Daily Sup Forums fight thread. Today's theme: white knighting

Daily Sup Forums fight thread. Today's theme: white knighting
Can you hold your own in a fight?

>what's your age, height and weight?
>what martial art or any sport do you practice?
>have you ever whiteknighted (ie fought to defend a cumdumpster or some other weakling?)
>what was the most painful technique/method ever used against you in a fight?

>what's your age, height and weight?

33. 6'. 175lbs.

>what martial art or any sport do you practice?

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. In my 20s it was Muay Thai. In college it was Jeet Kune Do. In High School it was Taekwondo.

>have you ever whiteknighted (ie fought to defend a cumdumpster or some other weakling?)

Nope. I just do my thing on the mats, go home, get stoned and play video games.

>what was the most painful technique/method ever used against you in a fight?

In Muay Thai, it was a Roundkick to the jaw that left me in pain for about a month. In Jiujitsu, a super hard Armbar that kept me from rolling for a couple months.

Outside the gym nobody's ever really hurt me badly.

what belt are you in bjj? im thinking of starting it

I'm still a white belt. I only started earlier this year. I've competed once already.

I've been able to easily handle other non-grapplers (even stronger, more athletic guys) since about two months in. Against other higher-ranked Jiujitsu guys I'm just now starting to get the hang of it.

That said, I love Jiujitsu and I probably won't go back to striking. It's a rough full-contact sport, but it leaves me with a lot less training injuries than striking arts ever did.

Cool. I'll do it mainly for fitness, BJJ guys are usually strong and fast at the same time and they look sick too.

Is BJJ that homo thing where you grab other guy and shit?

Fitness is a good reason to do BJJ. Can't fault you for wanting a fun way to stay fit.

>what's your age, height and weight?
29, 5'10", 300 lbs
>what martial art or any sport do you practice?
Mexican Ditch Fighting
>have you ever whiteknighted (ie fought to defend a cumdumpster or some other weakling?)
I beat the shit out of two schmoogies pushing a little white guy around in Austin once.
>what was the most painful technique/method ever used against you in a fight?
I round-house kicked a guy with my penis once.

I'm pretty sure you're thinking of just plain old BJ, but BJJ is pretty close.

> 31, 6'1", 195
>did 8 years of Hapkido most recently
> during that time sparred friends who did muay thai and wing chun, wrestled in middle school, tae kwon do before that
>Sort of. Had a guy get mad that I was hanging with his ex in high school. We were just friends, but he was all butt hurt about us hanging out and decided to throw down.
>an instructor landed a punch to my solar plexus (we call it an upset punch, it's like a twisting uppercut) that laid me out pretty good, once. He stuck his punch too... like a goddamn gymnast.

>was all butt hurt about us hanging out and decided to throw down.
how did that go? did you mop the floor with his face?

yes. But it's good shit.

when will his mma debut be? faggot keeps postponing it

oops i mean him in pic related

25, 180cm, 65.
judo, ju-justu, and MMA (it´s not a martial art but good traning to defend and attacking)
Grab wrist. pull, put intensive pressure on elbow = dislocated elbow

part 1

The fight itself was quick, but it took for ever before it happened.
His friends kept coming up to me and my friends saying he was going to kill me.
I was just like "alright."

I think that stalled him for a while, because I wasn't really talking shit, but I was scared either.

At the time I was 165 lbs. He had the fat kind of football player build, so I knew he'd destroy me if he could take me down. My buddy said he'd seen him beat the shit out of some kid before. Said he boxed for a while, then tackled the guy for a ground n pound.

Were you a senior when this happened? 165 is a pretty good weight for a high schooler

>what's your age, height and weight?
22, 1.70 M, 80 KG.

>what martial art or any sport do you practice?
Tae kwon do (Hated it, its not practical), Kung fu, Vale todo, kenjutsu.

>have you ever whiteknighted (ie fought to defend a cumdumpster or some other weakling?)
I just defended my sister once on elementary school, the dude never looked at her again

>what was the most painful technique/method ever used against you in a fight?
probably the time i got a fucking sword to the neck.
My teacher didn't cut me, but it was fucking horrible.
I can't really feel that much pain.

>Vale todo
since you listed at least one practical style- how are kung fu and kenjutsu practical?

part 2

I had been in Hapkido for about 1.5 years, so I told my instructor about this guy. I knew how to deal with boxers already, but he showed me a way to deal with the tackle.

Fight happened in parking lot. I was walking to my car with my friend and heard my name get yelled.
I turn and see jogging at me. I dropped my backpack and stepped a little more out in the open.

He dipped down and picked up speed, just going to start off with the tackle.

The technique my instructor showed me (by this point point I'd been practicing it for a while) was to
A) side step and catch their wrist so you can guide their arm past you (don't get dragged down)
B) use your other hand to cup the back of their head
C) slam your knee into their face

Since he was moving at a good clip, dropping to tackle, and had my extra push on the back of his head, he met my knee real fucking hard.

He wasn't knocked out or anything, but he just laid on his back. He wasn't in any hurry to get up, so I just sort of got in my car and left.

I was an edgy teen with anger issues.
It taught me some well needed discipline.

