What would Sup Forums do during The Purge?
What would Sup Forums do during The Purge?
seed torrents
Shitpost as hard as I can
Kill all game of thrones fans
Record MLB games without express written consent
Run out and end my miserable existence as quickly as humanly possible
Post threads not related to game of thrones.
Ring someone's doorbell and then run away before they answer.
Kill niggers
I'm coming for you, Krager.
Get cucked
Torrent films
Kill as many sjws as I could
>$0.02 has been deposited into your account
Insider trading.
Vote hillary
Drink a regular Coca Cola at the cinema.
Hack into a bank and steal all their money.
steal a Sup Forums pass
can you imagine if you were a cop and your team was like were gonna go kill some illegals meet us at the office. then THEY all run off and gangbang your wife, then YOU have to work with them the next they as their showing eachother pictures and videos?? fuck that movie fr tho, it's a little too dark for me
Watch a movie
Next year you murder your wife then murder them and their families
Have a bowl candy sit out on my front porch saying "DON'T EAT ANY PLEASE" but have them laced with poison
I don't know why I laughed so hard at this
Steal a balloon
Hack Sup Forums's mainframe
browse Sup Forums for all the happening threads
Teleporting all over the place while swinging my overly long katana
Kill leftists and nu males.
>mfw all the livestreams of people killing and being killed
Honestly, I'd probably just hide but if I were a huge asshole I'd just start a bunch of fires everywhere. In fact, the night before I'd hide tinder all over the city and then throughout the night I'd run from place to place when it was safe and start lighting them
torrent all the movies
>next year
>Execute large scale financial fraud from your comfy and safe home
>Government can't do shit
>Repeat each Purge
Congratulation you won! Be sure to spend a percentage of your profit on increasingly potent security or a flight out of the country
Watch that one stream where Sup Forums tries to get a mob together to kill SJW. Only to be killed by the first black person they run into.
Leave the theater and go to whatever is playing across the hall
Shill shitty films on Sup Forums.
Take a shit in people's bed
make friends with /k/
I would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
I work at a bank. I would stay late, and move everyone's funds to my account, and move the fuck out after the first purge.
Everyone you work with has the same idea and it turns into a bloodbath, last man standing battle in the bank.
what the fuck is this post hahaha
No they didn't.
Rent video tapes and return them without rewinding
>buy gun to kill ex gf's
>Step outside
>immediately get beaten to death
Pirate the first purge movie.
underbated toast
Hopefully be scheduled to work. I work in a highly secure control centre as a guard, alone. three inch bulletproof glass and everything. I'd deactivate everyone else's key card at the start of my shift (can only be done from inside the building) and reactivate them again in the morning. normal keys won't get you in the building, and if they cut the power, we have about 8-9 hours backup power. Somebody would REALLY have to want me dead if they wanted to get in here. I'll arrange for my family to meet me outside the building right before the purge of course so they can hide with me
If I'm not working, then I drive way out to the country side a few hours before with my family. Park my car, take my gun and walk out a good half hour or so from where I parked, then just hide.
rape and slaughter every qt i could get my hands on
Get trips
download lewd anime
Watch the Ghostbusters reboot in 1D
Masturbate into my neighbors post box.
Post burning goose on facebook
I would kiss that fellow in your image
Not shilling on Sup Forums amirite?
I'd get a multipack of soda and sell each can individually.
Kill my wife's son
I'd sell loose cigarettes like mah boy who can't breath
It releases on Friday, and I haven't seen the entire plot leaked yet.
I have no idea how America's economy, society, infrastructure and government can possibly survive the Purge. It would just be too damn devestating. Foreign powers and terrorists would exploit the shit out of it.
hide tinder
Rip the tags off mattress, steal some cable and maybe go loiter later if I feel up to it.
i would rob a cinnabon and gain 300 pounds
The purge is a fucking autistic movie
You mean a lot of people just wanna be fucking Jason Voorhees?
Such a retarded ass fucking premise
you telling me you would shoot or ranover a least one person?
So, the true purpose of the Purge is to kill all poor people, right? How does killing the poor actually benefit the powers-that-be? The poor are consumers, if you kill a bunch of them you lose revenue and you lose a bunch of minimum wage workers.
Not a crime. Its just to indicate to the checkout person that you took the can from a multipack so you have to pay for the the whole pack
Cuck fetishist please leave
help other people (especially ladies)
Knock off a few pharmacies
Purge movies are literally retarded
If they weren't retarded financial institutions would shut the fuck down that day
This means it's a shill, you gullible fucks.
>the next they
>next they
Go find Jordyn Jones' house
pee in the street
user's greatest fear during the purge: getting cucked
rape girls out of my league
Sup Forums would stalk, kidnap, and rape any woman/girl that their lonely eyes want.
You monster.
I wonder how many anons would have the backbone to murder someone they have a grudge against?
They explain in the movies that banks move their money out of the country just before the purge.
In Purge Anarchy, they reveal that the military, firefighters, police, and ambulances are still on standby, they just don't respond to normal people.
"Murder tourism" is part of the premise for the 3rd movie though.
Even a group of NEETburgers with guns can be dangerous.
Having a Purge day would solve a lot of America's race problems. Just kill off the people that nobody wants.
So all Americans have to do is go to Canada or Mexico for a day and it's all good?
And non-Americans are allowed to purge? How does that work?
Why does Reddit hate her?
Poor people are usually non-whites. Better to have white wage-slaves than mudslimes.
They're not BANJI enough
We've seen them kill white poor people too.
Gotta kill a few whites or else it's too obvious. If nothing but poor black/brown people died in the Purge, there'd be massive riots. The fact that whites are thrown in the mix, it doesn't cause as much of a stir.
If I had my way, I'd kill every urbanite black, spic, and Oriental.
I don't know about you guys, but I thought Purge Anarchy had an awesome soundtrack, especially the commencement song. Gets me pumped.
Anyway, why doesn't anyone just use a Molotov cocktail. That's all it would take to destroy all of LA in a single night since there's no firefighters.
Nobody in their right mind is gonna hurl Molotov cocktails when somebody could easily cap your ass. Only if you were in a hugeass group would you do something crazy like that.