Fucking HOW?
Did Daeny send a dragon to pick him up and fly all the way back?
Did he enlist the aid of a warlock with teleportation powers?
Does he have a Doraemon Door?
Fucking HOW?
Did Daeny send a dragon to pick him up and fly all the way back?
Did he enlist the aid of a warlock with teleportation powers?
Does he have a Doraemon Door?
Other urls found in this thread:
He met her in the sea with Dornish ships god damn pay attention
Just because it's the same episode doesn't mean it's the same day you fucking retard
>show with magic
Are GoT fanboys really this stupid?
Duh, he has a clone army he calls "little birds", read the books.
Why would Dornish ships sail out to meet her at sea where they could get wrecked instead of waiting off the coast for her arrival?
His little birdies are fast as fuck lad
I know you guys are pretending to be idiots, but it is very clear that the scene of Dany sailing to Westeros had happened long after Varys took his trip. You could even see the sails of of the sun pierced by a spear.
If cutting off your dick gave you teleportation powers would you do it?
It's actually a pretty hard choice.
I figured it was the other way around Dany is already there when old bitch meets sand bitch
>Dany does not have a single scene with Varys prior to this
>Dany exiled Jorah because he USED to work for this guy
>is now inexplicably part of her inner circle after teleporting across the entire world
Fucking bravo D&D
How the fuck are they supposed to get to westeros then?
That last scene could have happened weeks later.
That scene takes place months later. There's also Martell and Tyrell ships in her fleet.
honestly, question like these are the reason i rarely Sup Forums anymore. it's like everyone just got stupider in the last few weeks. i'll stick to /lit/, even thought that board is suffering as well.
It's a pair of identical twins, I'm calling it now. That and John will find out he is a secret Targ when he comes face to face with a dragon and it doesn't eat him.
This show has been pretty bad since day 1 at showing how much time has passed between events. The last episode was exceptionally bad at it. Went from the building blowing up to grandma Tyrell already knowing about it in Dorne all upset with Varis to Varis being back with Khaleesi to showing Dorne, Tyrell and Khaleesi's shps all together.
Also Arya going from dying to back in Westeros killing the Freys.
Top kek
But I thought they needed Dorne for the ships to bring people from Mereen to Westeros so that would mean the ships would have to go there and load them up first.
You genuinely have autism. Please seek professional psychiatric help.
how much time passed between the dorne scene and getting on the ships?
can you not just assume that it's some time later? I did
sometimes over the course of an episode weeks would pass in-universe
the only way they could get around this to make it obvious to idiots would be to have every character start their sentence with "it's been exactly THIS long since we left location X and now we are here" or to have the time and date announced at the start of every scene....which also wouldn't work because their calendars and clocks work differently to ours in terms of measurement, so it would essentially mean nothing to the viewer
Where was Grey Worm?
Would some good old Lucas wipes made it easier for you to grasp?
That's because Jorah was bad with words. If he told her that Varys specifically warned him about the assassination attempt and intended for Jorah to save her, she'd mistrust Varys, but wouldn't punbish Jorah.
Basically, Jorah's a fool.
>Each wipe leads to an establishing shot of a planet/ship/space station, instead of directly to an interior scene
This is why Disney Wars suck.
Just deal with it nerd LOL
And the giant intricate dragon thing on the front of the ship...I imagine that took a while to design and cast and mount on the ship
But he doesn't have a cock :^)
>time only passes when I see it on screen, dammit! Spoonfeed me!
I'll spoonfeed you my cum ;^)
good thing nothing else at all plotwise happened sequentially in those 8 months of sea travel from mehreen to dorne and back, amirite?
That still makes no fucking sense tho
He was too busy leading the Unsullied on another ship, couldn't make it to Dany's photo-op.
>wanting boring scenes of him traveling
Its not as if I am using it anyway.
>Westeros lords know about Daenery from season 1
>she's sacked three city, won a Dothraki armada, bred three fucking HUGE dragons since then, she's won over thousands of ships and is moving on to westeros
>Nobody in KL gives a fuck
>the High Sparrow is just TOO IMPORTANT
Fucking Qyburn is useless
He's wearing the same clothes.
>halp! I can't understand time unless it passes accurately in front of me!
If every scene is set during day do you assume the entire episode is one day?
Does cutting out his travel time of staring at waves diminish anything other than your autistic insistence that they drag it out needlessly?
Tell me, cocksucker, exactly what is now worse because we didn't drag his trip out over 8 episodes?
But isn't "Grandma Tyrell already knowing about it" indicating that several weeks has passed?
>won a Dothraki armada
>Dothraki armada
Please learn what words mean.
or could it have been one of the faceless men?
Yes, he went overland with a fleet through Valyria. the land covered in fire and demons instead of sailing around it. Genius.
You're only highlighting how retarded and short sighted this actually is in general, not disproving his very basic point.
Hmmm, maybe he rode one of the hundreds of ships that Dorne sent to Mereen after the alliance negotiations to help carry Dany's army? Could that be it? Surely not that, right?
No because he has a huge fleet of fucking Martel and Tyrell ships.
are u genuinely retarded?
>8 months
Probably more like 2 weeks one way, that's about how long it takes modern ships to cross the Pacific and the Pacific is way way bigger than the NARROW sea
Dorne is in Westeros brah
Not him but they're on the sea now so I guess they became an armada.
Do you honestly want them to waste more time on showing travelling like with Sam and fucking Gilly? Is that compelling tv to you?
Fuck off.
It's also pretty roundabout to get from sunspear to up where dany is landing. Might as well sail.
Which is amazing because they've managed to kill most of the momentum these past few seasons. It was only until this episode that things felt up-to-par with the pacing of previous seasons. And even then this ep felt rushed.
They could have easily put Arya's scenes together and finished it in an earlier episode then and thrown in a scene with her leaving for Westeros. For example.
but then why does sam take 15 episodes to make it to the maester place if the timeskips were happening he should of gotten there the next episode right
Pacing. Plus giving him stops along the way allow us to see how he eventually fulfills Azor Ahai
why do they need ships if teleporting is available?
traveling is fun