Why are there so few quality female directors?
Pic related, only one I can think of.
Why are there so few quality female directors?
Pic related, only one I can think of.
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Agnes Varda
Chantal Akerman
Why are they so few quality female ______?
You will find this true for almost anything non degenerate. Women just aren't talented enough/ don't apply themselves.
Kathryn Bigelow is talented.
Sofia Coppola and Mary Harron each made a good film once.
Aside from the one you already mentioned no others spring to mind.
Even in a time now where the materials to make a film are more accessible than ever, the means to distribute and find a global audience are easier than ever and women seemingly outnumber men in university level art courses 2 to 1, women just don't seem to have anything of value to offer in the world of film.
Kind of like the Chinese but without the excuse of having creativity and access to films restricted by their government.
Nicole Holofcener is pretty good
Are there any that aren't lesbian molesters though?
Nope. Being fucked in the head is the price you pay for being a good director.
Most women are emotionally retarded and lack artistic vision. Throughout all of history, across all cultures, men have led artistry. Most great musicians, playwrights, composers, writers, poets, etc. have been men.
Most women are terrible at truly sympathizing with someone. They're more superficial than the average man. This makes it difficult to express oneself, write characters, or direct in a way that others will understand.
Because you have to manage a big crew, plan out, give orders. In summary you have to big a good leader, and most of the times women can't be good leaders since they are educated to vitimize themselves and never take responsibility for the team's actions.
it takes a long time to become a good director and to become someone people will trust a lot of money to.
most of the women who would have become those directors started their careers during a time when women were actively shunted out.
What quality directors are active at all nowadays?
Make up your mind Sup Forums, Hollywood is either a degenerate Jewish men's club for pederasts and perverts, or a liberal equal opportunity paradise where women don't get ahead because women lack talent. It can't be both.
Thomas Anderson, Scorsese, Miller, Fincher, Boyle, Inarritu, Cuaron, Miller to name a few.
the list goes on..
Is that two different Millers?
Yep. Bennet Miller and George Miller. Didn't realise was just listing off the top of my head.
>quality directors
>George Miller being relevant or quality since the 80's-90's
>implying george miller isnt relevant
fury road got an oscar nom for best picture and made money, he's objectively relevant
quality is up for debate though
Is Penny Marshal a lesbian molester?
Zack Snyder, Joss Whedon, Bryan Singer
the one that did marie antoinette is pretty good isn't she?
>they're bad directors because they're universally acclaimed as great
Michael Bay
Women aren't into directing as often.
Women are simply inferior.
>they're quality directors because they're acclaimed
Appeal'd to popularity so hard.
Can...can I vote for Jodie Foster?
Woman directors just copy male directors. Sophia Coppola copies her father, Kathryn Bigelow copies James Cameron. They have no creativity of their own.
For some reason I hate movie covers where the characters are all looking off in different directions.
No mention of Leni Riefenstahl? Come on people
Dunno about the latter, but yeah to the former.
Women create life. Thats enough.