What is the most effective way to hang myself? I only have trees and rope no tall buildings or guns

What is the most effective way to hang myself? I only have trees and rope no tall buildings or guns.

Ask /diy/, they're good for this sort of thing.

How does one hang himself with a gun?


you a dude or chick ?

if dude - fucking die already

if chick - dun do iit baby...

I'd try to find a different method, you need a significant drop to break your neck, and you're unlikely to successfully suffocate yourself on try one.

People always say to shoot yourself instead. Just saying what shit I don't have.

Where the fuck did you get a rope user?

I'm a guy homie

I plan on being really drunk if that helps

We just have a bunch lying around

Climb 20 feet into a tree with a 15 foot rope, noose tied. Slip noose over your head, tighten not on the side (not the back) of your neck. Chug a liter of 80 proof liqour, or higher. Contemplate what you're doing. Jump, or don't.

Nope, that makes you more likely to fail, your judgement will be off. Seriously, do some research, the worst thing that could happen to you would be to be stuck in hospital and still want to die. If you can't find a reliable method, maybe try getting help to make your life better. Suicide attempts fail a lot more than you might think

I'll have to see if I can find a big enough tree for my fat ass. Thanks user

Just jump off a cliff, dont risk it. Do a dive when you jump tho so the impact caves your skull in and kills you instntly, you don't wanna be a suicidal quadraplegic.

If you have to drive somewhere far away just do it, maybe youll see something on the way that makes you want to live again, who the fuck knows.

I'm going to be in the middle of 50 odd acres of woods so I probably wouldn't be found in time if I fuck up idk

I don't know of any cliffs around and I unfortunately can't drive anywhere. My car is fucked for some unknown reason

No one cares how you do it OP only that you do it.

Thanks user

It'd still be a really bad way to go. I dunno man, I can't stop you, but I would seriously encourage researching a strategy or rethinking your decision. I don't know your life situation, but maybe it's not so bad you can't turn it around?

Hows the center of attention feel OP?
Also use a thin metal wire instead of a rope so it will slice your head clean off.

You don't die of suffocation, you pass out from lack of oxygen to the brain in seconds and die.

Isn't that what suffocation is? Lack of oxygen to the brain?

Eh, I'm about to be kicked out of where I'm staying and going to a homeless shelter. I fuck up every chance I get at bettering myself. I've been thinking about this for quite a while in all honesty.

It's weird. I rarely make threads. That's an interesting idea though. I've got a bunch of spare mig wire though it might be too thick

No, it's a bit different; when I tried to hang myself I almost passed out from the constriction itself. It wasn't like I couldn't breath, actually I felt very warm and peaceful and was still breathing.

So how does oxygen fail to reach the brain when you're still breathing?

Compression of the arteries =/= compression of the wind pipe

Well whatever choice you make, best of luck to you. I hope you succeed and don't painfully fuck up whatever you try, whether it's suicide or rebuilding your life

>fat ass

You got a disease or some shit? If your life means so little to you, then pick up a barbell and lift that shit until you give yourself on aneurysm.

If you fail to achieve aneurysm mode you might get some test in your sack and feel better about yourself.

So which is suffocation, windpipes or arteries?

Suffocation feels like not being able to breathe. Think of being buried alive. Death of hanging feels like passing out without there being enough time to feel the lack of oxygen to the lungs. You don't have time to suffocate consciously, you pass out too quickly. That being said, don't mess around with short drop hanging (the noose is surprisingly deadly).

Death by*

I've always been fat. Even when I used to lift for football I felt basically the same

Ooh ooh. I heard this one. He stood on a block of ice and jumped. Then the block of ice melted.

So it's constriction of windpipes? And don't worry, I'm definitely not gonna fuck around with hanging

why do people try oto make him rethink it? why do you care so much about whether one person dies among billions?

I thought it was a murder, cause she wrote the letter with her right hand, but the gun was in her left.

I would assume that both windpipes and arteries are constricted by the noose when hanged. However, the effect from constricting the arteries is much faster and that's why you pass out rather quickly.

the same

Why care about anything in life, nothing you do will matter one or two hundred years after you die in a universe that'll exist for billions of years

the airbrushing is real, holy fuck

then you either did it wrong or right, when i was lifting weights i barely noticed any visible difference, i could definitly tell that i got stronger though since the weight kept increasing every time i went to the gym

You misunderstand what I'm trying to ask, but don't worry I googled it. Thanks anyway

i lost my will to live too thinking about suicide every night

ill hang myself this month

And the surgeon was a woman!

ill murder my family and ex wife first and rape some kids definitely. before igo