Wtf i hate wrath of khan now

wtf i hate wrath of khan now

Trekkies BTFO.

>Complains about credits and Ricardo Maltebon.
Closed it there.

Sup Forums getting the taste of their own medicine, top lel.

Everything Wrong With is trash

Wtf im a #beyonddog now


I won't give these faggots any views, but I've always felt Wrath of Khan was a tad overrated. The Motion Picture is better

wtf i hate eww now


Everyone knows that every single Star Trek film has 10 continuity errors, ten physical directing errors, and at least 20 instances of bad acting. I really couldn't ever understand why the JJTrek's get such a bad rap from Trekkies when they really just perpetuated a fine tradition of mediocre film-making.

And I say this as a huge Star Trek fan.

How ironic that a trash section that is Sup Forums hates EWW:

>what did he mean by this
>what was his fucking problem
>well done, however
>what happened?
>is this kino?
>is this comfy
>name me some good ______kinos
>I'm just about to watch this, what am I in for?
>967 /got/ generals per day
>342 Marvels per day
>144.9 DCs per day
>Kubrick is overrated
>is this meme?
>I watched 5 seasons of Sopranos and couldn't make it
>ITT: overrated hacks (picture of Clint Eastwood)
>TD season 2 > TD season 1
>it's a fantasy show with dragons and magic, how dare you ask for basic logic?!
>was it autism
>reddit namedrop in EVERY FUCKING THREAD (inferiority complex 101)
>literally nothing happens: the movie
>go back to Sup Forums

If EWW triggers you, that means they're doing something helluva right.


The difference is that those Sup Forums memes are ironic shitposting, in that the posters know why those statements are retarded and are posting only to bait people into more shitposting.
While EWW tries to claim "it's only a joke, bro" as a defense, his shitposting is not ironic, because it is not intended as such. His aim is mainly to fill 15 minutes clickbait videos with the laziest possible jokes, with no awareness of why they are retarded, thus no built in irony.
Their intent is not bait, it is profit.

cinemasins, more like youtubesins amirite guise

maybe if these fgts weren't so anal in EWW it'd be fucking watchable

>While EWW tries to claim "it's only a joke, bro" as a defense, his shitposting is not ironic, because it is not intended as such. His aim is mainly to fill 15 minutes clickbait videos with the laziest possible jokes, with no awareness of why they are retarded, thus no built in irony.
Biggest retardation I've read all day.

Literally "no, you're stupid!": the post.

>144.9 DCs per day
Those ones are because DC makes great movies dude.

Learn the difference.



They're fucking everywhere.

Jews overshadowing goyim

>"lol look I put shit in their name"
You forgot to add

Stopped this video after 2 seconds of some nasal voiced fuck complaining about the credits sequence being too long and Ricardo Montalban having been in a soap (???) opera.

The second point isn't even.

As for the credits - they build a sense of wonder and anticipation of being out there amongst the stars. There is a real joy in WOK of just the sheer amazingness of flying through space in a starship. Fuck, I wish I was still 9 years old and believed things like Star Trek would happen in my lifetime, instead of the future probably being more like the road.

Fuck the fucking Kermit eunuch dick fuck that made this shitty clickbait video.

TMP if you like technical visual and a cerebral story

Khan if you like sea-faring adventure with a theme of friendship and old age

>Hating Wrath of Khan

No seriously, what the actual fuck is wrong with you?

Eww. Nasty.


To be honest that looks like 2% of Hollywood.

Hollywood false flags

should i tell you that actors playing vampires aren't actually ones in real life?

I don't give a fuck if Nemoy's a Yid, he was based as fuck compared to Shatner.


should i tell you that jews crying about nazis/terrorists are actually the real nazis/terrorists in real life?

Do you never leave Sup Forums? Is that why your mental health is so fucked?