooked up, and I get some of it... But consider for a moment, just for a moment, that HS was a good guy.

This guy has insane power but still chose to live in pig shit, dressed like a beggar. He doesn't abuse his influence, he doesn't abuse his power to fuck whores or snort milk of the poppy.

He doesn't think he's better than the commonfolk, he's humble, eats the same shit the people eat, wears the same shit the people wear. The dude can't even be bought off. He was the only person delivering justice on Cersei and all the highborn playing their game and getting tens of thousands of villagers raped and killed in the process. The only guy standing up for the actual 99.99% of the kingdom that the nobles were supposed to protect.


It's a medieval show, you dumb fucks. Mel burned a kid at a stake randomly for her beliefs but I don't see anyone giving two shits. Every single character from the show has blood on their hands. HS bro didn't even kill anyone, just did some redecoration on Loras.

Other urls found in this thread:


only libcucks hate him

>Why does this guy get so much hate?

Degenerates don't like someone like him that stands for virtue.

They hate him because he was being portrayed as an antagonist

His motives are understandable but he stood in the way of Cersei which made him Cersei's enemy so it was understandable she would take actions like that against him. His religion would be ok but it basically has it's own court system enforces it's rules quite violently, like a certain religion of peace.

Smug, old, preachy fuck. What's not to hate?

spotted the libcuck

Reminder that Sup Forums loved this guy until Darth Cersei roasted him.

Sup Forums is always going to follow the leader.

>literally a liberal, practically a commie
>libcucks hate him

what's your logic guys?

He is the good guy who will be hated by libcucks. Like Stannis Baratheon. Like anyone who has principles and will go through any length to enforce them.

Sup Forums has good taste he was the best actor on the show full of bad actors and the last classically trained actor whose character hadn't been killed off yet

That makes no sense.


He shoves his POV on others.

Just like any typical religion does.

Firstly, he's against all the characters we have watched for countless hours, and even though those characters might be evil, they are still characters we have come to know. They are what comes close to being the hero of the shows, and he's against them.

Secondly, he's being just as evil as the rest of the cast by fucking killing and persecuting everyone who disagrees with him. So what if he wears a grey robe? He's still willing to kill people for his personal views. He just does it for different reasons.

Not that I really dislike him that much. I thought he was a nice character, But it is understandable and screaming LIBKEK...LIBKEK! every time someone digresses with you is just sad.

I'm a huge pink lefty and I liked both HS and Stannis

It's clear the show runners really wanted us to identify the faith militant as bad guys with that stupid face carving bullshit though. The show has never expressed the same level of empathy with the common people that the books do

Communism is not liberal in fact it is quite the opposite as it opposes freedom.


In what universe are Communist Liberal?

liberalism and communism are exactly the opposite in terms of economical doctrine

> practically a commie

You know that he is religious right? Communists were/are state atheists.

For some reason in America(which in turn has spread it to the rest of the world) liberal=socialist these days. Even though liberal is in the middle spectrum, possibly even conservative.

It's funny, I think quite a lot of people on Sup Forums are more liberal than they realize.

Thats not strange, considering libcucks shit on the common people.

He was a maniac - the reason he lived in such poverty was because he was immensely envious of the Luxury and Abundance of the nobles. He wanted it so bad, and realised he could never have it, or that he could never live it entirely so he choose poverty.

He's a giant hypocrite, a fundamentalist who read the texts in a way that only he and his flock see fits. "The Mother is merciful" - he was not.

I'd also like to point out that the homophobia is a completly added part of the show. Nobody in the books cares about Loras, Renly and Oberyn buttfuckery, even though half of the kingdom seems to know.

>He wanted it so bad, and realised he could never have it,
Didn't he say he had it? But abandoned it when he saw the depravity?

atheism is not central to communism
as long as the workers own the means of production anyone can believe whatever they want

It's revealed in ep9 that he became rich as fuck, just walked out on his gold-plated house and naked whores laying all around

I still do.

Its not a part of socialism but it is a part of communism. It is one of the reasons that socialism is not such a dirty word. Communist regimes shut down mosques, churches, temples, etc hence the fear of godless communism. Marx claimed his views were based upon Darwin and he rejected all religion.

By the way, the High sparrow is a tad religious. Actually that is the whole point of his character. So how the fuck is he a communist or a Marxist lel?

He is not cured of it, since he reveals to Tommen that his greatest sin is Envy.

I think he's subject to two powerful contradictory forces in his mind. He wishes to resolves the dispute by forcing everyone to be poor.

Exactly. To Marx religion was bad because it was used to control the people, not bad in itself. There is a whole branch of Christian Socialism btw (and they are as far from the HS as you can imagine)


Anti religious sentiment.

Let's say he succeeded.

