Has anyone noticed how the show's vision of female "empowerment", which feminists are eating up, is one of barren...

Has anyone noticed how the show's vision of female "empowerment", which feminists are eating up, is one of barren, manhating dykes tearing civilization apart while every kind, loving, feminine, fertile girl dies horribly?

Is "feminism" really just the dream of killing every girl nicer and prettier and younger than you, then burning the world down?

>Is "feminism" really just the dream of killing every girl nicer and prettier and younger than you
Sorry but I thought that was obvious.

It is, and was long before, ever since women in power and with wealth are jealous old hags.
They are also the ones pushing the big breast and anti-pedo propaganda.

I too love strawwomen.

Leave the internet and try again.

>Is "feminism" really just the dream of killing every girl nicer and prettier and younger than you

It is known

>Is "feminism" really just the dream of killing every girl nicer and prettier and younger than you, then burning the world down?

No, that's just womanhood.

Had anyone noticed this shows terrible


How much is Westeros going to get raped by Dany's nigger army?

A bunch of them don't have dicks, so that's a blessing, but all those [strikethrough]refugees[/strikethrough] Dothrakis are going to rape the shit out of everyone, everywhere in Westeros, for the next 20 years, right?

Do you really hate pretty, kind girls this much? Does it make you feel good to watch them burn and die, and thrill to the reign of Barren Queen [strikethrough]Merkel[/strikethrough] Cersei?

What, you don't believe in a multicultural world without borders? Are you afraid all Westerosi chick will fall for the BBC (barbaric big dick)?

>feminists love cersei
>has a nun raped to death

Hopefully they pull a kamikaze/divine wind/Spanish Armada twist and btfo of Danny's fleet because basically it would otherwise be a walk-in victory.
The alternative is to let Danny win on easy mode, then have the plot linger on how bad of a ruler she is. Eventually, she'll grow frustrated with everything, then grow paranoid, then go crazy.
Like pottery.

Is MUH DICK because it's the only thing niggers have, or the only thing they understand?

Yeah but be fair, that nun was correctly holding Cersei accountable for her many horrible, repulsive crimes.

Danyerys hasn't made it to shore yet.

Remember that Euron has had a few episodes to build the biggest fleet anyone has ever seen

You could say the same of the men. Almost all of the kind, honorable men are betrayed, killed, or just fuck up and lose while assholes and murderers survive.

The asshole and murderer men are mostly as dead at this point as the other men.

The Dothraki have only lived in the warm, dry climate of Essos, the Westeros winter will probably be a big problem for them.

They'll have to keep warm with a little mass gangrape

>Is "feminism" really just the dream of killing every girl nicer and prettier and younger than you, then burning the world down?

I was wonder what those dreams were called
besides wet

Women are magical or just have things handed to them by men who must fight and die.

Its very shit.


You really are all cancerous.


GoT never aimed to be realistic.

It used to aim to be gritty, but now it's devolved into a shittily written Tolkien-tier fight between good and evil where the good guys (female) kick dirt on bad guys without any effort or consequence.

Now it's just:
>Muh dragons
>Muh explosives
>Muh ass-pull army.

I really don't blame """"muh feminism"""" for ruining the show. Truth be told it's just shitty writing. Things resolve themselves super quickly and easily, people no longer suffer consequences and the modicum of politics involved in decision-making is simply gone.

The writers killed off nearly all the decent characters, because all the decent characters were imperfect and suffered consequences, that' why they were decent characters in the first place, and we're left with fuckfaces like Jon Snow and Daenerys. And at the same time the writer(s) are no longer able to write interesting protagonists with vices of their own. In short, GoT's cast is just left with a bunch of cringy Mary Sues with only characters like Cersei/Jamie/LF to redeem them and the show's plot has become extremely dull and predictable.

What's different now is that GRRM decided to give the women of the show a bit more plot relevance. These two things coupled makes it feel as if GoT has gone from some uber-gritty, pseudo-political fantasy drama to some feminist wish-fulfillment power fantasy.

Just because they have a different culture doesn't give you the right to be a racist asshole

She was on thronecast last night on Sky Atlantic. She sounds like a fucking retard in real life, trying to be "to cool for this nerd shit". Highly unlikeable, basically your average 14 year old girl. Pedo's have the worst taste.

What happened to her face? (i dont watch this show)

agree, i still like cersei, davos and... idk Petyr Baelish, the rest is gone now

some weird disease