At least one Tyrell got into Heaven before they all exploded

At least one Tyrell got into Heaven before they all exploded.

I hope he has 72 virgin QT boys.

No one did.

In their universe the red God is the true one.

Was getting caught part of your plan?

Tyrell was probably one of the few deaths that was a bit sad. Loras did nothing wrong, he didn't deserve to die. Mace seemed fine too. Dumb but fine. I liked Margery but she wasn't exactly innocent in it all.

Nigga please

>did nothing wrong
>he's a fag

i there even any tyrell left now ?
what about the crippled guy ?

i felt bad for loras as well he was so broken down by the end, i was rooting for him and margaery to get out of that situation somehow

I wanted to root Margaery if you know what I mean

what did you mean by this?

She really was a hottie

Margaery was the saddest death because she was one of the only reasonable women on the show, besides her grandmother.

I identified a lot with Loras. Was sad to see him go.

are there even any hot women left on this show ?

except the bad pussy girl
(who needs to do a sex scene already)

Sansa needs to show her tits

don't forget Arya

I wanted Margaery to escape

>that perfect petite figure

They took out pretty much every off screen character because normies are too dumb to even follow who the main characters are.

oh my faceless god! i didn't know she was hot.

>Before CIA falls onto the ground from the plane crash he makes a deal with the three eyed raven to become him in exchange of his legs
>He sees not only his past but also alternate realities
>In every one of them there's a big guy

deepest lore

lowtest detected

What kind of afterlife does the Faith of the Seven promote?

The only true God is Bran

Praise r'hllor, for the night is dark and full of terror

>not liking brazillian trannys means you're lowtest
Perfectly fine with that.

Note that Melisandre said that there is no hell but the one they live in and Jon Snow had no memories from the time he was dead

Muh smirkfu... Actually really torn up about this

i think you meant the many faced god. but it's okay, you actually meant him.

seven hells or seven heavens depending on your way of life and sins