Year you were born
You AOTY from that year
inb4 mods, I know that dopesmoker itself was released in 2003, but jerusalem was released in 1999 (my birth year) and that's what i mean
Not a lot of albums I like from 1995
That's '89 btw
lots of good as music from '97 but this is my favorite
>Pic related
>The Bends and Post are close seconds
This is mine. Pleb choice, I know.
1995 and I'd say Red Medicine by Fugazi. Post by Bjork would be second place. Pretty shitty year
like I said, a lot of good music in that year.
The Mollusk
Either/Or is my second choice.
Then Bjork.
Then Ween.
did we just become best friends?
released less than a week from my birthday too.
>worst tool album in a year full of great albums
Yeah but I haven't listened to them yet desu
Sounds like it :]
Get the fuck off this board—now.
92 was a good year
I can legally drink though
why's that retard
tfw 20 yrs and have nothing to show for it
This thread is reminding me of the fact that I should never take the babbies on Sup Forums seriously.
You may not be underage, but you certainly don't belong here. You're from the smartphone and tablet generation, probably even posting from a phone.
>"worst Tool album"
>posts Tool's best album
Heem yourself, my man.
what year does the phone/tablet generation start
Sent from my Carrier Pigeon
>tfw too old to still be posting on this board
My nigga. 1989 masterrace.
96. If you were born in 96 or later, you can never post here.
>implying I didn't have a motorola flip phone until senior year of high school
How about no
>tfw there are people here that were in elementary school when I started university.
>You know realize that taking Sup Forums seriously is retarded since most people here now were born after '94
>tfw you will still be here when the born in '00+ arrive
how did you find this website at age 7?
>tfw I'm much older than everyone in this thread and I'm too ashamed to post mine
>>You know realize that taking Sup Forums seriously is retarded since most people here now were born after '94
t. born december 31, 1994 at 11:59:59 PM
I was born exactly 11 days before the release of this album.
>tfw i'm fucking old
>tfw people born in 2003 are going to join this site soon
Melvins-Houdini is a close second
I'm 17 man relax
You must be 18 to browse the 4chins my dude.
i picked 4
>tfw people born in 2003 are going to join this site soon
They already post here. Sup Forums's demographic is 15 year olds.
How fucking stupid are you? It's just an album used as a reaction face, not the album of the year I was born
>7 year old has no conception of facetiousness, is retarded enough to post an album reaction image in a thread where posting album covers has an entire different purpose