Would you lick my girlfriends underwear after her work out?

Would you lick my girlfriends underwear after her work out?


i really wouldnt.

sure. i licked the underwear of a prostitute i tried to fuck. she didn't want to touch me because i was too fat and disgusting (i'm 280), but she did let me jerk off to her underwear

Why not?


Does anyone want a pic of me licking them?

Thats piss, not sweat


Did she pisses herself every time she goes to gym?.


Not it's not piss just super creamy

I would. I typically buy them off women on the net. As well as sniff friends. Looks tasty op. I'd sniff that gusset and bust a fat load.


How much would you pay for them?

It's looking like cervical mucous more than cum. She's ovulating. I'd sniff it.

Do you eat her Diareha?

A pair like that..30 bucks easy. Most women would ask 60 though.

That looks pretty fucking disgusting. That bitch needs to wear liners, and it looks like she's pissing herself.

She is super fit though. I bet she smells clean. I do like them with some funk.

I'll ask her I'd she would let me sell them if so could you post a picture with them?

Yes very clean

Fuckin', hot.Post more OP.

Only My girlfriend tho. Her pheromones fits mine. Her smell drives me crazy when she doesn't shower for a while.

Unfortunately, She always being clean and wear a pantyliner on her underwear.

Well it sounds like it would be a great deal for me. I would have to save up a load big enough to make it worthwhile. She looks so tasty.

Any pics of her or her panties?

Liners don't smell good either. They mess up the nice smell and make it sour. I think because of the plastic on the back. Lame things.

thread dead?if not, could you post some more pics op?

holy shiiiiiiiiiit. i'm gonna be rich!!
would you like to buy my panties user? I'm a 21yo virgin. I'm desperate

Pic of you in panties?

how dirty are they?

why is it coming out of her pussy?

If you are hot i would buy it.

you are a dude you faggot