How smart are you, Sup Forums?

How smart are you, Sup Forums?

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What about an infinite line

Clearly you lifted your pencil from the paper.

Clearly dont know how portals work

I don't think he used a pencil and I don't think that's a paper. Look around you, where do you think you are right now and who do you think you're talking to.

Straight across each line, two diagonals tp connect them. Im too high to draw it,

Each row I mean

You don't end up where you started that way.

Even a nigger could do this

>You have to end up where you started

doesn't say you're limited to 5 lines.. just draw 5 straight lines and then do whatever necessary to end up where you began

That's where I'm getting hung up on, too.

fuck you

Can anyone prove it's impossible?


Didn't draw it perfectly, but you get the idea.

Nearly impossible to prove a negative. You'd have to go through every possible permutation without success to do so.

I would postulate that it likely is impossible. But I've been wrong before.

But that's the lame case where the dots are not just points.

Smart enough to create this site

Not smart enough to keep it alive

>im moot

Why do people think this is hard? It says nothing about the angles the lines make.

It's the only case we were presented.

Not my fault if it's lame.

took me a couple tries but i remembered this was how i was taught to draw stars in middle school.

Doesnt matter, it follows all rules given

OP here, you win





How can you draw 5 different lines if you can't lift your pencil op?

Very well done my fellow user.

now someone post the template for the autism maze

Like this!
>Duel 77's!

You obviously haven't done much math. Although in this case it turned out the construction was possible after all.

thanks Sup Forumstards, now gimme somethin else

Round 2

too lazy to draw it out, but do this:
move the top and left sticks from the upper left square, and the bottom stick from the bottom right square, to form a square over the girl's face

i kinda did something similar

Round 3, last one was way too easy. This one is harder.

damn it, you might have got me here op

This is not a well formed question.

so far i've been able to deciper that the pattern continues in where the shapes havent been on the grid yet.


alright this one i actually dont know but im gonna go on a whim and say it's h. it seemed that the square and circle hadnt yet been in one spot, and all the shapes swap places once with another shape. but meh


alright OP, im not giving up. let me see if i can make a pattern. can i turn the pieces a certain way?

Turn the pieces a certain way? Like how?

like would turning the grids 90 or 180 degrees help in any way or can i solve it just as it is shown?

It is by far the most intuitive to solve it in its original orientation.

ok. any hints?

Here's a hint: ...-> square -> circle -> triangle -> square -> circle -> triangle -> square ->..., etc.

the hint gave it away omg

I am too drunk for that now. My first guess was, it is some kind off bubble sort. I am only guessing without any proof, but wouldn't it be B

Wrong, I don't even understand the pattern you have apparently discerned.

It's not B.

the pattern i thought was that there had to be two lines of square circle triangle and they had to connect with one shape.

damn it. now i actually dont know what

see, that's the problem with this sort of puzzle
there's a pattern there, all cells have either an L or a T formed by lines with one each of square circle triangle

there's one particular pattern that the puzzle designer is looking for, but there are a variety of possible patterns and solutions

What I was trying to say in this post was that all of the lines are connected, so it is just 1 line so it would be impossible to draw separate lines without lifting the pencil from the page

This supposed pattern doesn't fit, though. There are several rows and columns that aren't marked in this solution. For example, all three horizontal lines in the middle figure has one square, circle and triangle.

i took what OP said directly. square, circle, triangle

then applied it to each of the options. i found it in 2 possible options but since E was ruled out my last guess is A. after that someone else gotta try it cuz im stumped

It's not A.

alright. it's not H, E, or A
i might give it ONE more shot but you got me pretty stumped with this one OP

oh, yep
i was going off the green boxes the other user drew


Requirements by the statement of the rules are that you must connect the dots by drawing straight lines and not lifting the pencil from the paper, and that you must end up where you started.

Says nothing about no extra non-straight lines, or shit, beyond that no extra straight lines.

Math grad here, to nitpick your problems apart.

a math grad should know that lines are infinitely long

im gonna lose sleep OP, i cant figure this out for the life of me. even if you gave me the answer i wouldnt get how you did it unless you explained to me

just fold the paper when you've finished drawing to get the pencil back to the starting point

True, common use of the word line is to mean sections of lines. As the literal definition of line is applicable mostly only in looking at geometries.

The answer is G next question please.

Also to explain it : Each symbol moves right one space per turn. Triangles turn to Squares, Squares to Os, and Os to triangles.

wow its possible..

oh my god ok im gonna test this right now and if you're right ill be so upset with my autistic self

Correct, well done. I can add that when going from one horizontal line to the next, the entire figure is simply rotated 90 degrees clockwise.

nice user, here's the real solution though:

go find a copy of this one, you wont see it because i didnt copypaste like you faggot

YOU BITCH YOU TOLD ME IT WOULD BE EASIER TO UNDERSTAND IF I DIDN'T TURN THE FIGURE!!!!! oh well im not actually that mad just disappointed

where does the first column of symbols in the middle and right hand blocks come from then?

thats just the same thing i did except i used the template and it doesnt look like ass

good try tho user

Well, it is. The 90 degree change from one line to the next is just a neat detail that's irrelevant to the solution. The reason it's most intuitive to otherwise keep the original orientation is that the change follows the pattern of reading: It goes from left to right, then to the next line below, etc.

To specify, "each symbol moves right one space" means that it moves to the right until it reaches the end, the last object in a row moves to be the first element of the next row, until out of rows, upon which the final object moves to the first row's first element.

fuck. i still BARELY understand it but thats ok. good shit OP

Round 4. I want the exact solution, of course.

it's too late for math right now

Been a while since i've done probability shit. Will give it a go.

I think its the pythagorean theorem


the longest possible segment is sqrt(2), so how could the average be 4?

idk, its too late for this im tired

even if that was so you have to find the root of 4, which is just... 2

even so, that's the highest on the scale, the lowest would be 0.1 or 0? so the average distance would just be 1

8 lines (sides)

i'll just leave this here

2/15 + (sqrt(2)+ln|sqrt(2)+1|)/3 - 4*sqrt(2)/15

annoying integral.

>Connect all the dots

answer to

You think the average of all distances between two random points inside of a unit square is 4...?

When there exists no such line inside of a unit square that is greater than sqrt(2) (which is about 1.41)

Bah, knew it would be too easy to just google that one.

Round 5, then.

It's not a hard problem, the problem with it is that most people lack the tools to approach it. Knowing probability distributions and the calculus to integrate it is... a bit of a tall order.

Is it √2 / 2? √2 is the longest, and all other random lines must be less than it, with the middle being half of the max?

It does take a bit of cleverness to simplify the quadruple integral, though.

even knowing all of those tools, nobody is going to solve this problem from scratch in the lifetime of this thread

End up where you started faggot