Tommen becomes the King he wants, makes a deal with Jon Snow, defeats Daenerys and outlaws private wars between Nobles. He then goes on and defeat the Night's King.

He goes on to create religious schools to the poor folk, diminishes taxation, etc.

People would still see him as the bad guy, for being socially conservative and religious.

I have seen people saying Tommen was a worse ruler than Robert, who drank away the Kingdom's budget and who only cared about himself. Why? Because Robert did not care about religion.

When Tommen's only mistake was not completely take away Cersei's power.

because he played the game
you just lost it

>Why does this guy get so much hate?
Because he was a smug, arrogant cocksucker who imposed his will on people when they did not ask for it. When fuckers like that finally get their comeuppance, it is always satisfying.

>is not central
>is not part

lmao, the people are getting raped in their asses all the way from king's landing to winterfell. did you watch the last 5 seasons? villages burned, women raped, kids raped, it's heavily implied that the country is going to shit over the nobles squabbling

the people did ask for it. the only reason he pulled the shit he pulled is because the peasants would have had an uprising if cersei had thrown him in a dungeon


Okay so explain what that has to do with the high sparrow

Liberation theology is actual herasy

communism was a civil religion that was supposed to replace traditional religion
shrines to important figures in people's homes etc

the one objectively true answer

How so?

Explain how he imposed his views on people without being asked for it and in a way that is different from other powerful characters.

Take this shit to

>implying /leftypol/ scum belongs on Sup Forums

Let them go to /lit/ or /his/.

>He doesn't abuse his influence, he doesn't abuse his power
>He doesn't think he's better than the commonfolk, he's humble

He abuses his power and he thinks he's better.
He breaks the fundamental law of any universe which uses gods to explain how everything came to be, the law of free will.
It doesn't matter what mythology we use, anything that supports the creation of the universe and life by god/gods means that everything was created by an act of an absolute free will, the will of gods, who are/is absolute so his will must also be absolute, which means that everything created by that act of free will also, in its fundamental core, also has a spark of it, and since an absolute can't be divided, that spark is also absolute.
From this follows that any god that doesn't respect the free will of anyone can not be a god, or hi words were misinterpreted or twisted to fit someone elses desires/world view.
From this he either isn't a representative of god or he doesn't understand the gods whose will he supposedly follows.
He is a criminal.

Well, most of the main characters don't ask questions, they just kill everyone or let everyone get killed. Thankfully they're not HOMOPHOBIC, imagine if the Mountain was a HOMOPHOBE? That would really make him a terrible person!

His scenes were boring and he was portrayed as an antagonist.

You ape.

Because religious nutcases in positions of power are a danger more relatable to the present world than those of evil nobles and feudal society. Even in the developed world you find people abusing such powers to rape kids, scam, manipulate and fuck up gays.

kek, "socially conservative" is often a cover word for homophobia

The only things that make HS be a commie would be looking like Bernie Sanders and wanting everyone to be leveled to his own warped vision of a perfect society.

How does he abuse his power? How is he worse than the other powerful factions?

Rhllor priests have this annoying habit of burning people. How are they better than the High Sparrow?

The Iron Throne is actually anarchic and respect free will?

Spotted the faggot.

How was he a danger to the world?

What have the other priests got to do with him? What does the iron throne got to do with him?

We are talking about him, or are we playing the dualism game? The black and white game? The if you are not in this camp you must be in the other game? The if this guy is wrong than the other one is right?
You do know that this kind of thinking is responsible for all the wars and political manipulations of people?
Oh this guy sucked when we elected him so that means that this guy who is speaking against him must be the good guy, surely they can't both be fucked up, or surely they can't both be alright?!

He thinks that he has the right to force anyone to live like he sees fit, and he uses the "gods told me so" argument, that alone makes him a criminal, for the reasons I explained above, this doesn't have anything to do with anyone else.

>I have people plucked off the streets and locked up to be starved and beaten because they offend my religion
>but it's okay because I'm poor haha
Fuck him and his medieval ISIS thugs

>muh gays
It's the dark fucking ages you halfwit. Women are property, people can't vote, and literally nothing happens to you when you crush a child's skull, then rape it's mother with the brain still on your fingers. I suppose that no matter how backward a society is, le homophobia is the real evil, right?

So, by your definition, is anyone with real power, either in the book or in the real word, not a villain?

Because everyone with power imposes his will on others.

How did these bunch of homeless fucks just rock up into town one day and suddenly take over?

They were always there, moaning and complaining how they're getting raped by random armies, asking for Cersei and the king to send military to defend them. It was draining the budget, so Cersei though she'd be very smart if she allowed them to carry weapons (something that wasn't allowed for decades, we saw why the past two seasons).

