What does Sup Forums do for a living
>Hate it
>Thinking about going to college
What does Sup Forums do for a living
>Hate it
>Thinking about going to college
>hate it
>still deciding between the rope, or jumping into traffic.
I think I will go to college unless I get a good job which is doubtful
im useless but my successful older sister is a bitch and my failure brother is the rude kind of autistic so im going to inherit the house and fuck no worry cause i dont want kids
Project Manager
I make good money but I can't say I enjoy it very much. I work a lot and there are a lot of people crawling up my ass about every little thing all the time.
Try to learn shit, drink beer, and fuck bitches for 5 years. Might as well.
>Hate it
>Want to be a lumberjack
I teach music technology and acoustics at a college. In a couple years I'll be a certified audiologist and that'll be a nice career.
>Went to college (biology)
>Got job as park ranger
>Job was great, wages sucked ass, hated my bluepilled faggot liberal affirmative action coworkers.
>Got drunk a lot
>Quit my job and started working as a contractor
MFW I realize the grass is always greener. ..
>physics/math bachelors degree
>could have gotten phd in experimental physics or taught high school
>worked as a tutor/dishwasher to save money and pass drug test (smoked a lot of weed in college)
>now work for my state in the quality control office for the highway department, decent office job that I can work my way up by out-skilling my coworkers and being friendly to the right people
>crane operator in aluminum smelter
>had worse jobs but pay is OK hours suck cause swing shift
OP here, The really fucked up thing about this is
> I want to study Biology
> Become Zoologist or Park ranger
>Looking for jobs
>Life empty as fuck
>i don't know what could make me happy
Pussy user, pussy will
>shit post
>discreet school cum dump
>occasionally walk the dinosaur
>International IP Attorney
>Only free time I have is on planes and late at night on Sup Forums
>Satisfied with my job and unsatisfied with my life
>college student
>eating ramen
>playing vidya
>going on Sup Forums
>waiting for boyfriend to get home from mission
>periodically visit dog and brother
>such is life in Mormonville
>military weather forecaster
>kinda sucks
>will try to automate my job someday
Well, I can tell you the job is easy/enjoyable. But the pay is meager, and goes up based on longevity as youd expect from a government job. The ideal employee as far as the Dept. of Defense goes (I was an Park Ranger at a Dam/lake forest, so I worked for USACE), .. anyway, the ideal candidates are female minority veterans. We had this chick get hired at our park and shew showed up about 30% of what she was supposed to and she was untouchable because she was a female, veteran minority with a disability. Untouchable. She didnt even do her job ever. It made me hate my employer. Also I fucked my supervisor when I was stupid drunk after work one night. That was a big part of why I left. So much regret. I make more money now doing the whole contracting bit but the work is so much harder and more stressful. I wish I was more mature when I first got my job. I wish I had looked to climbing the later rather than self-destructing.
>own a cafe
>work there pretty much everyday
noice! what are the profit margins? enough to give yourself a worthwhile salary? suburb? city?
storyboard artist
pretty good
want to direct someday but it's far off
>earn good money
>have a great gf
>still consider suicide as an option
>extremely gay, but has moments that ALMOST make up for how gay it is
>ABSOLUTELY want to do college