this guy basically proved
this guy basically proved
he seemed to be pretty agile and strong though
Ozy was all CHA and no INT
Bubastis was the real hero of this story.
thats the point, dude stacked INT and was able to acquire both AGI STR in the process
Based Thirty-five minute Man
He was clearly faster and stronger than inky and the owl guy
>Alien psychic squid is too far fetched and weird to include
>Still have Bubastis with absolutely no explanation
I think the film ending is fine but Snyder should have just said fuck it and kept the Lovecraftian beast in. Unless the studio told him to change it.
His collar looks like a dead negro vagina being penetrated by the new guy in the morgue.
Dr. Manhattan being posed as the villain always made more sense within the context of the movie than the alien psychic squid since Snyder didn't want to waste any time on Adrian's science boat.
That's fair, but I don't get what Blake's supposed to have seen that unnerved him to that extent in the film. If it was that Veidt is trying to replicate Dr Manhattan's power signature to massacre people, that doesn't seem like it'd rattle him as hard as a genetic catastrophe like the alien. I can live with either though.
you seem to know an unsettling amount about what a dead negro vagina looks like
Took the same I always choose
including Confirmed Bachelor
Yeah supposedly he must've seen "something" and your guess is as good as mine and that scene where he's crying in Moloch's room is the one scene that bothers me the most because this one really doesn't make a bit of sense. Not even the Ultimate Cut expands on this, so if you didn't read the comic you're basically left wondering.
I have a sign up out the front of my house that reads: "dead nigger storage"
Well, Ozymandias is technically INT + AGI + STR. The guy killed the comedian without breaking a sweat. He stops bullets with his bare hand. He is a mastermind, but had developed his body and skills to perfection
It's been a very long time since I read the comic but what exactly is the explanation for him being initiate ly faster and stronger than owl and RAARRRL? If I recall wasn't the whole deal that the only one with legitimate powers was Manhattan?
He's a total Mary Sue, he has them all maxed out
*infinitely faster and stronger
what the fuck is this AGI thing you retards keep parotting? it's DEX
Watchmen spiritual sequel Pax Americana when?
AGI is S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Which is Fallout
>not having both
Well, the idea of killing millions of people and knowing that it is for the greater good can be enought o make a guy like the Comedian go nuts. He won't tell anybody because he understands it's for the better. By veidt can't trust him going drunk and talking nonsesnses with formers supervillains.
I guess how that massacre is gonna happen is irrelevant.
Is he Gary stu?