Well if we have a universe where free will exists, a universe created by gods, from their free will, than in this universe, The Law of Free Will is the highest possible law, because it is the first law, the very first reason why anything that was created exists, the original free thought of the gods, and the first act that came from this first thought is the first reason for creation so, by definition, anyone who breaks it also breaks the very first law of creation, the law behind anything which exists.
Does he force people to think like he does? Yes.
Does he force people to live how he sees fit? Yes.

He breaks the fundamental law.
No not anyone with real power but anyone who imposes his power to break/bend others will, to force his/hers beliefs onto others.
If I come to your house and start ordering you around, enforcing my beliefs on you, am I not breaking your free will? Am I not imposing my will onto yours? Am I not a criminal?

His entire thing was an act. He was using religion and his false piety to destabilize the wealthy and eventually would have stripped tommen and cersei of their power and probably instigated a plan to rule the kingdom.

His false claims of holiness and his whole attitude of being hollier than thou just got annoying when he was realistically playing the game just as hard as the others.

Among all of those dangers, religious homophobia is the most relatable to the audience. The other ones can be quickly disregarded as too fictional for our reality. Everyone knows gay people or has gay friends. You don't have to live inside the fucking Islamic State to see how their freedoms are impaired just because they fuck in a certain way religion does not approve of. So, in that case, the ball hits close to home, and the HS is hated because of that. It's almost like (gasp) this was indended by the writers, right?

if only libcucks understand this

>but its not real communism you see

in contemporary western societies? Have you ever been to a college campus?

But he was up against Cersei, another more major antagonist.

What I think OP is trying to say is that he was the lesser evil so he shouldn't get shat on so much.

But he should also remember that he was a radical religious person, and that shit doesn't sell well right now for obvious reasons.

Because not having the "muh gays" message would make him too sympathetic of a character.

In the books the Sparrows do not persecute gays. Many of them are Riverlanders, running to KL from war and famine. They have a point, but because we still get a Cersei POV with her thoughts and feelings, we get to sympathize with her and mistrust the High Septon.

Everyone with power does this. Doesn't Daenerys also do the same? Or Jon?

And they are the two heroes of the show.

This. His speed of talking pissed me off to no end.

Do you have any evidence of this?

The only thing that matters is how you deal with gay people?

American political English tends to turn around the original meaning of words. Liberalism and communism are almost polar opposites yet in American English they have gotten are very similiar meaning. Same with "federalisation". While originally it means decentralisation of power, in american english its often used in the meaning of centralisation ie giving more power to Washington.

You dun fucked up somewhere down the way.

The high-school level free will hypothesis is purely philosophical and as such has little real merit in determining what's criminal or not.

Not to mention that there are a million theories opposing the very idea of free will in humans, and let's not even talk about the others that don't include free will being the original law of the universe

From your logic, restricting any acts of "free will" is criminal. I'm not sure where you draw the line. Am I free to shit in the streets? Am I free to jerk off on the buss? Am I free to dig up people and fuck corpses? No harm done, right?

Then you're go on to say it's criminal to act in a certain way WHICH DOESN'T GO IN LINE WITH YOUR OWN PHILOSOPHY ABOUT FREE WILL

Doesn't jamie admit to several crimes infront of him but he never once makes him answer for his crimes because he wouldn't gain anything.

High Sparrow was a good guy for Kings Landing and Westeros, even If he was a little preachy

The Great Houses are completely fucked and do not deserve to rule Westeros at all


Instead he sends Jaime to Riverlands because Bernie isn't interested in him, Jaime is irrelevant to his plans at that moment.

What he wants is to put Cersei in a mental cage, just like everyone else in the position of political power.

Well there you go his 'justice' is opportunism.

lol at these libcucks bending their asses over and beyond to find a reason to hate this guy

look at this ape-level shit
>i was bored
>he doesnt follow my philosophy
>he uses opportunities to his advantage
>he is a communist
>fuck his MEDIEVAL worldview... even though he's located in a MEDIEVAL fucking WORLD

jesus fucking christ i could deconstruct every single human alive in a similar way and label them as a shitty human

He didn't do anything wrong. Only communists and jews hate him.

he's basically everything nietzsche hated about the jews and christianity

You're a fucking idiot and a liability to whichever side of an argument you identify with.

You do realize I am talking about a universe created by gods/god? This is a thread about GoT right? From the start I was clear that this is all hypothetical.

But explain me this, oh meme user, if we are talking about a universe created by gods, and since anything done by intelligent life, even in this world, first must be thought of, than how is, in such a universe, the law of free will(which is a consequence of a free thought) not absolute, and anyone who breaks it not a criminal?

Also it's not my philosophy, it's logic which follows if everything was created from will.

Are you free to shit in the streets? I don't know, who am I to tell you that?
What you should ask yourself is if what you are doing restricting someone elses free will.

