>all that copious salt over the EU referendum last episode
Gee, the current year man is really pissed that calling everyone he doesn't like a racist didn't work this time, isn't he?
All that copious salt over the EU referendum last episode
>call a white man "shaved orangutan"
>"lmao so funny"
>call a black man "monkey"
>"omg so racis"
What year is it again?
Not to mention calling cameron a pig fucker, which is beastiality shaming.
I don't understand why the UK leaving is racist
but he is right. Leave voter are either idiots, nationalists or racists. I'm pretty sure you also belong into one of the categories.
It was pretty funny
you guys think he really cares or does he do it just for his audience?
hello reddÃt!
Everything I don't like is racist. Don't ask me for justification
For money
His parents are schoolteachers from Liverpool and he spent years on a left-wing "comedy news" show before HBO. I think he really believes this stuff.
Please explain your reasoning if its true.
*unsheathes fedora*
God he's got such a punchable face. Sorry we send so many cunts to your country.
Left is missing Syria and a shitload of other sandnigger countries too.
Looks like a high schooler made this pic, got a nice laugh out of it thanks man
He probably plays it up more for American audiences, like Ramsay does with the US version of Kitchen Nightmares.
Official writer from the show here
Next episode he's gonna make this joke
"Huh can you believe the UK isn't a part of the EU anymore? That's just like a rabbit in a top hat taking a shit on a lightbulb it just doesn't make sense!"
this show is so unfunny i would not be surprised if they did that
>the current year man is really pissed that calling everyone he doesn't like a racist didn't work this time, isn't he?
Actually, the episode couldn't air in the UK until after the polls closed because of broadcast restrictions.
Left is missing Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Algeria, Morrocco etc. And the ones on the right were coming before as well
it all pointed out to be a terrible idea, leavers just couldn't see beyond muh immigration but it's still in the air, we'll see in the next couple of years if it's good or not
the main reason for brexit was to "take back control of immigration policies" mostly fueled by xenophobia and protectionist ideas. it's not ONLY because they're racist but it was a big part of it.
It's pretty funny how when immigration benefits the rich and impoverishes the poor, the poor people opposing it becomes 'racism'. It's also funny how retarded leftists will leap on that cause and start demonizing the very people they claim to care about most as soon as they get the chance to prove how not racist they are by pointing out poor people's racism.
The current year man already had his year, but now in 2016 SJW cucks are getting BTFO'd constantly. He should get on with times
The source of immigration problems for UK has nothing to do with EU though. EU was made into a mummer's dragon with a cheap scare tactic that actually worked.
>calling cameron a pig fucker
is this a Black Mirror reference or is a 'pig fucker' some UK term I don't know?
no, cameron actually fucked a pig
it's okay though because it was dead at the time
Life imitating art - news broke out that as part of an initiation ritual at uni he stuck his dick in a dead pig's mouth.
It's a reference to the fact that Cameron was alleged of fucking a pig. How do you not know common world news?
he apparently goosed a pigs head back in his uni days for a dare
sounds like critical banter to me idk why he got so much stick for it
john oliver is a weapon tho, dont watch his gay show but I used to cringe hard every time I saw that faggot on community
the Black mirror thing is PURE COINCIDENCE
then it's even dumber that they left.
>this raging hard-on Sup Forums has for Oliver
rather sad desu
they still have the same immigration quotas, only now it's more difficult for Europeans to move there and easier for commonwealth nations
Don't complain that I'm giving you more John Oliver to watch. You were the one who asked a stupid question.
they traded poles and spaniards for a bunch of pakis
>2 trillion dollars lost in 1 day
>Greatest economic dip in history of the planet
>People calling Brexit retarded must be full of shit...
it's all over, lads