What are the worst episodes of The Simpson's golden era? (Clip shows excluded of course.)

What are the worst episodes of The Simpson's golden era? (Clip shows excluded of course.)

My nomination is Homerpalooza for obvious reasons (Like how it's horribly outdated now, Bart & Lisa are written out of character to the point where they're basically the writer's stand in's.)

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I always found Homerpalooza to be one of the "comfiest" episodes

if I'm being honest I always kind of hated the fucking Be Sharp's episode

I thought Homer was the writer's stand in in that episode.
Bart & Lisa here just represent the younger generation

Why do you hate it? I respect your opinion, I'm just curious.

Why the fuck would Bart care that Homer is wearing a Rastafarian hat? Lisa yes, Bart? No.

Because it's fucking lame to see your dad wear it?

I always found Dancing Homer to be the most boring classic episode.
>big city plot
>sports related episode
>unnecessary song by Tony Bennett
>no real stand out jokes/moments
>despite being season 2 nothing in the episode was important for the overarcing series aside from being the first episode to feature The Goofball mascot

Hate me all you want, it was the only episode I routinely skipped when it was on TV before the 12th season premiered.

Not the same poster.

The whole premise started from out of nowhere. At least in Homerpalooza The school bus got destroyed and Homer tried to act cool to the kids. Which is very relatable because every dad tries to act cool when they are not.

Homerpalooza felt more organic. The Be Sharps episode started from "oh you did this major thing you never explained before" schtick .

I was going to say Marge Be Not Proud like everyone else should but then this guy came along

Dancing Homer is just a boring, uninteresting episode.

How is it outdated? The bands aren't as popular now but that has absolutely no relevance to the jokes in the episode. Smiling politely is now just as good a joke as it was when it first came out. It's not like there aren't still music festivals.

> (Like how it's horribly outdated now, Bart & Lisa are written out of character to the point where they're basically the writer's stand in's.)

Smashing Pumpkins and Cypress Hill were hot during the 90's. If this was a Zombie Simpsons they would have had some 80's band in the 90's

I can relate to Bart and Lisa's disgust for Homer trying to act cool. Homer listens to dadrock. That's disgusting.

the one where germans buy mr. burn's power plant. I don't remember anything happening in between the start and the end where burns gets his power plant back


>season 2
>golden age

I love that episode

I said it was a classic episode.
Keep your tipping for Sup Forums.

oh yeah that was only highlight

There was something about this episode I always found kinda depressing. I actually don't think it was supposed to be that comedic of an episode.

I always found that one pretty funny. You never see "all germans are nazis" jokes on tv anymore

This and Marge vs. the Monorail, thought the Batman joke is one of the best ever.

Every flashback episode about Homer & Marge being young and falling in love.

>Homer getting the girl by saying he loves her and not having the $$$ first.
>Homer gets a job by stomping to Mr. Burns' office

The Germans buy the power plant and are extremely benevolent. Except to Homer, because he is a horrible safety hazard. Homer is the only person fired. He gets drunk and angry as Mr. Burns happens to be the bar, taunts him, and Mr. Burns buys back the power plant because he needs to be feared. He re-hires Homer as part of his "long term revenge plan" which he forgets about.

Ton of great gags in that episode.

I don't remember that one. What happened?

Every episode where Marge and Homer's relationship is the central plot is shit except for Mad Marge

>Germans are evil nazis for firing Homer Simpsons

Real classy.

>Starting next week i'll be a Nuclear technician
Dr Hibbert:

Episode is okay for that one moment.

I'm German and I loved it.

there's also the part where the germans slowly start to realize how much of a barely-functioning disaster the power plant is and end up begging Mr. Burns to buy it back (at a profit for Burns) at the end

That wasn't the joke though? The joke was that they were absolutely correct. Homer only gets hired back because Mr. Burns is a terrible owner.

The Germans are Nazis thing was Burns pissing them off.

>Rich millionaires hire people if you stand up to them verbally or with force.

Is this true?