For instance if I shit on the street, will someone else smell my shit, will someone else throw up from it, will someone else step on it? Am I affecting, in a negative way anyone else by shitting in the street?
Let's say I play guitar, if I play loud enough for my neighbours to affect their current actions, am I not imposing my music, which arises from my will to play, onto them? What if I play so that the sound doesn't leave my room, or what if I come to may neighbours and try to come to an agreement if it would be okay to play my music louder for a certain amount of time, if we come to agreement, which arose of their free will to let me play louder, am I still imposing my music onto them?

Who says they are heroes? In my mind, she is an annoying asshole, it's my free will to think that.

So what if everyone with power does this?

Which powerful person in the history of mankind was not a criminal, for you?

This is absolutely retarded. This is a nave form of libertarianism. Where did you get those ideas?

That's a tough question, first of all I don't know all of mankinds history, but from what I know, probably no one. I don't believe there is a person alive who didn't at least once in their life time impose his/hers will onto someone else, power of no power. I know I'm guilty of it many many times in my life.
But what has that got to do with anything?!

He literally let Margaery go free as long as she'd convince the king to support the faith.

He is corrupt as fuck and no god or law would approve of this.

What's retarded, you didn't actually say anything, you just pointed with a finger and said that's retarded.
Do you people have discussions outside of internet, have you ever had a philosophical, hypothetical discussion, outside the internet, in your life?
Why are you so emotional about it, we are just discussing different philosophies and world views, why would anyone be emotionally invested in his or someone elses philosophy?!

Conservatives should hate him to

Honestly it was the smug. He's smug as hell and it's annoying. He's also a tad authoritarian with the entire Religious thing and, in the current zeitgeist, it's cool to be hip, free, and liberal. Most kids don't like a figure telling them what to do or how to live their lives.

Don't ruin my /his/

Hated just about everyone in that room more than him tbqh, in fact high sparrow was pretty likeable after the Cersei ordeal

He's only pretending to be pious, that's why I hate him.

At first, you can think he's humble. But as time passes, he wants to gain more control and stands right next to the King, and even before him if i recall.
His principles might have been good at first, but he quickly wanted more.

But...you are being emotional right now, user.
What is wrong?

He also literally garnered power to help the majority of the population and feed it, why are you acting like all of the nobles aren't pieces of shit? there was literally no one in king's landing with a good goal what everyone there was trying to achieve is restore the status quo and HS was the only one putting those dumbasses on their place

are you fucking retarded??

How coulda regulated economy based state be liberal?

You americans are dumb as bricks

How am i being emotional?
I asked you what's retarded.
I asked you if you had discussion outside the internet, and I asked you why you are emotional about a philosophical discussion.
Than you didn't answer and you tried to shift the focus.

>power hungry individual hides behind religious agenda

Jesus...just read yourself again. You sound triggered. "I asked you, i asked you"... this is not a job interview. No one has to say or do anything here.
I'm not the guy you wanted to reply to btw.

>implying two posters were not the same 14 year old >>>/pol fag

I sound? Are 100% sure you're not projecting just a little bit? Is there no way you attributed something to my post which isn't there? 100%?

No, but this is, at least I thought that it was, a discussion. How do you propose a discussion is conducted? The OP presented his view of a character and asked some questions, people answered, presented their view and asked some asked their questions.

I was asked questions many times in this thread, I answered all of them, than explained my answers, and asked some of my question, of which almost none was answered by the way.
What's wrong with this?
And by the way, contrary to others, I never once said that someone else is retarded, or that his opinion is stupid and never said that I am right or infallible, and I also only started asking people about their emotional state once they implied (not asked) about mine. I also not once shifted the discussion from the theme to someone else, that is I didn't have an argument that was personal, unlike other people.

How do I sound triggered?

High Sparrow:
>Has the interests of everyone else at heart
>Sends Faith Millitant to kill sinners
>Still does the wrong things, but for the kind of right reason, as he only cares about people being strong in faith

>Literally only cares about herself at this point, not even family, didn't really give two shits when Tommen died.
>Blows up a religious building, full of not only her enemies, but plenty of innocent civilians
>Does the wrong things for the wrong reason

The Sept being blown up was definitely not the worst thing ever, as the Faith Millitant were fucking shit up in general and needed to go, but it wasn't exactly the best thing to happen either, as now we've got a Mad Queen on our hands. What it was was a phoenix moment, Cersei was down in the shit, but now, she's embraced her vile cunt nature, and got all the power she had before and more, wiping out most of her enemies in the process.

High Sparrow was the lesser of two evils, hell, lesser of three depending on your views of the Tyrells.

So, why do you single out the High Sparrow as the super bad guy when everyone in history and in the show does the exact same thing you are accusing him of?