Big Brother General -/bb/

autism for everyone edition

previous thread: Head of Household (HoH): Nicole
Power of Veto (PoV): Paul

Up for eviction on thursday: Jozea, Paulie, Bridgette

>Bunch of free streaming places got nuked by cbs because they were posted here

>New season and people still asking for the ones that survived to be posted

Other urls found in this thread:

Which way is the house leaning, eviction wise?

jozea because regardless of what he thinks of himself he is not the glue

3rd for cutest

>tfw her and viktor would make a good couple

>tfw haven't been able to watch the feeds since Friday
>don't know if the stream I have has been nuked yet since I haven't been at my computer

I'm holding my breath bros, I don't have a backup plan.

Anyone have decent pics of Shelly from BB17? She was super cutie.

No one here is a grave robber, degenerate.


don't be jelly, they are gonna hookup


he won't be around long enough for that



oh yes i was hoping someone captured this

Hello /bb/ I just unboxed my new router hopefully I can start watching the feeds soon. Thank you for reading.

has anything interesting happen at all since the feeds went up?

We saw Bronte's titties.

Also Jozea has been hilariously delusional...that's about it.

tiffany has been cute

vanessa comes back and switched with tiffany when

we saw michelle's also

corey and nicole did their working workout
>lifting with an arched back
reminder that corey skips leg day


when she was readjusting her pixel top yesterday

>tfw it's pouring rain irl and i'm watching the livefeed
is this the ultimate comfy?
might cop a hot choco desu

>not eating oatmeal when your favorite houseguest is on slob
step it up fampai

I'm having a four loko and a cheeseburger and chicken sandwich from the 2 for $5 burger King menu

/bb/ senpai that have a waifu, why did you choose your waifu?

I like when she smiles

Miss me yet Sup Forums?

BB Africa is pretty terrifying desu

She gets me rock

oh summer child, you dont know the first thing about waifuism

you're waifu chooses you

shes perfect

Jozea by a long shot.

And the funny thing is, Jozea and the people he's close with (Paul, Nat, Bronte) have absolutely no clue. Thursday's eviction with be an iconic blindside.


is helen in danger or i she just a pawn? havent rly watched anything this season

Should I get bbviewer?

Her voice makes me diamonds


I use bbviewer over the player on cbs because I can watch the quad cam and switch which audio plays

Hmmmm. Who does she remind me of? I can't put my finger on it.




that sounds worth it. Does it really break that often?

Not that often. But currently it's down.
Just follow the guy that made it when he updates.

So who's actually watched this show before out of the cast?
>all the returnees
everyone else doesn't know anything, jozea didn't even know who zingbot was

tiffany has

yeah that's obvious I forgot to include her. Corey also doesn't seem completely out of it but he's not too knowledgeable.

ok I'm stupid I meant to type michelle instead of Nicole also. she knows all the past house guests

reminder that jason was the ultimate bb fan and deserved to come back and get another chance since davonne ruined it for him last year

michelle has over 5000 confirmed r/bigbrother posts

Go back to twitter, Jason.

Bridgette made comments about shaving reddit's eyebrows before she'd resuscitate her. When reddit found out she wasn't pleased and spoke to the cameras about ensuring Bridgette couldn't work as a nurse again.

That's ok I'll take care of her for the rest of her life.

dumb kpopposter

How different is this to the UK version ameribros? Our show is going to shit and thinking of switching and watching your series from the 1st and up, but what are the changes?



The worst part was Bridgette is super innocent and added "I'm just kidding" at the end but when people retold it they left it out.

all hail tiff

The first season is very similar, but American culture didn't fit very well with it.

Season 2 is where you should start - the main difference is that the people in the house are openly allowed to discuss the nominations, and they themselves vote on who goes home. Every week there's a competition to determine the head of household (HOH), that can be skill, or luck, or endurance. The HOH nominates two people for eviction. In season 2 that was it, and all the houseguests just voted on which of the two they wanted to leave, but since then they've been adding more twists. A standard one for the past, like, 14 seasons now is the veto competition - another competition is held (again luck, or skill, or endurance), and the winner gains the ability to remove one nominee from the block and the HOH has to pick a person to replace them.

As a whole, the US series is less about wacky personalities in the house and more about lying, scheming, and backstabbing.

>you don't have to be the prettiest lookin girl, but if you're just so down to earth and so chill I'm all about it

>Tiffany has daddy issues

Ok thanks for the info.

who doesnt

Who are nicole and frank talking about right now that they decided is the weak link? I think its davonne but I don't remember anything about awnings

who the fuck said that

>Nobody here is praising Zakiyah's ass
Homosexuals. All of you.

Paulie said it to Tiffany. Then they talked about being nerds lol XD

viktor interviewing jozea and paul get in here lads


Nicole and Frank are getting some big bonding time in though. They're also making fun of jozea and paul for talking about their instagram followers right now and hoping they get internet famous rather than playing the game

where do i watc hfeeds free help

what the fuck paulie how is she not pretty you cuck

Now corey making fun of them for the instagram talk and calling them out for wanting to be actors/models.



its giirrrrr

natalie looking ridiculously gorgeous right now

Holy shit Paulie has the worst taste in music ever
>50 cent
>breaking benjamin
>papa roach

>Davonne was called to do Survivor but was told she didn't fit the theme.

m8 how far behind are you

I think Nicole and Day are both terrible BB players that have such a huge built in advantage this season

10 mins


Testing. Just downloaded a Sup Forums app. I guess Clover is no longer on the Google Play store

I rarely ever phone post but fuck I got a new phone and saw it wasn't there to download and got upset that I didn't have my old phone to transfer it over

What's she doing with that cucumber?


James is cooking a grilled cheese in the way that ruins a stick of butter and would enrage my autism so fucking badly. I now understand why Ian took all the punishments, it kept him sheltered from rages like this.

Lets say, Jozea "The Messiah" gets voted out this week, but then comes back from sequester and re-enters the game by some miracle. It would be the second coming of the Messiah and the shit would hit the fan. I can't stand the guy, but would love to see the beautiful chaos that would happen with him back in the game. ja feel?

but only one or two people actually like him


so Paul is obviously here trying to get hired by a clothing company

>alien talk comes up
>we'll be right back fish screen

Yeah we know this show is run by ayy lmaos


>Jogay telling more people he's a messenger for the newbies

I hope he tries to disappear from the world after Thursday even Michelle is playing him now.

Bronte and Natalie say there are both half hispanic / half italian. And I can guarantee their hispanic halves are mostly Spanish with very little indio blood. Same goes for Victor and Glenn Garcia.

It's hilarious that white SJWs think these fucking criollos count as racial minorities when they're >80% european by blood.