Amazing talk between director Stephen King ( Maximum Overdrive) and George RR Martin about gun control and the...

Amazing talk between director Stephen King ( Maximum Overdrive) and George RR Martin about gun control and the responsibility filmmakers have about the gun crisis
>“As long as anybody who’s got only two wheels on the road can walk into a store and buy a … killing machine like an AR-15 or something, this is just going to go on. It’s really up to us,” said King, to applause from the audience.

You don't need two wheels to buy a gun though. Technically you don't even need legs

Director Stephen King? He is an author you fuck

Just read through this thread when I was over on my home board, Sup Forums. What's it doing here? Sup Forums has to steal our shit now?

Two of the biggest hacks in literature. Oh boy

>listening to a creativly bankrupt pair of old coots.

Ebin, how many times did the bearded fat fuck stop mid talk and say the rest of the talk will be out in a few years?

He did direct Maximum Overdrive though which OP lists

Nope, he dire Ted Maximum Overdrive and episode 4 of Under the Dome

>Amazing talk between director Stephen King and George RR Martin

back in your cage, little guy

for you

>killing machine like an AR-15 or something

And that right there made me instantly dislike Stephen King.

Fucking morons that have never fired a weapon in their lives, talking about weapons.


He means the person buying the gun isn't even in the parking lot the yet.

He is clumsily expanding on the idea of "drive through service." The joke being that IN THIS GODLESS COUNTRY you can buy guns are a window like a hamburger. Only here, he's gone one step further, you're not even inside the parking lot and a man has come to sell you a gun. Maybe he is thinking of the drive-thru attendants at In-N-Out, but you still don't get your burger until the window, so whatever.

""Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water.

Well he's not wrong. The primary function of a gun is to kill.
King is still a cuck though

remember when they banned drugs? that was so fucking effective

I've never understood how this is considered bad writing.

What's wrong about calling guns "killing machines"? That's exactly what they are. From the very beginning, they were designed for killing things, and every upgrade to their design through the centuries has been to make them even better at killing things.

The fact that some burgerkings use them to shoot at non-living targets as a form of recreation doesn't change this.

That's not what he was insinuating though. He was trying to carry on the meme that an AR-15 is an assault rifle.

And you know Goddamn good and well what he meant.

so are you denying that it's a machine used to kill?

I'm not seeing any quotations about your use of the phrase "assault weapon."

So why then did he point out the AR-15? A weapon that is being demonized in the media as an "Assault Rifle"

Yes all guns are killing machines, why is this liberal shitbag pointing out that one particular weapon?

You guys seriously cannot be this stupid.

Or maybe you're Europeens...which makes you automatically fucking morons.

would you call a bow and arrow a killing machine? it sure would be weird if you did

He's calling it out because it is a bogey man. He's dog-whistling with a bullhorn.

The problem with anti-gun nonsense is every 10 years it's something else, and SOMEHOW it is always "assault weapons." And we're always asked to curb these scary military-grade weapons...

And every ten years, after that mythical gun is banned, for some reason, there is another new trendy gun to ban. And for some reason, even if they gun existed before the previous gun was banned, this new one is suddenly an "assault weapon," and that means it has to go!

I fucking hate this use of pliable language to... move the goal posts. When all but one gun is individually banned, that one gun will suddenly be an "assault weapon designed specifically to kill!"

Because a bow and arrow isn't a machine, you idiot.

Actually, it is


You're a fucking idiot.

an apparatus using or applying mechanical power and having several parts, each with a definite function and together performing a particular task.

"Killing instrument" would be more suitable, but technically "killing machine" would be correct.

Dude I is made of wood and string. Machines are metal.

>It’s really up to us,” said King, to applause from the audience.

Usually people dont want to admit to being propaganda artists.

>Stephen King

My opinion of him keeps dropping. Hes got a few good books but I had no idea how many meh books he has put out.

He really is a grocery store bookshelf author.

Hes right its designed to kill. The problem is he thinks that every citizen isnt entitled to have one.

> Murder is a right

Next time:

>Amazing talk between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton about writing books and responsibility of authors to not be hacks

>"As long as my books are the very best in America, they are very good, everyone likes them and they make huge money, we are not hacks. We are going to make so much money and write so many good books" said Donald Trump. to applause from the audience.

Authors should not write about things that are repulsive or disgusting. The realist movement of art (the era we are currently in which did not occur hundreds of years ago) is about depicting the world in its ideal state without anything that makes people uncomfortable.


>Machines are metal
delete your account

Bcoz dey tok bout poopoo

BAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN AWAY FAR AWAY

Lol are you fucking kidding me? Machines are made of metal, that's why the I mistrial revolution took place: people could cast steel and iron and make machines finally
