I have gotten so picky with nude pics. To the point I rarely see ones I like...

I have gotten so picky with nude pics. To the point I rarely see ones I like..... Like it's been weeks since I have saw one that I really liked.

Post your favorites to give us an idea

Sure. I can give you an example. It's so hard to explain though. If I make a thread on a niche of girls. Anons will post but it's like rare to see one even in the niche that I like...

Heres an example if she didnt have that tattoo, shed be perfect to me..

How about this?

To professional looking. Only like selfies...

That looks uncomfortable as fuck!

This is one of my favorites i have saved right now...


I like the body a lot, but no face.. I cant fap without face, under rare very very rare, body is out of this world.

That's gross... fake looking, older...

nice, i've been posting her lots lately, but never with face. glad you like her body thou

have some 50' puffies OP

will make you feel better trust me

I know that feel op

I just farm photobucket and hope I can get some accidental amateur shots. nothing more awesome than a person who doesn't realize the stuff they are posting can be seen by everyone else

You probably won't like a lot of the pics I like then.

Is this hidden cam?

go back to your roots

Yeah man, its what it is. Just sucks when you farm for like a couple of hours and get one pic hell sometimes dont even get any..

no, she placed the camera in front of her, and a bit of a filter there as well

when America was still great

Accidental, explain

when multiculturalism was unheard of

men were men and women knew their place

lol america was never that great to begin with, just sayin

She looks Dutch!




dumb ass forgot pic

Also got into these model scam pics but they seem hard to come across...

Has your country been responsible for winning 2 world wars? You're welcome cunt

I've done it for awhile. Used to be easier. I have almost 6 gigs of pics and videos

most of the time these girls or boyfriends/husbands post nudes not knowing that what they are posting still can be seen by the public for a short time. now they are lot better at cleaning things up but things still get through. You can easily distinguish between pics just being posted to a page and not wanting to be shared vs people just posting porn

go choke on your flag bitch

Yeah I did the same thing in photoshop also.. lol

How are my girls nudes

No offense, but you didn't win either. The first one was won by France and England, and the second one by the Russians. You got your ass kicked by Vietnam, and fucked up in every Middle Eastern country.


Where the fuck are you from tittie baby?

Nice. Never tried photobucket, how much win can you get now within an hour

Its a fine pic, I just couldnt fap to it, unless she sent it to me.

got half way thru typing identical reply. nice, user

I created a second version of a lot of my gf pics because she has a couple of stupid tattoos

Allied victory would have not won unless the US joined in both world wars. We did lose Vietnam, I'll admit. But for people who have never fought for their country, right or wrong, can stfu.

back in the day you'd almost always have a hit. now sometimes you get lucky and other times you completely miss. you have to be patient anymore but the pay off of knowing you snatching some random persons private pictures is fulfilling


Who is she?

Is that Susie?

Im on it right now refreshing the recent uploads. is that the best way to do it

And we recognize the central lie of American race relations. We don’t exploit other groups. We don’t gain anything from their presence. They need us, and not the other way around.

Whiteness, or, rather, identity, is being forced on the deracinated, consumerist Last Man that was the European-American. No one is going to be permitted to escape this process. Great historical changes are imminent when people are forced into a binary choice – fight or flee, join or die, resist … or cuck.

That is the position of white people. Two weeks ago, I might the have said the election of Donald Trump would actually lessen the pressure on white Americans. But today it’s clear his election is only intensifying the storm of hatred and hysteria being directed against us.

As Europeans, we are, uniquely, at the center of history. We are, as Hegel recognized, the concept of world history. No one will honor us for losing gracefully. No one mourns the great crimes committed against us. For us, it is conquer or die. This is a unique burden for the white man, that our fate is entirely in our hands. And it is appropriate because within us, within the very blood in our veins as children of the sun lies the potential for greatness.

That is the great struggle we are called to. We were not meant to live in shame and weakness and disgrace. We were not meant to beg for moral validation from some of the most despicable creatures to pollute the soil of this planet. We were meant to overcome--overcome all of it. Because that’s natural for us.

Because for us, as Europeans, it’s only normal again, when we are great again.

