AC/DC is noise

AC/DC is noise.
It's really hard to listen to one song until the end without being annoyed eventually.
It's almost impossible to listen to a full album.
Please tell me I am not alone. Or if you disagree inform your age.

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Ah, clearly you cannot appreciate good punk music. Guess you run around listening to people like Adele and Kanye 'West' (him choosing that surname still stands as one of the most retarded things anyone has ever done).

but your rules applies to me as well?

Back in Black is awesome, fuck you.

No. Not at all. I can listen to classic rock radios for hours without perceiving anything but when a song of ACDC comes, it eventually annoys me. Always. That's fucking noisy. That voice and that music are literal noise.

Led Zeppelin is better imo

Can you try to not sound like an idiot? Every sound is literal noise, friend. And do you know what perceive means? Because you used it poorly there.

oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi

See me ride out of the sunset
On your color TV screen
Out for all that I can get

If you know what I mean
Women to the left of me
And women to the right
Ain't got no gun
Ain't got no knife
Don't you start no fight

The music is annoying, but holy fuck the vocals make me want to put nails in my ears and hammer them in. Worst vocalist of all time. FUCK AC/DC

AC/DC is certainly noise, but the noise is actually good. You've just listened to so much Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, and Katy Perry that your brain is broken. Play the following albums on repeat until you feel better:

Highway To Hell
Back In Black
anything by LZ (as in everything)
Dark Side of the Moon
LA Guns (title album)
anything GnR released before slash quit
motorhead (cba to find the accented o symbol)

good luck

AC/DC is for 12 year olds who pretend like they listen to hardcore music

dont forget the stones faggot

>Led Zeppelin is better
>Shows pic of Deep Purple

You forgot Let There Be Rock.

fair enough.

>acknowledges rocking is imminent

I agree.

If you can't handle overdriven guitar then Hard Rock may not be the music for you.

AC/DC signature sound is deliberately a distortion of Blues achieved by playing it harder and louder than the gear can handle. Obviously the energy that ensues from this style and sound has resonated with a lot of people, considering Back in Black is the highest selling album by any band of all time.

If it grates on you then it just isn't to your taste. I'm sure you're not alone, but nor are you in a significant majority. That's personal taste for you.

50 years old white male. AC/DC rocks. Rock and Roll as a whole is dying though.

i second this

>Please tell me I am not alone.

you're alone.

>Or if you disagree inform your age.


Also, if you cant cope with AC/DC, I wonder how you'd manage other classic rock and roll like Motorhead.

I third this. Easily Amy Winehouse's best album, absolute classic.

yeah, Nirvana had to come along and fuck it for everyone

There is some decent songs with the first singer bon scott. His voice isn't bad but the music can get a bit repetitive and boring. Brian Johnson(back and black and after) on the othet hand annoys the living fuck out of me.

I used to love AC/DC when I was in middle school. I'm 36 now and yeah I don't know what I ever saw in then but I was a kid.


As someone who likes power metal, I'm pretty good at toning voices out. But AC/DC is a special kind of shit, sounds like a midget caveman singing.

>Midget Caveman
whats the difference?

i am 18 and i like acdc fuck yougo listen to ariana grande then fag

you are gay. wrong and gay.

I am 52 and my first concert was KISS and AC/DC in like 1977. I grew out of KISS pretty quick, but never grew tired of AC/DC. I don't really listen to them often and have gone from heavy metal to new wave to punk to gothic/industrial, but AC/DC is just one of those classic bands that will never be forgotten.


I prefer Black Sabbath

>I am 52
Every time I worry that I'm too old for Sup Forums at 36, some faggot like you comes along to make me feel better about it.

the beatles is the best tho


lol, there's a few of us oldies on here. Often find others in nostalgia threads.

mfw theyre widely considered as the kings of the best era of punk

I'm usually a Metal guy, but I've listened to a lot of Rock back in the day. I never warmed up with AC/DC. I don't like the way they play, I don't like the way they sound, I don't like the voice.

u wot m8?

What? Are you having a giggle, mate?

>greatest band all of time
>no Mayhem
What the fuck, guys?

>Nirvana had to come along and fuck it for everyone

It was already fucked.
Everything genre becomes to extravagant and ridiculous until it looses the it's roots and ruins it's self.
Nirvana and the whole grunge scene was like the punk movement of the 70s, going back to the garage because people could only take so much of the 80s happy hairspray and faggotry.
The grunge scene exploded and coexisted happily alongside the likes of Megadeth and Metallica.
Rock became all emotional with ballads and shit in the late 80s and the metal and grunge of the 90s was a breath of fresh air.

78 yr old male here and you little shits don't know what you're talking about AC/DC and Nirvana were both really good bands and are both worth listening too.

Everyone is getting butthurt: the thread.

KYS ...hard rock or just rock and roll...

I only find them overrated.

Fuck you if you dont like what the majority likes: the thread.

Rock and roll ain't noise pollution

The Brian Johnson era is like a chainsaw to the unexposed brain.
Doesn't help that commercial radio and everyone else plays it fucking incessantly.
Eddie van Halen once said the really only have one song (then added that it was a fucking great song, but I disagree).
The bluesier Bon Scott stuff I still like.
But honestly, I could go the rest of my life never hearing AC/DC again and be totally fine with it.

can we just all agree that dubstep is shit?


Angus Young was quoted as saying "I hate it when people say we've made 10 albums that sound exactly the same, because it's just not true. We've made 11 albums that sound exactly the same."

rock n roll aint noise pollution

Goddam I hate those jew faggots.