/got/ general

Was getting BTFO, Salsa rejecting him and Jon getting crowned part of his plan?

Azor Jon


What went wrong?

How long before no more generals?



Sam meets Marwyn the Mage and studies relentlessly offscreen

The Hound, Beric, Thoros, Brienne, Melisandre, and Arya end up in the same location at the same time. Shenanigans ensue

The Vale knights are stranded by the snow, so they join Jon

The big battle next season is naval, Dany vs Euron in/near Oldtown

Viserion is grounded by a ballista then surrounded and killed in the streets

Euron boards Yara's ship and kills her, Theon witnesses but escapes

Dany's fleet is crushed and in disarray, she escapes on Drogon while her army retreats

Oldtown is pretty much a ruin, but Euron thinks he's made a work of art and stays there. Sam escapes, but he has the knowledge he came for

Dany begins to doubt herself and sulks around for a while

Jorah travels to Asshai and finds Quaithe, he gets a volcano arm

Qyburn hears what happened and leaves Cersei, he arrives in Oldtown and Euron lets him be archmaester. Qyburn torments the maesters who had him expelled

Riots in King's Landing intensify, Cersei orders her soldiers to kill all of the rebels

Jaime blows up the Red Keep and Cersei with wildfire, King's Landing is abandoned

Jaime puts Edmure back on the seat of Riverrun and rides for Casterly Rock, proclaiming himself King in the Rock

Jon begins his war against the white walkers, Dany has joined him and things don't go very well. Rhaegal is killed

Sam reunites with Jon and gives him important information. Either a method of forging Valyrian steel, another sort of weapon, or evidence of a historical treaty between the Others and Men that was buried by the maesters. The white walkers are either killed or make peace. Jon is revered as a demigod

Jaime becomes a competent battle commander and defeats Euron. Maybe Theon is the one to kill Euron. Theon rules the Iron Islands

Jaime marries Brienne

The remaining starks are reunited

Giants aren't extinct, they help rebuild

The crown is no more, the 7 kingdoms are independent

Is your waifu still alive /got/?

That final episode was great in places but the writing is still utter shit and it's likely only going to get worse.

why is littlefinger wearing cross? is he christian?


Depends really.

We're doing much better than last year.

Much less autism, fewer autists, no Marcus and Jonautist sperging.

But we'll see in a week who sticks around and who rears their ugly heads.


>Was getting BTFO, Salsa rejecting him and Jon getting crowned part of his plan?
Of courshe.



Still going strong


Puberty is a scourge upon womankind.

the only good thing was the pottery about Tommen's death, the Faith theme song and the autistic maester

Depends on how quickly the decadence sets in. I feel like Loli Queen of Bears is going to accelerate the descent into crapulence.

Any new memes from the last ep lads?

>Jaime marries Brienne
Tormund will be devastated

T minus five days.

>We're doing much better than last year.

>Much less autism, fewer autists, no Marcus and Jonautist sperging.


That's a funny joke

>dat AIDS lesion

>Invent the sport
>Defeated by a team with no professional league
>Trainer is a part time dentist in a village
>England's greatest enemy, a dentist


>the autistic maester

>I want you to leave!
>or "it should've been you!"

Jon cucked her hardcore


Reminder that Jorah will kill Daenarys using Brightroar and become the 1000th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch

>when all of king's landing is ashes...
>then will you have my permission to die

She rejected him ni the woods, but then Jon got crowned King. CIA shot her a look that said "told ya so," and now her gears are going.

Doesn't matter what happens past this point because "Jonsa" is never going to happen. Actually she will likely fall in with LF at least on an allegiance level, betraying her family for the third time and Arya will most likely be the one who kills her for betraying the family all those times.

scencap dis pst


>clearly wasn't here last year

Sup newfriend

>4 /got/ generals in the catalog

Pic related soon

The most confusing thing for England was trying to figure out what a dentist was

Da Kingin Da Norf 2.0

British genes. They're like Innsmouth people

Salsa losing her smile implies that he's either got a master plan in the making, or she was privy to/figured out another master plan of his that he'd enact as plan B

Jonsa is going to happen.

>>the autistic maester

The guy at the citadel, not Pycelle.

What? when they called jon king, he looked down at sansa and sansa looked up and smiled

youre a retard


>high sparrow sent a bunch of sparrows to bring cersei to her trail
>nothing is mentioned of them again

What happened to the rest of the sparrows? Are you seriously expecting me to believe they are all dead? Why were the sparrows blocking people from exiting the Sept of Great Sept of Baelor?

