So what are the chances LSH will appear next season...

So what are the chances LSH will appear next season? I thought it'd be S6 if any but given how the BwB didn't get introduced until the last minute I think they could do it in the first episode of S7, thoughts?

Pretty slim. But then again they ended up introducing Coldhands in a roundabout way after I thought all chances were gone.


She'll be a zombie wizard in the final battle where Jon Snow (you know nothing LOL!) will be forced to kill her and he will and he'll make a quip for her making his life hell growing up.

Yeah they seem to just be taking things from the book that they haven't covered yet, but are making it last 3 seasons.

I think that it might be Blackfish though, what with the kind of unnecessary mention of him in Ep10

Frey is dead. Literal no point to her coming back now.
Sweet summer child's first /got/ after season. give it less than a week and chill out.

Absolutely none. They brought Beric back to pretty much just replace her. The Frey threat is pretty much over anyway so there's no point.

for what purpose?

Shut the fuck up. I had to deal with every thread being about Star Wars last December for a whole month. This is payback

Hopefully never. Out of all the things in the book LSH is by and large the most retarded.


Really? Over 'sunset found her'. And even if LSH is the most retarded shit ever, they can make time for her or any of the thousands of stories and characters to pick from rather than long awkward silences followed by shitty humor, cock jokes, dwarf jokes, bad poosay, smells like pusseh to meh, etc. They waste so much time per season that half the season is filler when they could be doing something useful with it.

they'll probably give her plot to Mellisandre, shes heading south the BWB are heading north

give up now since the freys are dead

No fuck off. No one needs sentient magic Lord of Light zombies. Why not just rez Ned while you are at it? Or everyone that has died?

We get Beric and Jon Snu but you complain about LSH?
We have half zombie Benjen
Jon Snow Jesus
Magical assassin Arya
Girl who can't be killed/harmed by fire
Shadow Pussy Babies
Giants, Dire Wolves, Lich King Zombies.
But no, one resurrected Stark mother is just way over the line.

It's the fact that she was dead for so long before they revived her and her plot serves literally no purpose except to teach the Red Priest not to go around rezzing everyone cause they might come back as a blood thirsty monster.

i've been expecting it for the past 3 season finales now but the ship has sailed

with beric alive and frey dead there's no way it's happening

>her plot serves literally no purpose except to teach the Red Priest not to go around rezzing everyone cause they might come back as a blood thirsty monster.
Indeed and a satisfying lesson/reason why Melly/Thoros and any other Red priests can't just go rezzing people all willy nilly. And much more interesting than fart jokes.

Thats all fine and good in the books but the show has 13 episodes left. No time for that and its not necessary.

I'm no Sup Forumsemicist but no way would the show bump a strong female character for a man these days. It'd go against the show's ethos.

Arya will be killing Freys willy nilly and will run into the BwoB doing the same. Sandor/Arya reunion for a couple of good scenes. More central characters converging (presumably headed north, for more character convergence).

Lady Stoneheart is fucking stupid, I'm glad they cut it out.

Has resurrection been done right in anything, books, movie, series, videogame... ever? Or meaningfully?

It always looks something from shonen manga or juvenile works where there are no guts for killing major characters.

This is actually a pretty interesting question. I'm sure there has been but I can't think of any. You should make a new thread for this.

Kinda depends. Sometimes it's to get writers out of corners they wrote themselves into. Like Jons to get out of the Watch, or Aslan's to trick the White Witch. Sometimes it's like you said. Kinda hard to say.

I just remembered Gandalf. I liked that one because he wasn't that easy for him to get back. And he wasn't the real protagonist so the resurrection wasn't forced to do the main struggle (Frodo's journey) easier.

huh try THE BIBLE, kid

shaking my head

Almost 100%, though it won't be Catelyn it will be Lancel.