Homer has stood up to Burns many times through the series and Burns respects him. When Homer punched him Burns didn't even fire him. He was terrified of him. Coming from a man who could hire an assasin.

When does the golden era end?

Episode 180 which was episode 2 of the 9th Season.
Look it up.

>she's faking it

>Episode right before Lisa's Sax

No. Lisa's Sax was the Swan Song of the classic Simpsons



>Season 9
>Golden Era

I despise Season 9.

>Homer being the most ruthless person in the entire show
>No comfy episodes
>No feelgood endings
>Moe getting more limelight
>Lisa becoming more annoying

Is there a consensus that the TOHs declined in quality at a later date from the rest of the show?

Season 10 TOH was ok, the big problem was that TOH episodes stopped being pure horror/Halloween riffs and started turning into general sci-fi weirdness anthologies without much of a horror aspect after that.

This one has to be it
The pace is a mess and the animation is extremely weird

It always depressed me how Homer failed so hard. This and Marge Be Not Proud are the least comfy episodes.

I usually say 2-9, but 2 and 9 have some stinkers, imo.

Starship Poopers is the jump the shark moment for Treehouse of Horror

I always hated the Frank Grimes one, and think You Only Move Twice is alright but grossly overrated.


the one with the dolphins marked the end for me, it was the first time I really thought 'wait a minute, this sucks'


the episode where sideshow bob steals a nuke sucks

Be Sharps. Very awkward tone, doesn't make sense, and not particularly funmy.

and george harrison's lines are all shit

but they were right
homer is a shit employee

>You Only Move Twice is alright but grossly overrated.
kek, it's imdb's highest rated simpson episode

i thought it was good, but it can't be the best if it has a special character.

The 2nd Christmas episode marge not be proud

Officially tho season 9 ep 2

I really like the concept but it just didn't work with only 22 minutes.

Anyone else feel like really bad for Homer?

He overcomes his retardation and physical limitations on his own and he's able to gracefully fly through life, but that whore Marge is always there to end up ruining his life.

Like is this the perfect display of how deeply uncompassionate, selfish and degenerate women are?

Homer displays the best human qualities despite being limited and retarded, serves his country and becomes successful all while Marge is out doing hard drugs and being a whore.
He's so loyal and compassionate that he becomes a straight up fucking cuck. It's hard to feel sorry for a cuck, but you have to remember that he's literally retarded.

After ruining his life and regretting it she still shows no fucking empathy and takes advantage of him and his retardation yet again.
Like after all this shit she KNOWS she can still use him. She acknowledges that it's wrong but she's still too selfish to stop herself.
Like what type of awful person would repeatedly emotionally torture a retarded man for that long? Why couldn't she just finally fuck off?
And then the fucking cherry on the cake, "haha sorry Homer but you've got aids now. All you wanted was love but i was out being a whore and brought you aids even though you never deserved that."

Who here actually believes the kids were even Homer's? She was just dying of aids and wanted someone with a shit ton of money to take care of her kids who she irresponsibly had with a man no longer in her life.

Even in death she continues to burden Homer. She leaves a retarded man her ex-husbands children to take care of independently.

Moral of the story: Women think they can get away with anything and retarded men enable it because they love pussy

Fuck the patriarchy bullshit, the world moves on a woman's hips

>Topes lose....topes lose...topes lose

The episode where Lisa babysits Bart gives me second hand anxiety.

Go home chief wiggum


Would The Principal and the Pauper be a valid answer? I mean it marked the decline of golden era Simpsons while still technically being part of it. If not, probably something from season 1, a lot of those episodes were too serious for their own good and had overall bad animation. Homer's Odyssey comes to mind.

Chief wiggum go home

let's post some good prime simpsons jokes that aren't beaten to death in every thread

>Hibbert: Cheers to Homer Simpson, for his recent charity work!
>*Everybody cheers*
>Hibbert, returning to struggle with his car: Jeers to this rusty tailgate!

>Suspect is hat-less, repeat, hat-less!

>I also convinced Paul McCartney to leave Wings.
>You idiot, he was the best one!

