Most people are stupid

Most people are stupid.

There is no god, no spooks, no ghosts, no spirits, no miracles, no destiny, no aliens, the "meaning of life" is procreation, everything on earth must kill everything on earth just to survive, there IS such a thing as a stupid question, and size does matter, time travel is not possible, there is no future, only the present and the past.

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everyone knows this, stop shoving it down people's throats and let them believe what they want to.

But we need to spread the word on the truth!


He was real, he just dead

Op you are 100% correct.

No, people made him up.

Nah, he got a rez.

I just turned 14 and I know everything the post.

meme magic is real newfriend.

Thanks my friend.

Jesus is made up. Like god, he never existed.

>no aliens

That is right!

Most scholars disagree with you, and believe there was a man named Jesus (Yeshu) who was baptized by John and crucified by Rome. The magic shit was made up. And the trial before Pilate. And birth narrative set in Bethlehem. The earliest gospels were collections of sayings, the narrative came later.

Well they are downright fucking stupid. Why do people still believe in fucking religion?

No one said anything about believing in religion you fucking dunce.



That's right, there are no aliens.

Probably not for you but JesusChrist does exist they even found a book in the Jordan a few days ago, but you were to busy eating cheetos and drinking mountain dew.

you can't red, haha you're as dumb as me

lol proved my point for me

He probably existed but his divinity didn't,

God is real.

The Jews decided.
you need more Mel Gibson

prove it.

edge thread

Yes, God is only real in the believer's minds, he is not real in the real world.

Dude spooks are real but they dont like it when you call them that

prove he isn't ?

Probably the Holocaust never happened honestly there were more Russians that died you never hear bitch about it.
DonĀ“t trust the jews

>no aliens
Nigger the universe is infinite simply that fact gives you a 100% chance that there is life on other worlds.

there is no objective reality. everyone is their own universe, and if you believe in god then there is a god in yours.


A god would be in my mind if I were to believe in him, not out there watching me.

ummmm I've read his book. It's called The Bible! If he's not real how did he write a book? lol stupid atheists

the universe is infinity directional not infinite, but yeah aliens defiantly exist

Dude what did you smoke.

Oh look, an atheist.

how do you know you cant see them.....

Old men wrote the bible, as well as the Torah, Quran, and even the Book of Mormon

you have consciousness, where did this come from? it had to have stemmed from somewhere.

A man stuffing his head into his hat to translate stuff he got from the native angels dictated the book of mormon

cough cough, Daniel, Peter, Paul, Jonah, Isaiah, Solomon and David all around middle aged please don't speak if you dont know...

I feel sorry for your modda.

what are you talking about my city is full up with those wetbacks

Theists are fucking stupid.

My mother is a devout Christian lol

where your proof though?

underrated reply, guess fedorathists don't believe in being creamed in their own thread

you don't see with your eyes, you perceive with your mind. We don't know what's really out there, we just make assumptions based on what our brains subconsciously do. That which you have no control of. Like it or not, whatever humans and our minds are go way deeper then what you or me know.

I guess your modda dont celebrate Christmas I would try to pray for yourself, TRY not that im going to remember you later on

1 Samuel
2 Samuel
1 Kings
2 Kings
1 Chronicles
2 Chronicles
Song of Solomon

Are fake.

who's to say reality isn't made by our thoughts, because it seems like that is the only thing that makes sense

oh looks who's preaching. scientism is kind of a religion too. it certainly is a believe system not grounded in any facts. enjoy your nihilism and life devoid of any meaning OP.

and yet immigration can't see them all, /thread

but you can still reason, no?

When someone dies, their brain immediately shuts down and your existence purges from the world.

what OP neglects to consider is that while people may be stupid, there are approximately four billion stupid people and if you ignore their beliefs they will ream the shit out of you.

OP: enjoy standing there in your smug fedora knowledge that you've seen through level three of a twenty-three level game and that you stand just SLIGHTLY higher than some of the other monkeys. well done. golf clap.

You leave Jesus alone

Einstein? lol edgy fag think before you speak

What about traveling at close to light-speeds relativistic effects, does that not count as time-traveling into the future?

Actually those were real people who are in historical documents outside the bible. So suck on that

when you say "There is no God" the onus is on you to prove it. Otherwise you're just as guilty of being a religitard.


old for their era
life expectancy way back when was like 40

If that were true then why do you look and act like your parents? or does a peice of them live on?

If I believe it then it's real.That's the power of faith!

Oh oh oh.......don't be a menace...... :D

A piece of them lives on, they are totally different than me.

Is it wrong to say there are no unicorns or whimsical little gay fairies that suck my cock every night?

The chances that we're the only life in the universe are extremely slim.

Believe in it or not, it's real. The power of faith is unwavering respect to something higher

Mate Jesus was real, in the matter of did he existed yes the man existed but his magic powers maybe not

>"jesus isnt real"
>picture of jesus in the background of text
It's like you're not even trying.

there probably is aliens though


oh so you've died before?

It's not real, trust me.

Please google New Thought and see if you can stretch your understanding of Infinite Spirit

they are not totally different then you, you look like them, you act like them.Whether you like it or not their DNA, their traits, right down to your very existence has been a continuous stream from all your ancestors that have carried on the torch from the antecedent

False equivalence.
Unicorns and fairies aren't beyond the scope of human understanding as most Gods are claimed to be.
Like I said, prove it or stop preaching.

I have not died before but I know that's what happens when you die.

time dilation != time travel

Jesus was a dirty sand nigger.

Actually scientist have discovered a zebra/rhino like hybrid who appear to be similar to unicorns.

As for the whimsical little gay faries that suck cock every night .>You're living proof of that one

They are, they're magic and beyond what people can understand. Regardless, it's a cop out. Saying something isn't real because there is no hard evidence is perfectly reasonable.

Alien maybe

i wonder why atheists always attack christians. probably because they're such pussies and are so scared that they have to attack a peaceful religion instead of one which will actually punish them, like islam

lmao "trust me", if you think i'd trust you over my experience with God you're dumber then the kids who mindlessly follow religion/atheism without thinking deeply into something that meaningful.

Phineas Quimby is a fucking idiot


It is well-known, Religion is a man-made lie to control society and keep them ineducated.

>Actually scientist have discovered a zebra/rhino like hybrid

Does not exist. Zebra and rhino's are reproductively isolated.

I said my cock, not others.

I don't like Islam either, but I'm an ex christian and almost every single religion person I know it christian, so it's obviously going to be the focus. I'm far from the only one.


We don't need to spread the word of anything. Even believers have a book that says "ask for insight, ask for understanding, search for it like hidden treasure" so to me that's telling them to question the existence, not just treat it like a software license and scroll to the bottom and click "I agree" as most believers do. Only if they read that shit

Show me where the priest touched you.


Plus any idiot that attacks any other idiot is just that....a fucking idiot.

Real atheists and agnostics go around believing whatever the fuck they believe WITHOUT FEELING THE NEED to shove said beliefs down anyone else's throats.....