Biggest fucking plot hole.

Unhealthy slutty slag-lifestyle combined with British genetics

holy shit her fuckboy is a lucky guy. nu-males take note: your fat girlfriends aren't beautiful. they're disgusting, lacking stamina and terrible in bed, next to a body like this.

I've been here since season 1 you immense twat. These threads deserve to be banned because they're garbage in the offseason. This season wasn't any bit better than last season in terms of quality discussion, unless you think AZOR JON for 30 posts every thread is quality.

All hail the one true king no other pretenders may apply

Of course.

Guy was so butthurt over R+L=J he completely ignored it.


so now when all the homosex is kill will they make danny+sansa for tumblr

grand MAESTER pycelle

worse fan fiction than D&D


Yeah Sansa was cool with it until she saw littledingle frowning.

He didn't tho

To me, it more looked like she was in distress because she knew littlefinger is going to find some way of fucking it all up.

She was clearly happy for Jon before that.




To me, it looked like she was reminded of LF's offer about being Queen in the North

Preston's on suicide watch.

she's gonna live forever

More like Dany x Yara

What? why would she change her mind because she saw little finger?

she hates him

Out of politeness. Out of being politic in front of the Northern Lords. I don't expect some Tumblrfaggot who takes the world at face value and over-generalizes everything to understand these remarkably simple concepts and political maneuvering.

never had one

Enjoy your nation of Europa where all cultures are equal and all men stand proud :^)

We have much more to discuss than we did last year.

We're beyond the books in a lot of places and a lot of shit has happened we can speculate on and talk about instead of throwing the same book shit around to answer how we think it's gonna go.

*teleports behind you from another continent*
*kill two members of your family without anyone noticing*
*bakes a pie with them and makes out eat it*

Psssh nothing personnel kid.

thread ruined

Storm's End knows no king but the King of the Seven Kingdoms, whose name is Baratheon


any other female ruler
>Fucking SJW agenda is ruining the show
Lyanna Mormont
>DA LOLI IN DA NORF tfw ywn sniff her butthole :(

Fucking pedophiles.

It's not a plot hole. They went into hiding and they'll probably found one of the Faith's Knightly orders.

Why was it extremely painful when Gregor took off the mask?

That's because you're an idiot.

>If anything the Olenna/Dorne alliance helps him

I didn't realise the House of Black & White had pie-baking classes too

The general should serve as a quarantine thread in order to not make the whole board filled with Game of Thrones shit

It's not currently doing its job, there are like 40 fucking GoT threads for no reason

Here is a simple concept:

:You should get the Lord's room"
"You're a Stark to me"

Littlefinger said he wants to be King on the Iron Throne with SAnsa at his side.

Can't be King on the Iron Throne with a King in the North in "rebellion" against your and your rule.

Jon is now in Littlefinger's way and people who get in Littlefinger's way he has no problem getting rid of.

Cersei m8

>They went into hiding and they'll probably found one of the Faith's Knightly orders.

Can't wait for the faith militant to strike back in season 7.

Cat, just like Sup Forums, is always right. Yet everyone hates cat/pol/

Is Cersei literally Pepe?

The fookin' Targaryens apparently.

She recently became the queen.

Sweet king

How do we get preston in here, bros?

>We have much more to discuss than we did last year.
And that won't change the threads being banned because the quality of discussion will continue to degrade. You're delusional if you think things aren't going to get worse.

He's not a BF, but he's still a bastard, Stark or Targ.

She learned from Hot Pie, moron

>tfw Dumb&Dumber cucked Stannis so badly in favour of stronk womyn
Kill me.

Jon's going to marry an Otherbride

As if being a member of the Faceless Men after completing training means nothing.
There is nothing wrong about Arya's plot. Not only the Freys are close to Braavos, but she should also be more than able infiltrate anywhere and kill just about anyone. Faceless Men are hired to kill king and queens, but nobody can afford it. Afaik not even Robert could afford one of them to kill Dany.

What the hell? How is this happening

>The time has come to join the [House] Frey (responsible for the deaths of Robb Stark, Catelyn Stark, Talisa Stark and Grey Wind. Allies with House Bolton & Lannister)

what did Peter "Littlefinger" Baelish mean by this?