Sticky when?
RIP, my dear friend
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MODS why there is no sticky yet?
Apparently mods only sucks GoT cock and nothing else. They know nothing about times where even mid-tier cinema could be great, especially from Italy.
quick, post best Bud Spencer moments
I'll watch full Banana Joe movie in my spanish language right now
they're all american teenagers that only watch capeshit, dr who and got.
I guess his movies werent a big deal in america? I can only speak from germany, he is very well known here.
This wouldn't happend if we got /film/ in a proper way.
What's the best piece of music/song from his movies?
My vote goes to this one
I am really surprised, as a SW fan, how Bud's death is affecting me.
He had a few interesting roles in all that before it went all comedy, but even from that point of view, the dude seems to be a really nice guy.
And i remember those sundays night watching Miami Supercops and other movies. It was a lot of fun.
Good bye Carlo.
Just a couple of years ago I went to the signature session in Schwäbisch Gmünd. I won't ever forget that moment when he signed my book and, after I said thanks, looked into my eyes and gave me a short smile. What a great day.
I feel bad being italian and never meeting him in person.
Why not going to the funeral on Thursday?
I'm going to his funeral thursday, there will be a lot of people and it will be hot as hell but i don't care, he gave me so much and the least i can do is give him a last goodbye, with hundreds of others.
Where will it be?
>Du brauchst gar keine Plüschaugen zu machen, als wenn dir der Abschied schwer fällt, das zieht bei mir nicht!
Rome, Piazza del Popolo, nella Chiesa degli Artisti, Basilica di Santa Maria in Montesanto.
>24 got threads up right now
>15 superman shilling threads up right now
never again tell me this place is any better than any kiddy forum, it's pleb central
I remember when the second spiderman reboot film came out, the same shit, bunch of manchildren all of you
Please keep board drama out of it.
Except for making this thread a sticky already, of course.
Sup Forums is the Reddit of Sup Forums.
But seriously, on Reddit at least there are several good discussions going on.
Mods Sticky PLS
>Gott sei mit dir
Warumn das?
>Weiß auch nicht. Das weiß nur er
Greekfag here and I just want to contribute that he was very well known here, particularly in the '80s and '90s. He was a childhood hero for many of us.
If you are unfamiliar with him, you can find out just what he was in these 15 seconds.
PS. Mods, this is well worth of a sticky.
Man stickies are nothing but meme shit and trolling, why do you want that shit to shit on Bud's death? This way the involvement of people who don't know or don't care is kept to a minimum.
only true legends get a sticky
Mmmmmmmmm... I have to say, yours is a pretty good point.
This. Mods are the heros weed deserve, but not the ones we need right now.
That's a very warm memory, user. Lucky you. I grew up watching his movies in this third world country, good moments in black and white.
only true legends get a sticky
Sup Forums is a bunch of idiots that never actually plays videogames. I'll post this here, is a videogame inspired by Bud's old movies.
Because 75% of the people in this board are either too young, stupid or pleb tier tasted to know him.
So even if one new person is reached with this it was worth it
>be Terence Hill
>good old buddy dies
>people starts calling you to use you and take advantage of his death and of your friendship with him
>can't tell them to go fuck themselves because it would make you look like a dick
>do it anyway because you're fucking Terence Hill
RIP in peace Bud. Everyone should watch this movie.
What's the story here, if there is one?
Omg it looks great
Truth be told, Sup Forums or Sup Forums are the reddit of Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is more like some gathering of Facebook kids and retards.
>Bud Spencer
>Bud S
>duB S
Not really true, user. Nowadays, not making a fucking twitter can be considered a blasphemy, even if you are an old man, you need to go with the flow, even if is as stupid as post in facebook, instagram and shit like that.
Vultures are gonna be vultures.
>that horrible english dub
God dammit no wonder anglos don't like these movies.
Quality sucks, but it had to be done.
btw I legit cried earlier. idk why.
>Bud was a big guy
>Terence is literally CIA
That's a very good job user, no kidding.