Yeah, but at 6'1", a lot of that weight is eaten up by height.

fair enough. I'm doing muay thai and bjj for the whole practicality thing but I do need discipline.

>what's your age, height and weight?

21. 6'. 150lbs.

>what martial art or any sport do you practice?

Wrestling State Champion in high school. Self taught everything MMA. I cant beat a jitsu champion at jitsu but I can beat 99% percent of people in a no holds barred fight. Tough as nails and tenacious as all hell.

>have you ever whiteknighted (ie fought to defend a cumdumpster or some other weakling?)

Every fight I had in highschool was at the defense of some weak fuck or hot girl. It got me street cred because of the brutality for my average size but the administration became so biased against me it wasnt worth it.

>what was the most painful technique/method ever used against you in a fight?

I suplexed a kid at a football game and he didn't tuck his head he ended up spraining his neck really bad, about 200 pounds of his own weight and my force on his head. Luckily I got away with a minor misdemeanor for fighting in public since the camera caught that I was stopping another fight

sorry against.
Well got kicked in the mouth and it hurts like a btich.
Swollen face, split lip all the way so for a while i hade two upper lips. and sores on the gum.

>It got me street cred
didnt it get you a lot of enemies too?

l would fight every single one of you spastic nerds 1 by 1 and fucking give you the beating your shit parents never gave you. All of you, no age restrictions, it would be fucking hilarious. l bet the white supremacist posting the black power threads will come at arms flaying screaming reeeee

that's what street cred is for- yeah you might get enemies but you also get respect and people that don't like you literally DO NOT MATTER. Since they're too pussy to do anything about it anyways.

Lot better to set a harsh example than be a nice guy when it comes to physical conflict.

Your prowess is your leverage, you don't have to worry about other variables and play nice in order to keep from burning bridges.

>what's your age, height and weight?

36 5'7" and around 130lbs

>what martial art or any sport do you practice?

I took Kung fu classes as a kid to get me started.It taught me some basics and I branched out from there later in life.

>have you ever whiteknighted (ie fought to defend a cumdumpster or some other weakling?)

Im living in Chicago so theres a lot of bullshit to deal with. Most of the time just standing up to assholes makes them back down after talking big but ive been involved in a few too many altercations

>what was the most painful technique/method ever used against you in a fight?

Mostly broke fingers kicked a guy in the kidneys once takedown into ground n pound on a guy that didnt know how basic takedowns worked.

Thing is I know I aint a big guy and ive had my skull fractured before. I know fighting is serious shit and not something you do to prove your balls are big. Its what a lot of dumb assholes in this city dont seem to get. They are fucking surprised fights dont end up like they did in high school where people break it up after a few seconds and theres no consequences

So what´s your fighting style?

krav maga. l could beat any of you skinny white boy fu martial art wannabes

One thing I see people commenting how 'badass' and 'untouchable' they are. Everyone feels like the fucking king and that's just nasty. I tend to believe that 90%~ of people practising martial arts and are bragging here are small fries and dunning-kruger'in a lot in here.
Thus, nice lies.

So if you could choose how would it go down?

29, 6', 275 lbs
No martial arts training, just intense interest. Been weightlifting and working manual labor all my life.
Yes I've weightknighted beat the shit out of my mom's boyfriend when I was 18. I've also been a huge asshole and dragged a weaker person from his car for no reason (was drunk).
I've never felt pain during a fight but once when I was shitfaced I got in a fight with three people (I only saw one). Got put in a sleeper hold and knocked out. Then when I started to come to I got soccer kicked in the head. The white part of my eye was red for 2 weeks and I have a lump of scar tissue inside that eyebrow (nothing outside).
Overall, between my experience, knowledge, and size I'm a threat to just about anyone but I've been knocked out so I know I'm not a Super Saiayan. I figure I could fuck up 95% of Sup Forums.

>24 6'7" 257lbs
>dabbled in karate and tae kwon do as a kid. Want to get into muay thai with my length I feel like it'd be a big advantage.
>Couple bar fights here and there, broke a guy's jaw after he started kicking the shit out of his girl at a party, broke one of my soldiers' face in 4 places when he pulled a knife and tried riding his motorcycle home drunk as all hell
>sparring against a drill sergeant.. he was half my size so put in twice the effort.


What part?

How about all of it?


19, 183cm, 65kg
No martial arts, former footballer.
I've stood up for people before, but I've never gotten in a fight over it.
When I was twelve I was in a fight with a kid and his mate tripped me up and I cracked my head open on a brick wall. The kid continued to punch me in the face when I was knocked out on the ground with blood pouring on my head. A teacher apparently heard about it, came rushing over to pull him off of me. I woke up in hospital.

All of this because I stole a piece of gum from his desk at school

Well I have never sparred aganist a drill sagr

Moral of the story.
Don´t steal

So that means no one else could possibly have done so.

im like fucking 30
i dont do faggot shit
ive never been a queer
the one doing the painful shit has been me
you left out #5, suck a dick

you a fucking pussy, hospitalized for being a bitch.

doctors couldnt fix that tho.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Haven't got any good fight stories, just scraps and such in bars.

