When is it OK to hit a woman? Protip: everytime. Webm very much related, she really asked for it, watch all 56 seconds

When is it OK to hit a woman? Protip: everytime. Webm very much related, she really asked for it, watch all 56 seconds.

got a youtube link?

... and bonus, a falcon punch.

is this guy retarded? walk away, dumbfuck.

Looks drunk.
I'm surprised that girl stayed up for the first three.
I'm surprised he went for three, most guys would come to their senses after the first.

When your life is in danger, just like how it should be when hitting any one "person"

I believe in equality so if she's punching him then he gets to punch her. especially if she starts it.

t. woman

Did you cut your dick off for equality?

If so, tits and timestamp or gtfo.

>When is it OK to hit a woman?
Feminists demand equal treatment regardless of gender, thus it is always OK to hit women in a scenario that would otherwise involve similar self-defence.

This always looked staged to me.

He gave her a million chances and she decided to hit him a million and 1

why do I find this hot?

when my preferred pronoun "your grace" is not used

What if she was yelling Why did you rape and murder my sister!

the same time its ok to hit a man.
the only difference is you go a little bit easier on the girl. unless shes big

cause it is staged 100%
Why it still shows up here? fuck if i know

1. he's drunk
2. theyre bf and gf. he cant just walk away

Awesome... you don't wanna be hit, don't hit nobody!

show me something i haven't seen 100 times already, newfaggots

Then it must be time to rape and murder her.

Enjoy your stay, faggot.

no, I was born with a clit. guess that means I don't have to post since I haven't cut my dick off/been circumcised,

if I get mad enough to punch a guy he should be able to punch me back. it's only fair. I both accept and welcome the challenge.

Then return to step one.

tits and timestamp or gtfo

you're directly contradicting the earlier statement.

>Did you cut your dick off for equality?

>If so, tits and timestamp or gtfo.

As I said, I have not performed or otherwise received any genital mutilation, therefore I am exempt from your guideline of having to post anything.

I was just offering my opinion, you're welcome to take it or leave it friendo.

My rules don't change the general rules.

Tits or timestamp or gtfo.

*tits and timestamp

you're not very good at this, are you.

try browsing for a few more years, maybe expand your boundaries beyond Sup Forums and then you'll be able to properly formulate your statements. I believe in you and wish you the best, friend!


You the nigga that puts political bumper stickers on your car. You the nigga that watch 24/7 news and repeat all that shit like its facts. You the nigga that squeeze all the goddamn tomatoes before you decide you don't want one tonight. You the nigga that actually takes the damn surveys after a service call. You the nigga that tell the telemarketer about how offended you are she called. Bitch got a job! She don't give a fuck about you, but you don't care, cause yo ass got something to say. You count calories for everybody but your goddamn self. You the nigga that use a recipe from the internet, then put a comment under it about how much you liked it after you changed every goddamn ingredient

>t. woman

tits and timestamp or gtfo.

So simple, yet you try to complicate it for who knows what reason.

Maybe she is not retarded and doesn't want to show some ugly fuck who doesn't even exist in her real life her tits.


You trolling me? Because I'm a master troll and have seen better.


She should have been beaten to death.

If a woman hits me with the intent to harm me, she gets hit back.