I'm Poppy

I'm Poppy.

She seems like the type to browse Sup Forums

No this is Poppy.

I love you.

I would probably light a church on fire and then piss on a pentagram I made from ash just to make out with you.

I'm Poppy.

im volibear

I'm op and I'm a fag.

I'm Spartacus

I'm happy

I'm Poppy.

Shitty dye job you stupid cunt, don't forget the eyebrows next time. It looks like a fucking chihuahua scooted it's shitty asshole across your forehead.

I'm Poppy.

Poppy looks nice in those nice clothes.
More, Poppy?

I'm Poppy.

Fuck off


I'm Poppy.

im lulu

I'm Poppy.

Im erect

I'm Poppy.

Become an hero today

voli best sup

i'm pooping


Any nudes of her already?

I'm Poppy.

She's a D list pop star. Who actually gives a fuck.

Her odd youtube videos are made by someone else and are little more than a shallow PR stunt. I loathe the term, but you're all sheep.

I'm poppy


What the fuck.

Poppy is shit
mars argo is infinitely better

I'm Poppy.

She's actually pretty good, the only thing shitty about her are the videos that guy she's partnered up with makes for her and probably the fact that she had to fuck some disgusting execs to get a record contract.

dildo or vibrator girl what do you think?


I would pay money to watch that.