No one else hyped for this?
No one else hyped for this?
Got the whole first season months ago for the Emmys. Didn't watch didn't vote for it. No hype no interest
No, I just finished the first season and didn't understand the hype. The show could perfectly be written by an edgy 15 year old.
I'm sure Reddit is.
You'll get nothing from this thread dude.
Sup Forums loved it when it came out, and while the last episode was pretty much a clusterfuck, the series in general has been fairly interesting and well done so far.
Only people who dont like it are over-analytical jealous fucks who are literally exactly elliot and are just mad someone didnt show him pissing in bottles or making fun of liberala on Sup Forums.
Are you sure those are the only people who think the show is silly?
how do i get myself to look like eliott
i wanna be dark and sullen like him
found the normie
be egyptian and be cute
I found a torrent for the episode 2x00
Wtf is that? A recap?
>dexter meets fight club meets hackers
>who are literally exactly elliot
I promise you that anyone intelligent and/or skilled enough to do what Elliot's character did in the show would see how fucking pointless and retard it would be to post on neo/tv/ about how they have a tv show.
This board is 99.9% unemployable losers.
>dexter meets fight club meets big bang theory
Behind the scenes documentary isn't it?
Oh look the viral marketers are back. Thank the lord above this shit will probably be canceled after this season.
Fair points but Sup Forums still oozed over the first seasons initial run.
Hacker maymays aside the show did actually use proper terminology so it seemed real enough. The steel mountain bs took it a little far though.
Diversity and Daddy Issues: The Show
get it
It really messes with me how the episodes are named like scene releases from the 00's
I'll probably watch it for based KDE man
It's just gonna be more DUDE CAPITALISM IS EVIL LMAO and him fucking despite being an autist with a frog face
don't know why it's cool to hate for Sup Forums this show
it's pretty good comparing what's airing on right now.
so yeah, i'm hype
I want to like it, I like the look of the show and the themes should be right up my alley
but the edge. The amount of edge
top-tier cinematography. it's the only reason I bothered to continue watching.
Could you elaborate? I honestly don't understand what people mean when talking about the show being edgy.
Watch the show first before you start shitpostin, retard
I find that when shows talk about corporations running things, there's a fine line between going overboard and sounding like a 16 year old who just saw fight club
there's a clip of him talking to a therapist or something, and going on an internal tangent about complaining about suits at the top controlling the people, and it reminds me of a contrarian kid in school who thought he knew everything when he got interested in politics and watched zeitgeist too many times
maybe I'm judging it harshly based on what I've gathered from years on this shithole of a board, maybe I'll give it a chance. But that's the impression I get
>going on an internal tangent about complaining about suits at the top controlling the people
He never said anything close to that. This is it word for word:
“Krista asks,"What is it about society that disappoints you so much?"
Elliot thinks, "Oh I don't know, is it that we collectively thought Steve Jobs was a great man even when we knew he made billions off the backs of children?
Or maybe it's that it feels like all our heroes are counterfeit; the world itself's just one big hoax. Spamming each other with our running commentary of bullshit masquerading as insight, our social media faking as intimacy.
Or is it that we voted for this? Not with our rigged elections, but with our things, our property, our money.
I'm not saying anything new. We all know why we do this, not because Hunger Games books makes us happy but because we wanna be sedated. Because it's painful not to pretend, because we're cowards.
I find it hard to disagree with any of this, guess i am a 16 year old edgelord then.
Not really. It had decent mood and direction, but ultimately too many plot threads went nowhere and had no impact on anything, and the life hacking thing became retarded (trans hacking time wat).
And people are right it was hugely overwhelmed by its low tier edgelordery and didn't say anything.
No. I lost any interest after first season.
>shoehorned muslim hacker
>drugs are rad dawg
>script kiddies ddosing
>muh 99%
And the bad guy wasnt bad enough so they had him beat up a homeless guy and choke a bitch.
No, I've lost all interest.
Looks like Sup Forums is out in full force today.
I'm pretty hyped. The show is a nice deconstruction of anti-establishment media.
it's the way he's saying it. I agree totally, but the way he presents this is in this "look at me, i'm different" sorta way. As if it's news to anyone. He's just trying to shock.
It;s like they're trying to fit in as much edge as possible
>"Oh I don't know..."
>"Or maybe it's that..."
A load of complaining and whining and no solutions. He's not saying anything of value, just "things are bad and no one knows it but me"
Not him but that's kind of the point, you're not really meant to think Elliot's some insightful figure, he's a severely mentally ill anti-establishment hacker who works cyber security for a despotic supercorporation.
>bad guy
Maybe you should watch the show since my post is 100% accurate to the show
Why are the complaints/criticism for this movie so half asses, what the fuck Sup Forums? You can do better than this.
>muh edgy character
You're supposed to look down on Elliot, you're supposed to call him edgy. He's not fucking Shadow the Hedgehog. This are his views, not the show. You're not supposed to idolize him. Can"t you accept the fact that some people are just not as "mature" as you are.
terrible b8
They are just crossposters who don't understand how subtlety works. They just take everything at face value.
>capitalism is evil
Thats not what the show is about at all. A lot of people clearly state that what Elliot doing is fucking crazy and bullshit.