So can we all agree that this is the only good scene in BvS, and that this is how Batman fights should always be handled?
So can we all agree that this is the only good scene in BvS...
We can all agree this shit doesn't need 30 threads
>only good scene
We can all agree you are a boring, super-obsessed autistic cunt with no talent or life beyond making these threads every day for months.
>Adam West show, TAS, Tim Burton, Chris Nolan all completely define how Batman will be viewed as a character for an entire generation
>Snyder creates a live action pale derivative of a Batman vidya series
What the fuck was he thinking?
I'm going to start filtering "can we all agree".
Think for yourself cuck.
Seemed kind of silly to me. Boring too, like they thought watching batman jump around a room pummeling nameless thugs without effort until the last 10 seconds or so was compelling action.
Check your T levels
Yeah i thought the action was well done but the context of it sucked, that should have been an opening scene for Batman imo
Hi roid ape
Isn't the point of batman that he doesn't kill people?
I hate Batman's no-kill policy. When he's severely outnumbered and outgunned he should just pick up that AR and fuck them up.
The movie alludes to the fact that Batman's tactics have gotten more vicious due probably to what happened to Robin, the Metropolis battle not exactly helping his frame of mind
There's a new kind of mean in him.
>So can we all agree that this is the only good scene in BvS
No there were other good scenes.
>The opening sequence
>the city destruction on the perspective of Bruce
>The Nightmare scenes
>The Batmobile massacre
>Bruce training before he fights Superman
>The fight
Majority of what made the movie amazing is all the Batman scenes. Snyder should have been more heavily focused on him.
I still think that Snyder should have done Man of Steel 2 first (include all the BvS Superman/Clark Kent scenes in that) and perhaps a separate Lex Luthor film before making then the Dawn of Justice film which would have been more Batman focused and therefore would have gotten way better reviews instead of cramming so much content into one movie where heaps of people became bored.
>nightmare scenes
>training scene
>the fight
All shit
You need to fuck off right now
i'm gonna start filtering cuck, because no post that was worth reading has ever contained it
Are you mad? It's just the truth.
Agreed. Also the sound design is a mixed bag in the whole scene...some of it is good and parts of it sound out of a can.
Editing is the same mixed bag. Example is when batman pulls the knife out of his shoulder and goes to stab the henchmen, there's an unnecessary cut to batmans would have worked better if it was just a 3-4 second moment of batman stomping over and shanking the dude.
The choreography though is excellent, I'm sure it took a long time to shoot this shit.
I guess that blood splatter was added in?
Yeah added to get the R
The irony that Affleck replaced Bale and yet has become American Psycho Bale
I love it!
Batman sucks
He doesnt kill, but now he stopped caring about NOT killing you. But he wont try to kill you, if by circumstance he does kill you then he doesnt feel guilt
This is all retconned in Justice League btw.
>mfw I have to still wait a month for the steelbook edition to come out