Is BrainDead any good? I'm looking for a new show to watch.
Is BrainDead any good? I'm looking for a new show to watch
Other urls found in this thread:
>be female
>all my friends tell me I am the splitting image of Mary Elizabeth Winstead
>tfw I am Sup Forumss waifu
please stomp on my face with your naked soles
Why would you do that to her eyes?
brown nigger eyes are awful.
I didn't do anything.
we regret to inform you it's boring as shit
that's a good attempt at bait sugarlumps
i like it but it's a pretty bad show
blue >>> shitskin eyes
You just hate it because it calls Republicans dumb. It's very clever satire about politics using zombies as a motif to achieve that satire.
Isn't satire supposed to be fucking funny?
fuck off.
take that shit to Sup Forums you retard
Someone explain the LONDON meme to me.
this, nobody cares about left/right new slavery here, it's just a boring show
i want to inhale her soles so bad
>we regret to inform you it's boring as shit
It's called slow burn, plebbo
There's a comic strip from /fit/ about it, but the short version is every time a girl popped up on /fit for advice the usual lonely user crowd would pounce. Pics/white knighting/etc. You know the bit. One particular guy would CONSTANTLY ask if they were in London because he's so hard up. C o n s t a n t l y . Until it became a meme when a female user appears, someone asks "London?" which became LONDON and finally...
ay bby girl tis a beautiful thing to see LONDON?
>changing her eye color
You could've said "mew show to watcht".
pretty sure it's just bad writing
dog bless Sup Forums
she swapped out her glass eyes
>commentary about how politicians can never work together
>alien ants take over politicians brains so they work as a hivemind ironically finally getting shit done
>ayy lmao infested republicans politics dont change that much and he demands a more free market and less socialism implying that's the most logical choice
is this show secretly republican propaganda?
She's literally taller than every person on the show.
high heels is cheating
It's funny because she's only 5'7''. High heels put her into average man height status. She's so fucking great.
I'd lick her soles so hard that I would rip the time space continuum and bring all alternate universe versions of me who werent licking her soles to lick her soles.
>it's another very cute actress that is in nothing good
Only made it through two episodes before I dropped it, but no, it's absolute crap with the most boring stereotype characters you can imagine.
And the show somehow manages making Mary Winstead look average, I understand why this series was delegated to a summer slot never to be seen again.
some good dfc on the /hr/ thread
The ratings are garbitch so it's going to be cancelled
source on the webm please?
The original was "pls be in london"
Starts around the 3:30 mark.
much appreciated user
>low camera angle
>lean forward while dude leans back
>taller than God
Nothing that you point out will change the fact that I have a raging erection, anonpai.
why are her legs so sexy, fucking hell man.
is the show fappable?
It's your duty as MEW lookalike
>not watching this for your comfy show
only if you like giantesses and office outfits
those soles are objectively sexual
i like giantesses. i want MEW to shrink me down to a few inches and stuff me into her shoe and nonchalantly step on me all day as if I were the insole of her shoe
made for black cock
Please. Nothing is as comfy as 2007's comfykino
How the hell did that picture happen.
I want to suck Yvonne Strahovski's dick
I'm so, so, sorry in advance for what is about to happen. Trolls are going to come into the thread and they will be saying some very hurtful things about you. They will call you some very hurtful names. But none of those things are true. How could they possibly know? How could they possibly know how beautiful you really are? How sweet and compassionate you are? I'm so sorry about them, please do not let them hurt you.
>mfw thinking about you hurting
I just want to see you shine and flourish. You are so precious to me. I want to write poetry and sing songs about my love and adoration for you and all of your perfections. My name is Brian, by the way. I know that you're tired of all the assholes and jerks. I know how you feel baby doll. I know. I am different. I am the nicest guy you will ever meet, and if anything I'll be the one in the kitchen. I live in London. Please be in London.
Those toes and arches.
you laugh at her hurting? sick barstard
first joke is 7 minutes in and its a dog on a plate
at what point is this show funny
Her instagram is nice
12 year old MEW
>In Bruges isn't good
be still, my throbbing cock
>MEW will never give you a friendly but rough noogie
Post feet?
>MEW will never use your face as a trampoline
No, I dropped it after that stereotypical presentation of russians during the first 10 minutes. Really dumb and cheesy.
I'm filtering her name and her initials. You fags are annoying.
>this redditor thinks anyone gives a shit
You won't be missed : ^ D
I'm liking it, the weird angle, the fact that everyone is a stereotype (the mad paranoid genius doctor), it's like a B-Movie from the 50s but set in our time. Not for everyone.
One of the funniest things to me is the recap of the previous episodes which is in form of an upbeat song.
Wouldn't it be great if you could downvote posts too!
>she'll never be your loving older sister
>mfw I actually like this show
post pics faggot
Literally cancer
>crying over how someone posts
Sometimes adults have to work and post from phones, maybe one day you'll see.
>posts on this shithole
get a life and stop wasting your company's time
>what are breaks?
>implying you can even do much with a 30 min. break
>implying there are always co workers also on their break when you are to shoot the shit with
Fuck off back to /r9k/, NEET faggot.
>30min break
lel get a real job supermarket boy
daily reminder mew is a WHORE and will NEVER let you suck her toes
>supermarket boy
Nice try. You should try again, NEETcuck.
pls post her response to this