I'm laughing my ass off so far. Pic is an actual unironical shot in this movie

I'm laughing my ass off so far. Pic is an actual unironical shot in this movie.

How can they allow Hack Snyder to even show up in Hollywood?

>I don't like something.
Nobody cares. Thread hidden.



>crawling around the ceiling like he's spiderman

come the fuck on


>Hey there


>attacking Snyder for his shots
youre out your depth


memes have deluded you, it feels like you are trying really hard to not like it, but whatever.

That pic is sickening

BvS fucking rocked m8. This scene was particularly badass too

unbelievable, has Nolan been pressed for comment?




This is your average low IQ cross poster that praises superhero movies.
/film/ when?

I'm laughing my ass off so far. This is an actual unironical submitted post in this board.

How can they allow fag OP to even show up in Sup Forums?

I'm trying my best to distance myself from all the hatred, but it's still stupid and laughable.

Because they allow cancer like you here too. You don't actually think only you redditers are allowed do you?

Someone spent time doing this.

Booker T likes capeshit?


>when you try to be kojima of the movie biz

>When memes go too far

>i am very smartly than you are

Seriously mang? This make you feel like you got a big dick or something?

Fedora detected.

The fact that someone made these is enough proof that DCU is inferior

Superhero movies are fedora distilled to its purest form

I think we can scrap past 20 years of fedora core and just list movies that came out in the last few years.
Autism is off the the charts.

Is this supposed to be a complete non sequitur?

>First generation of Waynes in Gotham were hunters
>Whalers were hunters
It's not that if you use your brain

>yfw most of the fedoracore films are actually decent to excellent and are persecuted for their shit fan/cuck-bois

What the fuck does pelt trading have to do with whaling?

You know if you go back in time a few hundred years literally 95% of Americans are hunters right? It's how you ate.

It helps to convey the connections between Batman's hatred of Superman and Ahab's hatred of Moby Dick

That's why they're called fedoracore you mong


fair enough with mythical religious implications, but they were done so poorly.

man of steels Jesus Glass Clark in church was 100x better than the bullshit scenes in BvS that served no purpose.

BvS was a bad acted poorly edited grainy bland flick. There's nothing more too it.

Gadot casting alone proves this.

there's no connection retard

pure capekínémàtography

This movie was fantastic and I'm glad me thinking so triggers people here.

You are a retard

In what way?

Please explain this in literally any way further than "Ahab hates Dick and Batman hates Superman"

Quite literally the one of the worst 2016 movies I've seen so far

This isn't 1999 for this to be considered a masterpiece you religious nut. I didn't want a brooding manchild with a messiah Complex, I wanted Superman.


People are good at saying this yet always fumble like retards when asked "why do you think that?" So I won't even bother.


If I list off the myriad reasons why Batman and Superman is complete garbage will you stop liking it? Of course you won't. I won't waste my time and everyone else's. What you mean by engage in discussion with you is ''Why don't you agree with me ;__;''. If i engaged and curbstomped you thoroughly i would receive a swift retarded rebuttal full of insults (just like that one) because that's all plebeians like yourself can do when faced with people like me.

My ''elitism'' (as the insecure state so oft) is merely inherent from my ciniphilic nature and want for a better board with a better community. I mean not to startle and insult those below me, but one must pave the path ahead with the blood of the common man. And that is you.

Try IMDb, after you fail to kill yourself like you fail everything else in your pitiful life.


tell me how batman v superman is worse than any marvel capeshit without using buzzwords like "quips" and "fun"

I haven't seen any marvel movies save for Hulk 2003, Spider man 1/2/3 and Iron Man 1

>all these haters not believing in Batfleck

pretty patrician desu

I saw Avengers 2 which I liked, saw parts of 1 but have no desire to watch it in full. I saw Antman that I loved. Civil War was pretty mediocore but fun I guess. Definitely have no desire to watch the Thor movies and don't at all want to watch Guardians of the Galaxy.

Don't fall to the quips meme, watch Avengers and Guardians and form your opinion later. I found both to be solid movies, Guardians is a good fantasy sci-fi movie and Avengers is a good multiple super hero movie (Avengers has a weak start though)

dont let this manchild convince you that capeshit can be good in extended universe or hyper self-aware form