Hail Trump. Hail our people. Hail victory.

yes. watch out now though. they have shitty ads. I use a POS laptop i never use to search


We are not all assholes. Just proud americans. Now enjoy some American titties


learn to google cucklord

Thank you good sir

She looks familiar. I think I have that magazine.

ublock :)


Nope. I'm American.

Sure, we helped, but we didn't win either war. We really only beat the Japs.

Eurocuck tears of envy nourish my soul.

Tired of the United States occupying your shit hole country for the last 70 years?

Tired of nigger GI's fucking your daughters, wives and moms?

Tired of sand niggers groping and raping your women?

Now were going to cuck you even harder with Emperor Trump.

Hail Victory

this pic is US in a nutshell, badasses when posing, but really just a bunch of retards

self hating libtard. kys snowflake


I guess beating Japan wasn't enough for you. D-Day was a joint effort with other great countries like europe, and canada. How can you not appreciate something like that? Let me guess, you were too scared to sign up and fight.

Ellen epitomizes the great America we love and cherish

Not self-hating, not a liberal. Just a vet that studies history.

But don't let history get in the way of your fanaticism.

Where do you hail from?

my sides

eurocuck internet tough guy - can't even keep sand niggers from groping his womenfolk at will

You were a shit burner

here ya go OP

This looks just like someone I went to college with.

I did sign up and served four years. Woulda fought if I was sent. But funny thing, Clinton didn't start any bullshit wars when I was in, so I never got to fight.

I'm aware of D-Day. My grandfather was part of it. And sure, we played a part in winning the war, but we didn't play the biggest or most important part of the war in Europe. That title would go to the Soviet Union and Britain.

People going around acting like we stormed in there like Rambo and won the war for everyone in Europe are an embarrassment.

Yeah thats a good one, wish one existed without her shorts.

keep drinking the multicultural globalist kool aid. Tell yourself that your're smarter than anyone who doesn't believe in the Orwellian doublespeak you call progressive politics.

Underestimate the right as a bunch of toothless rednecks from Alabama.

That will ensure an eight year Trumpdom.

By the way: you lost; get used to it.

thums up for a funny pic.
thumbs down cause you think im eurofag.



yeah, I fucked this hoe as well

I think you mean the Soviet winter, not the Soviet soldiers.

roll tide

You signed up in peace time because you knew it was going to be easy. I signed up the day after 9/11

Way to project there, buddy.

I didn't lose shit, because I didn't vote for either candidate. I didn't care who won.

But it's interesting that someone that actually studies history is automatically a "liberal" that should be afraid of the "right." Sounds to me that you're the one trying to prove the toothless redneck stereotype, not me.

what a badass mofo you are

Everybody Wants To Rule The World.

thank you for your service user.

I signed up in peacetime because I was about the right age to sign up.

I suppose you think everyone else born in the mid 70s were cowards as well?

what a cowardly piece of shit snowflake you are.

Never said I was a badass. I did what our parents, and grandparents did when our time was called cuckboy.

moar ellen

u fucked my girl?

go suck on trump's titty

exactly, you're another brainwashed idiot in a long line of brainwashed idiots.


you sir are what makes the United States the envy of the world. They can cry and cuck all they want -

If you did it for a paycheck and free ride

you lost.
get over it.
I understand your scared special snowflake.
you should be.

>stupid piegon toed stance
>freakishly long legs
>ugly face

my scared what?

Brainwashed? Because I wanted to fight the evil that attacked us. If that's what you want to call fighting for those innocent people and others like them. I'm ok with that.

sayeth the perma-virgin

had sex this summer NBD


my god you are either trolling on a wholenother level or you are the most retarded person i've dealt with in a while

"How old are you? Stop LARPing and learn about how politics works in the real world."

I'm older than you. But that's meaningless. And you're the one who has just proven to be politically, historically, and tactically ignorant.

We reverse-engineered the methods that our (((enemy))) used, decades ago, to capture the culture and the political sphere. And we're in the process of using those same tactics against our enemies. -- That's "how politics works in the real world."

We've accomplished in two years what "respectable" pro-White "intellectuals" failed to accomplish in fifty years.

It's time for the tactically incompetent failures, like yourself, to sit down and shut up. -- You've proven yourself to be tactically ignorant and utterly useless.

We're driving this train. -- You're just a passenger.

Shut up and enjoy the ride.