Most painful technique ever used against me was a solid kick to the chest whilst I was on the ground. Cracked my sternum.

you sound like a dumb fag. drink some bleach.

your a little faggot and you've never done shit, go drink some bleach for all our sake you little pussy.

i woudlnt waste my time with an autist.

20 1.8m 70 kilo
im from israel so i have basic anti terrorist training
i dont whiteknight, i rather them spitting on my bitches
>i usually fight drunk in bars, when you start fight with one dude, next thing you know the whole bar beating you up

your a little faggot, who the fuck is 6 foot and 150lbs lmfao. infact, after reading more of your post i honest to god wish you'd hang your fucking self, more than the other little faggots ive read so far. fuck you, worthless little faggot.

It's December yet summer is still here?

You´re from Israel so you are basiclly a spoiled brat

please just fucking kill yourself.

-30 years old, 6 feet, 215
-no, that's stupid. Wrestling I guess? I've found that if I take someone to the ground they're fucked.
-yes, once. Girl I didn't know got punched by a drunk guy. I fucked him up but he knocked the shit out of me. I thought he broke my jaw at first.
-getting punched in the nose

>fiction and falsehood

truth is faggot, your the cancer in 2 regards here.

i honestly wish you'd fucking kill yourself.

Slow down there you spastic. It's "shouldn't.

pic releted its me

Si dah jawol

>>what's your age, height and weight?
35, 5'11", 165

>>what martial art or any sport do you practice?
Drunken brawling

>>have you ever whiteknighted (ie fought to defend a cumdumpster or some other weakling?)

>>what was the most painful technique/method ever used against you in a fight?
Fucker's friend hit me with a car

>38, 6' 285lbs size 60 jacket, 42" waist
>played college football at D2 school, defensive tackle, still lift and stay in shape today, back down to 285 from playing weight of 315
>yea, lit up a dude that punched my buddy that's in a wheel chair and calling his gf a slut, dude was talking shit about how he's a badass, he hit me twice and then got glassed, had a siezure, ambulance ride, fractured eye socket
>fought to defend my wife once shortly after we first met, she's an awesome person and was never mean to anybody or heard that she was mean to anybody, dude she went to HS with says something to her as she's walking by leaving a party, I heard the dude but I was about 5 steps behind her in the dark and he didn't see me, when he saw me I laughed and said "what did you say" and he was dumb enough to repeat it so my hand shot out and I gave him a ride up against the house by his throat and kept choking him out until he apologized, which was basically him blubbering and kicking and foaming at the mouth an "ummmphmmmmshshsshhhhhhh sssoooooooooowwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeee", dropped him to the ground, let him gasp a few breaths, and then proceeded to lay to boots to his ribs a good 10 times until he was full blown wailing and gasping for air some more
>worst I ever got hit with - brass knuckles, hurt like a motherfucker, make a kinda "clank" sound on your skull 1/10, do no recommend

id respond with more but i cant, kill your fucking self PLEASE, id trade my fucking left nut for it, but id run out of fucking nuts. your so fucking not worth it, fucking killl yourself, god damn.

6ft 60kg and I train Muay Thai. Lost a bunch of weight so I can fight in a competitive weight class when I go to Thailand in February. Got jumped once when I was 16 and kneed in the bollocks

I white knighted for my little brother who was getting beat up by my bodybuilder psychopath dad. Didn't end well

how could you trade a nut when you have no nuts? Did you forget that you look at the ground when you go outside in public, did you forget how you care about what other people think about you? Did you forget your stature is that of a weak piece of shit that abuses his body daily on a mental and physical level?

>>what's your age, height and weight?
24, 5'8, 230lbs

>>what martial art or any sport do you practice?
None anymore

>>have you ever whiteknighted (ie fought to defend a cumdumpster or some other weakling?)

>>what was the most painful technique/method ever used against you in a fight?
Punched in the face
Don't see the point in fighting so I usually avoid it.

Broke up a fight, a dude took my action the wrong way,dragged me backwards while punching me in the head. I was more concerned about where my hats was. Turns out he was a trained boxer.

Therein lies your problem. Two adults should be allowed to fight. Should only interfere if someone's getting beat down

Also learnt wing chun for a few years. You're fucked if you want to fight me slow-mo.


21 yo, 6'3 220 pounds (not solid muscle, but I'm not a fat fuck)

I have practised boxing when I was younger but I got bored and started only fighting on the streets

Yes I did. Not because I wanted to help him, I just wanted to punch somebody in the face ...

Kicked me in my balls ...

>what's your age, height and weight?
26, 1.75,80
>what martial art or any sport do you practice?
i got hurt really bad during training(army) so for the last couple of years, nothing. but prior to that i was practicing martial arts since childhood: Judo->karate->ju-jitsu->krav-maga
>have you ever whiteknighted (ie fought to defend a cumdumpster or some other weakling?)
never been in a situation that would require it
>what was the most painful technique/method ever used against you in a fight?
hard to say. i've taken so many hits in my life i don't really remember a single one. But one time when i was 7 or 8 a larger kid broke the big toe in my right leg and it was my first "serious" injury so i remember crying a lot.