Thanks user.
Underrated post.
Sticky for our hero!
Ne búsúlj komám, hiszen az angyalok is babot esznek.
Szép álmokat Bud.
I'm genuinely surprised by the complete lack of interest shown by the burgers. I thought he was at least a tiny little known there. I guess the only american saddened by the news is Quentin Tarantino. Say what you want about him but at least he knows cinema history.
FInland demands sticky!
I'll turn this shit into a general thread if we don't get a sticky.
Start with a quick survey
Favorite Bud Spencer movie:
Favorite Terrence Hill Movie:
Favorite with Both:
>I guess the only american saddened by the news is Quentin Tarantino.
>Favorite Bud Spencer movie:
Bud Spencer film collection
>Favorite Terrence Hill Movie:
Terrence Hill film collection
>Favorite with Both:
Bud Spencer & Terrence Hill film collection
Mods are american millenial shitlords
No source sorry, mine was a not so wild guess. After all, being the spaghetti western buff that he is, he MUST know.
My Name is Nobody
Watch Out, We're Mad!
He is not saddened, he knows that now he won't be bitchslapped if he ever stole scenes from Bud's movies.
This list is exactly mine.
Ace High
My Name is Nobody
God Forgives... I don't
Canadians loved him tho, at least the bunch that speaks French.
But Bud does fly good...
Proof that the bad english dubs are to blame.
>Favorite Bud Spencer movie:
It Can Be Done Amigo
>Favorite Terrence Hill Movie:
Don Camillo (mostly because I used to watch it with my mom when I was a kid, when se was alive).
>Favorite with Both:
Is there anything he can't do?
bump for great justice!
Making another movie
He once said he's done everyhting except ballet dancing, being a jockey and politics.
And since ballet dancing and being a jockey were out of the question, he ran for office.
English dubs for the Trinity movies were marvellous though.
Getting a fucking sticky due to fucking burger pleb mods.
>hat dir eigentlich schon mal einer mit einem Vorschlaghammer einen Scheitel gezogen?
Wenn du noch einmal mit den Augen zwinkerst, zwinker ich mit den Fingern!
Und was mit den Kohlen?
Sauf doch nicht so viel Mensch, friss lieber was von dem großen Igel, der schmeckt.
Sorry, but my favourites are Double Trouble, Crimebusters and the one where they are super agents. Just like with the episodes of X-Files where Mulder & Scully are separated, it's not the same when they aren't together.
>he didn't live long enough to become a jockey and ride cloned mastodons
So wie du jetzt so sah mein Opa immer aus, wenn er Holz holen musste
aging sucks
Guys, there's a great torrent on KAT with all movies Bud Spencer and Terrence Hill have made together.
Downloading that Italian collection right now.
So literally all of his roles had the same shtick. Him being a big guy beating everyone.
Even Hitler wants to know what's up with the coals after he ran out of gas
You didn't see either Colizzi's trilogy (the last movie was bad anyway) or A reason to live, a reason to die by Tonino Valerii
you don't like it? are you a faggot or some other commie asshole?
Yeah pretty much.
That is why he works well with Hill because they can do different jokes with their physiques and switch up the slapstick.
We haven't got a sticky so far, but I'm actually pleasantly surprised seeing all these threads about Bud. Didn't expect anyone on 4shits to even know about him and Terence. Granted, they're buried among 5000 GoT threads, but I can only feel pity for anyone who didn't get to grow up watching Bud&Terence. Watching the movies for the first time today isn't gonna feel the same.
No man I love it. I just find it funny
Can any Italian-user translate the farewell dialogue in the end (4:36) with Terence Hill? It must be heavy on the feels.
I don't know. I sort of envy anyone who gets to see them for the first time now.
It is not just nostalgia for me. I genuinely love these movies.
Bud Spencer and Terence Hill.
Slapstick and Ham.
Great combination.
>Hey! You planning to starve us to death?
RIP big guy.
Thats my favoirite song