>episode where Lisa babysits Bart
>episode where Bart steals a videogame
100% uncomfy

>thats good homer, but they already made some movies about world war 2

>Marge: I've been so bored since we moved here I found myself drinking a glass of wine every day.
>I know doctors say you should drink a glass and a half, but I just can't drink that much.

That episode felt uncomfortable as fuck

I was watching Bart Sells His Soul the other night and was in tears when Homer slips on the skateboard. Not because he slips, but before he gets there he's singing a song about walking.

>dragging around your mangled, unconcious little brother in a wagon

what the fuck were they thinking

>episode where Bart steals a videogame

What season/ep number was that? I literally never heard of it

Heh, Marge Be Not Proud was always one of my favorites. I'd rank it as the best Simpsons Christmas episode.


I'll have peace on those terms.

What that episode lacks in good writing it makes up in comfiness. This and the summer beachhouse episode where lisa dresses like a hippie were both super comfy and used to always air back to back in syndication.

Yes! fucking yes

That's the joke, they were very good managers and sacked a bad employee, but obviously Homer makes them out to be the bad guys.

I think a Street Car Named Marge is my least favorite.

First off I think the Maggie Rugrats style B-Plot is so out of place for The Simpsons. It's just cutesy animation with no real heart or satirical bite attached to it.

Homer does lots of shitty things within the first 4 seasons, is not being very supportive when your wife is doing a crappy Community Theater really that bad? That Marge wanted to fucking murder Ned while envisioning Homer is just more disturbing than funny.

It's just a boring episode, and I fully reject the claim "Marge Be Not Proud" is worse, Marge Be Not Proud" gave us a moment that'll live on for ages.

It kind of faded out. I'd say the first inklings of it ending were season 8 and it was totally over by season 12.

I loved the Maggie French resistance thing.

>All the these people not liking Marge not be Proud because "muh comfiness"
You're all plebs
Also what's that episode where Bart and Lisa get sent to military school? That one was kind of boring

Lisa the Beauty Queen.

He is 2 years her senior.

Any of the episodes prominently featuring celebrities

>Advantage, Burns.

Wow I was going to argue that wasn't a Golden Age episode but then I realized it was Season 4.

And for the record I consider Bart The Murderer the start of The Simpsons Golden Age. I mean how can you not love a Mafia Parody episode.

What's one of the more depressing Simpsons episodes? From any season really.

>wow these lyrics are really affecting the crowd
>eh, making teenagers depressed is like shooting fish in a barrel

That was golden age? I could've swore that ep came out in the early 2000s.

I must be one of the few people on here who likes S1, for me golden age is right from the beginning until the end of S8.

Bart The Murderer is solid gold, I can see where you are coming from.

I was like season 7 or 8 iirc

I feel I might be in the minority when I say Flaming Moe's. Fucking hell I can't stand that episode.

That and the Gabbo one and Krusty has some comeback special with Bette Midler

Dancin' Homer will always have a place in my heart because it's the first episode I really remember sitting down and watching.

But I agree it's kinda dull outside of a few moments.

>All the these people not liking Marge not be Proud because "muh comfiness"
This. That ep was definitely one of the best written Simpsons episodes. The Bart and Marge relationship really brought the feels and Joe from Reservoir Dogs was hilarious as the security guard.

Oh don't get me wrong Season 1 and 2 are great. But I think the writers just perpetually kept 1 upping each other until hitting a peak in Season 3 and keeping that until Season 8.

>Fun Fact: As showrunners Bill Oakley and Josh Weinstein assumed that they were producing the end of the show as most Sitcoms don't go on for more than 8-10 Seasons. That's why Season 7 and 8 have Meta as Fuck episodes like "The Day The Violence Died" and "Itchy & Scratchy & Poochy"

Ah, I can agree with that.
>that fun fact
Oh if only they were right and it ended on a high note.

I always skip that episode

Its very comfy and still funny to this day

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It would have been fantastic had the show just ended with the Secret War of Lisa Simpson.

Lisa graduating the 2nd Grade is a nice endcap to the series.


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