What the fuck

what the fuck

I know, right?

What did they mean by this?


Number 2 is special. That's why

>not making custom covers

According to my VHS box set: Temple of Doom comes before Raiders of the Lost Ark.

We have all been lied to our entire lives!

The Chapter 23-25 is due to the Young Indy film series coming first for those who don't know.

It's like they're doing it on purpose

god i hate physical media.

it looks so fucking ugly.

christ. what prison is that?

>le epic minimalist lifestyle
>fucking cords running across half the room
This person deserves death

One is American it looks like. Only the one with big Ray has "season". The rest say "series".

The Monk one always makes me laugh. Honestly though I have learned to live with my slight ocd but 10+ years ago I would be pretty peeved about things like this.

>fucking cords running across half the room

No, those rating systems, the circular 12, is a UK thing, don't have those on American dvd's as far as I remember. It's a box set as well, so even if it was it's an even bigger fuckup

Show us the monk one

>There was never any special slipcase edition for Revenge of the Sith, only the first 2.
What the actual hell Lucasfilm!?


Jesus, you're right. How does this shit even happen? Why would you put "season" on UK boxart? Do you guys ever refer to it like that?

that one is appropriate tho

What did they mean by this?

I bet kinos and music sound like shit in that room

Chronologically it happens before Raiders, so it's sort of understandable.

What the actual fuck?

I like minimalism but this room isn't all that great. The anemic floor boards should be replaced.

>Chronologically it happens before Raiders
woah I never knew this

Turn empire over ya dingus.

It's set the year before I believe.

I thought it was genius when I brought it home and put on the shelf.

Absolutely fucking perfect for this series but now I am left wondering how intentional this was after seeing the rest of the thread.


It singles out Empire as the best one by a mile.

Everybody loves r@ygold


And I also own the 1995 VHS version.

So happy to have watched this version as a kid and not the crappy remastered version.

One year before I believe.

This was the last time they spoke as friends

I could have sworn I had a set like this that had a black back ground on one side and white on the other. I apologize.

II Fast II Furious

>implying quality headphones arent superior for minimalistic homekino anyways

fucking kek

It's set in the mid-1930s, IIRC.

>ep4 is light side victory
>ep5 dark side victory
>ep6 light side victory


>this thread

It's a 2 Superman episode


stupid fucking brits

>remember back in the day when they would put only 25 minutes on 1 vhs tape?

>let's spoil the entire plot on the back cover

>Clarke Kent

Anyone collect multiple versions of the same movie?


On another note, brits def have the worst looking warning labels.

Fucking autist.

Makes more sense than the British way.

physical media was a mistake

>Anyone collect multiple versions of the same movie?
No, even among autists that's retarded.

>...save Lois Lane from a fate worse than death!
>it's a Lois Lane gets brutally raped and tortured episode
Kinda getting sick of those.

>that look on his face in the last one

if you even know the movie: the 2 disc theatrical edition has features that the german director's cut doesn't have, also it is a steelbook so I wanted to get it and the American Unrated version was blu ray while I only had the extended on dvd.

>owning multiple versions of a movie not worth owning at all
How baka can you get

>tincan gradomeme
Pick one

I bet you watch movies on your phone too

Well if you mean having a dvd and upgrading to blu ray then yeah I have a few like that, otherwise no.

I know of the movie. It's a pile of shit as is all of Uwes crap.
Anyone that would give that faggot money, three times no less, should be lynched.

Prisoner's live better.

No Dom in 2

he provided the black stripe

>expensive limited edition
>no quality control


Submitting this to reddit. Thanks for the free karma.

Must burn you that you'll never complete the series with a book 8 adaption eh.

Cursed child isnt worth putting in a collectors edition even if it had a movie adaption

That is the British way.

Neither was anything beyond 3 yet here we are


Hello merchant.


Who would buy that

A sadist?

>This show run for 8 fucking years

What the fuck indeed

Yes, Spider-Man 2.
I have the 2-disc special edition DVD, Spider-Man 2.1 DVD, the old HD Trilogy set, the Superbit DVD, the BD single, the new trilogy set, and the 4K Blu Ray.

I had a friend in high school that was a huge horror junkie, had hacked dvds to own different region dvds and all that shit. He had like 7 versions of Dawn of the Dead and like 13 versions of Evil Dead 1 & 2. There were so many different cuts and bonus features for those fucking movies and he had to have them all.


I'd understand if one of those is a burnt copy and the other an original but 3 of the same for no reason, in the same language, with most likely the same features, is beyond autistic. You've reached a new level or mental health problems.


Okay you bmtfo.

Still, why?

>Not enjoying the antics of Raymond, Deborah, Robert and his flavor of the week woman, and their parents
It's a shame it ONLY ran for 8 years.

Why would you own 3 copies of such a shit movie

>not liking his Postal film

He was getting something new each time he bought the different cut or a version with different extras though.

Never finished watching it. I just couldn't stomach how bad it was. His films aren't even B grade tier. They're cringe inducing in every aspect.

Did u even read my post?

>1 copy is the theatrical steelbook
>2nd copy is the german uncut dvd version
>3rd copy is the american uncut blu ray version

He's referring to The Time Machine not In the name of the king

It's still 3 copies of a shit movie

holy fuck, jk Simmons is in postal?? I'll definitely watch it now.

that shit had 7 seasons? and here i thought it was canceled after one.

You really ought to watch his realism film series. Excellent stories.


BRAVO Universal

You're not the first to mention these to me.
Are they really that much different to his game adaptions?

it's a middle finger

>it's actually in 2K
fuck you merchants

I didn't know Everybody Loves Raymond aired on HBO

Ah my bad
Well the Australian version has all the features so I wanted to track that down and could have sworn I bought it off ebay but instead the seller gave me some european version.

So I kept that. One day I was walking in a second hand store and saw the Korean version and ironically it has the exact same cover box design as the American 1960 film so I bought that so they go together on the shelf.

It was shit. Well kinda faithful to the games I guess.
He's just a very bad director all around. Kinda sad since he always works on good concepts and won't take criticism to improve himself but will instead invite you on a boxing ring.