Times Ramsay was objectively wrong. Pic related looks absolutely delicious.
Times Ramsay was objectively wrong. Pic related looks absolutely delicious
>pan pizza
Link to the episode/scene?
what goes through the head of a meme forcer? do they think they are being clever?
>today i will make this completely mundane bit of television into a full blown social media star
That's some good lookin' 'za right there.
You're joking, but there are americans here that unironically will defend this shit
Joke is on the meme poster though, most of the time these threads just become cosy kitchen nightmares threads filled with cooking with jack webms.
This. It seems like the hottest Sup Forums meme and I don't wanna fall behind on board culture
too lazy to find the link, but that pic related pizza is on the menu as "thin crust" pizza
and they told him they think it is the best pizza in the town. Even the waiter admitted it is laughable.
it is only a sub par greasy pizza, but Ramsay had to overreact because money
search for panteleones
thanks famalam
if anyone is LITERALLY incapable of working ANYTHING out on his own, have a Ramsey
Is there any instance where he actually liked the food they served him?
Amy's Baking Company.
He said the cakes were delicious and Amy was a great cook and that all the haters are wrong because my wife's cooking is delicious
Exactly why i requested it
That one US Southern food place in London. I don't remember which episode it was, but I remember he said it's the first time he's finished a full meal on the show.
Cu/ck/s pls go
American reality tv is suffering
Calling it a meme would imply that this has become memetic, caught on and is posted by many people, which it hasn't, so it's not a meme yet. And it's definitely NOT board culture.
It wasn't in London it was in Brighton.
not 'go style tho
t. Professor Meme M. Memesteiner
It's truly fucking shite, the ridiculous dramatic music and editing, always finding the most arrogant, cuntiest chefs that Ramsay cannot possibly hope to work with, and then he isn't even legally allowed to beat the shit out of the tossers.
There's an episode where a chef is this girl who looks like a potatard that doesn't give a fuck about cooking and thinks her food sucks she just needed a job.
Ramsay ordered a clam chowder she made and thought it was delicious.
This is genuinely a redditor thread. Picture very related
its one of the spammers from there
>"I think sir Ramsay's problem is that he hasn't tasted a classic pizza before"
was he right Sup Forums?
What was wrong with this 'za?
He was freaking out about one of the people owning something that belonged to someone who died.
Am I supposed to believe is fancy Britbong doesn't own any antiques?
lol wut?
Half of my dishes are from my dead grandparents.
It's made using your dick cheese.
it was a Hotel Hell episode. it was a strange thing for him to get hung up on
Jesus Christ.
the best dough on homemade pizza is when it's fresh about the oven raw'ish
Ramsey is an absolute pleb
Who is your kitchen nightmares waifu?
Mine is Miranda from Amy's Baking Company.
he actually said her pastries were great, but the food was shit
This thread gets posted everyday and yet people are bitching about Game of thrones post.
Holy shit.
those were store bought cakes
obese amerilards WILL defend this
Those cakes were not made at Amy's, they were ordered from a different place.
can someone explain this meme?
I don't watch hell's kitchen or whatever show this is
Celestina Crespin
Ingredienti scadenti
Impasto troppo spesso che quindi non riesce a cuocersi perfettamente
Troppo olio
>no problem
christ the US version is so shit
why can't Yanks watch anything without sound effects and artificial personalities
>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who dip their fucking 'za in ranch dressing
It's not a meme, just some shit thread one autist is attempting to force.
>fresh out of the oven
These two have no fucking causation. It can be fresh and cooked through as well as fresh and raw. Raw dough is not good.
>today, on pizza thread
>someone's not taking kindly to forcing Ramsay
>thread raises confusion!
>who will be the top one waitress?
>find out today, on daily Panteleone's thread
'za cru' is great to dip in ranch.
Better than throwing it out
it's not an american thing, it's a poorfag broadcast tv thing.
americans hate this shit just as much as you do
Cryfu with the unspellable greek name.
Hotel Hell has better waifus than Kitchen Nightmares, though. The blonde mississipian who caught Ramsay sleeping on the couch while he was waiting for food was top tier.
He liked the crab cakes ay the Mixing Bowl but that was it.
he shouts raw because it's a meme and he has shit taste
I bet the dough was nice and soft on the crust, he's a sellout pleb
I just saw this picture on Sup Forums
you need to go back
the owner is Italian you fucking dolt.
daily reminder that this faggot spams this shit on Sup Forums
keep your shit on Sup Forums, and we'll keep our shit on Sup Forums. i fucking hate this shithole.
I just saw this picture on Sup Forums
it aint me though user, people seem too enjoy this may may more than you do
>absolutely delicious
only a fucking amerifat could say that..that looks so fucking disgusting, it's an insult for real pizza.
Is it Jack time?
>that burnt to shit chicken
The most shameful thing there desu
>tfw you will never almost choke your pothead son to death after he tries to punch your wife
Can someone link the video with the raw chicken? I've been looking forever and can't find it.
I don't give a fuck how it looks. I don't give a fuck what you think of me because I bought a Happy Meal. Just because you're bound by societal pressures and make your decisions based on the whim of others doesn't mean everyone has to. I'm not weak like you. I'll do what I want. I'm a free man and I carve out my own path in life. If you were to truly dig deep and take a good look at yourself you'd realize that you aren't really in control of your actions.
I get amused by the reactions from people when they see me. Lots of times they think I'm ordering for a child of mine, other times they look on with disgust. I can feel their glares from across the linoleum floors. Like I give a fuck.
I get enjoyment out of the toy that's included, and the nostalgic packaging. Each time I order I get a new surprise inside -- the product of child labor in a foreign country, designed by capitalist men in free countries. It's the ultimate symbol of America's power over the world.
You may think it's cheaper to just order the individual items by themselves. Like I give a fuck. Do I look like some poor son of a bitch living on the government dole? What kind of presumptuous fuck are you? I can afford my own meals. I work for a living. If I'm not full I'll just order another one, and if it's too much I'll throw it away. It's not fucking complicated.
Confidence like the kind I have is actually a turn on for most women. They see me saunter up to the counter and order a Happy Meal like an independent, free thinking, atheist man, and they know I'm not some beta-cuck like they're used to at their university. I'm a different breed. I'm the bull that fucks the cuck's wife. Real men order the Happy Meal and they don't give a damn what the dregs of society think. I'm above them all now.
spicy pasta
It's under bag cooking or something
Sup Forums has the shittiest, most gestapo mods on Sup Forums
they even delete based Ja/ck/
Really some of the shittiest mods. I don't mind Sup Forums at all but when the blatant no relation to video games threads start up they hit fucking bump limit.
It was a soul food restaurant. Mama Loves, or something.
I think there's been one of two others, but I don't recall anymore.
I remember trying to make a Super Mario World thread yesterday and they banned me because it "belongs on /vr/"
I'm thankful I don't venture out to those shit boards. Sup Forums is terrible, but /k/ is the only other board I like. I like that Sup Forums's mods let us do our shit for a little bit before axing threads.
Fucking shit that's impressive.
How come youtube doesn't auto take these down?
not that I'm really complaining
That was a small pizza and most of the dough was raw.
Sup Forums is a pretty good board too. That place literally has no mods so they have to do a good job of self-moderating.