So how much more do we have to be shown before it's okay for us to realize this shit is poorly timed, poorly written, ripped off humor?
So how much more do we have to be shown before it's okay for us to realize this shit is poorly timed, poorly written, ripped off humor?
Other urls found in this thread:
>sex jokes
>race jokes
>fart jokes
>80s reboot
Who is this movie's target audience?
Out of touch executives.
Fuxk I made it 5 minutes then couldn't handle anymore
How did this meme begin?
I saw soms guy shitposting braaaaaap on /int years ago already
They don't seem like well behaved scientists at all, they look like idiots on a rampage.
It's like a bad spoof of the original.
So he wasn't lying...Fatties: Fart 3 really was coming down the pipeline.
Fuck you, you can't do what I do.
Man, that's exactly how I feel. The originals actually felt like they were professionals, even if they were dabbling in pseudo sciences....but this? It's just a bad joke.
Did I just watch the whole movie?
I think what's annoying the more I see is they're relying on that akward style of comedy. With long pauses or really stupid embarrassing things happening.
Why is she so qt guys?
She's trying too hard to be cute and quirky. But I blame the writing rather than the actress.
I want to punch her after the "waah waah" face.
Exactly I was gonna wait a couple of month to maybe watch it on cable but now there's no need. Fucking trailers gave all the movie away, but that's something that happens to most movies and can't be attibuted to this one in particular.
That Wiig is qt tho, in a weird way
Fuck Will Ferrell for starting that ad-libbed style, "Okay, I'm going now... Just gonna go over here... Yep, just this way, you know?... I'll be seeing myself out.... Hop skip and a jump... we, are, now, walking, away..."
It's like he's really a person talking on the street! You know how indecisive and annoying we all are in day to day conversation? This is so much better than a concisely written script with actual jokes.
The whole movie can be summed up as "indecisive."
>The originals
>Bunch of competent people out of their league in their associated fields
>Have to deal with the supernatural in a world where no one believes in it, and have to fight tooth and nail for credibility and clients
>Hire a black guy because literally no one will work for them because they are a joke
>Hire a frumpy female receptionist because that is literally 99% of small business receptionists
>new movie
>world's best physicist is a female
>world's best engineer is a female
>world's best mathematician is a female
>All of them are Ghost Bustin!®
>Hire a black woman because she brings the street smarts (and diversity!! :3). What, you thought three white people could do this alone? xDD Donald Trump is literally Hitler!!
>Chris Hemsworth is the hot male receptionist because there's so such thing as reverse sexism, you misogynist!!
>Stay puff is no longer the chosen form. Who would even remember that?? We need nostalgia for all those brain dead millenials! I know, just use the Ghost Busters ghost logo!
>Use crude humor with the actresses literally getting into fights on set over who gets the most jokes. This is a comedy!! Slime. In. Every. Crack!!!
Fuck this new movie.
Post feet pls.
Just shoot 'em in the dick!
weird. im sure it will still be shit and im not gonna see it but that restructuring made it slightly more bearable
>it will haunt you every night.
That's what the trailers are doing to me right now.
Fieg might be one of the only Hollywood people whom I would love to punch in the mouth really hard. He is the ultimate hack.
>laser has recoil
But he's proof that you can shit out a literal steamy pile of garbage, call it "film", and then have people pay to see it and sell merch for it.
No one wants to see bull dykes and fat bitches on the screen. No one.
>Please women, step on my nuts as I lay here, show your dominance come on Leslie. I am getting turned on".
Almost certain he's gay.
So what fetish is this called?
This is the Dan Akroyd guest appearance.
All he does is stop the car as someone is yelling at him and he says "I ain't afraid of no ghost".
That's it!?
ball busting
Will Quentin see this movie?
Why is based Tywin degrading himself with this
There is literally no way I am going to watch 8 minutes of this movie to find out what you're talking about
B-But, how could you not like such a talented individual?
Looks like it could be enjoyable torrented while stoned as fuck d3su s3np41 f4m1ly
Hell, I'm open to femdom, at least mildly. Whatever. People are free to have or experiment safely with whatever kinks they want. Yet don't make it the point of your fucking movies, especially when remaking something wholly unrelated.
Well, Dana/Zeul did call Peter subcreature and that is pretty sexy, but it's like Feig is projecting his own kinks or just what he thinks will sell. Kinda reminds me of a less gay Schumacher Batman.