His masterpiece

His masterpiece.

At least this one won't get an Aspie following of fedoras and Drive jackets.

What an awful tagline.

Master piece of shit

Literally 60,000 tickets opening weekend.

How will big dick Nick ever recover?

Right just a pedo following instead


I thought that the dead body that Ruby fucked was Abbey Lee who had killed herself, so I was confused when she later turned up at the house.

It's a line from the movie.

he'll porbably never make this stunning and engaging movie again. What a shame, I was pulsating every second of neon demon
I can't remember last film that sucked me in its unholy atmosphere like this one. Gotta watch this couple of times before i can't say anything surely. Unbelievable movie but i understand why it bombed

What an awful line from the movie

Holy fuck it was boring and pretentious

im gonna go see it tonight alone

Was it advertised anywhere?

I'd assume with names like Keanu Reeves and Elle Fanning people would at least accidentally show up.

Don't worry, you'll be the only one there.

How long before Refn goes full Jodorowsky? He already homaged Santa Sangre in Only God Forgives and Neon Demon had primal symbolism with an emphasis on body fluids.


>listens to floral shoppe once

people saw the trailer with average trailer music and figured its just some movie about "white grl problems" or black swan ripoff. Then the cannes reaction started spreading and teenage horror fans avoided the film probably. Also keanu reeves wasn't shown in trailer.

torrent when?

>titcow and Keanu got top billing despite appearing in a total of 4 scenes

I think people only pretend to like this movie because they think the image of the girl with purple blood on her neck is "cool".

But it was booed for being edgy right?

Teens love that shit.


When the movie ended and the "For Liv" dedication came up, the Cannes critics shouted "FUCK YOU LIV"

Not if it`s about the flaws in femininity.

Sounds just like the kind of person who would make The Neon Kino.

it wasn't edgy in the right way (a scene of girls cannibalizing their oppressive chauvinist manager or something like that would've be edgy enough for teenage horror fans) But edgy in a fever dream way, with saliva dripping between painted lips

Is this movie worth driving an hour away to some random theater to watch it by myself?

I'd say it's an experience worth having yes. Just let yourself get lost in the dream.

Good thing, went with one of my friend, he totally regretted it.

me too

Yes, for visuals and OST alone.

Go for it. No matter how good your screen is, some of the scenes won`t translate well on non-cinema screen.


did u fug

I was kind of disappointed. Too much attention was given to dialogue and story. Should have been a much more vacuous product from that point of view, for it to truly achieve perfect aestheticness.

A few observations

>The Neon Demon appeared twice, once in the runway, and once when she took Dean to the Bar, when she came to get him

Overall, a very entertaining film with lots of humor.

what is this sort of review? is it positive?


Not really, I went to see that movie for this reason and even if it was perfect in that, the movie is still boring and bad. Not worth the 2 hours experiences.


moar liek his masturbationpiece lmao

I understand when people excuse some of Terrence Malick's cornier work (The New World, The Tree of Life) by saying they just get lost in the experience. Malick is genuinely talented at creating stunning images. Since OGF, Refn's visuals have been stuck in film school.

>constant neon lights
>lens flare filters for fucks sake
>slowmo blood

Went I got out, I thought that the film would have benefitted from Malick's way of narrating stories.

I loved the score
Very Blade Runner Vangelis like
Any other scores like this apart from Martinez's other films?


This is the only movie after OGF and has more in common with Drive visuals than with OGF

Malick's atmosphere sucks and constantly gets stuck with a boring monologue about "oh.. .power of love... power of love.... oh... power of love....love oh...humanity... power of love"

Thin red line would've been a perfect war movie if he cut all that bullshit about the soldier dreaming about his wife whos cucking him "oh... power of love.. .love... oh love that surrounds us... what is left under... love.. power of love"

I completely disagree. Drive wasn't 75% scenes bathed in neon light like this and OGF are. And neither of them are done in desaturated high contrast like Drive.

Oh please, Malick did more in 10 minutes of the Knight of cups about the modeling shit in LA than Refn did in 1h50.

>being this cynical
I will pray for you

I didn't think single time that real modeling world would be anything like depicted in neon demon. i thought it was more like strange horror zone set in modeling world

WTF i hate the fashion industry now

> 75% scenes bathed in neon light

There were less than 30 minutes in neon light you fucking liar and you know it.
>the party
>the demon dance
>the dream sequence
>the runaway
>that one shot in the corridor with the knife

All the rest was very drivelike

Not him but Drive didn't have many scenes where the entire set was drenched in a single loud red or blue color like in Neon Demon and OGF
Drive was more noirish with the night scenes often having a single yellow or white light illuminating the frame

Cant you guys fucking read?
God it's like those facebook cunts that only read the headlines and not the article.
Read what I've written.

What scenes in Drive had the whole scene bathed in a single light?

this movie had too many fetishes lacing it

I was horny the entire fucking time