Sup Forums I come to you today to ask for help

Sup Forums I come to you today to ask for help.

When I was younger (around 13-14-15) I "hooked up" with a lot of girls my age. Fingering, handjobs, giving head etc but I never had sex. When I was 15 I was in bed with a girl and she thought it'd be a good idea to have sex. We had no protection at the time so after like 3 thrusts I decided "fuck this I'm not gonna be a dad" (kinda beta but imagine it from my position). Shit got out and she didn't want to feel ashamed so she told everyone it was rape. Fast forward a couple of months, I'm now with my girlfriend and we decide to have sex but this time also no condom, so I was like nah fuck this it's a bad idea. So basically my 2 first times were fucked. I kept hooking up with girls for a while but never fucked. I tried to fuck 1 of them when I was 16 but shit was just bad, we got walked in on when I was putting the condom on and then we just decided nah fuck this.

Now a perfect 10/10 grill wants to fuck me, what do you recon I do? She's virgin and perhaps if I just pretend I'm a virgin it'll all be simpler? I want to forget my past experience around sex since it has never been good, what do Sup Forums please help

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Bring a fucking condom u autistic shit... omfg

Yea do it

Did you forget to breathe while typing out that novel?
How fucking stupid are you that you can't figure that shit out for yourself.

Wait till your married. Tell wife IUD or hit the bricks.
Never condom.

Do it. A condom isn't necessary if the girl does jumping jacks immediately after getting cream pied

anybody else getting a metric fuckton of connection errors?

you fucking cuck

Sorry my bad english not first language

spell reckon the right way op

Damn it OP either pretend youre a virgin so it'll all be simpler or if you're not too autistic and know how to talk to girls, tell her the truth of what happened. Either way you're a total scaredy cat i lost my virigirninity when i was 13 and i didnt use a condom.

fuck her right in the pussy

don't do the jumping jacks and also don't risk getting her pregnant it could ruin your life. everything else is up to you to figure out

I was afraid too, but then i realized that grills dont get pregnant so easily



OP you're a fucking retard for not simply buying condoms.

>What do you recon I do?
Bring a condom this time if not having one causes you so much worry that you aren't even into it anymore dipshit

It's like youre being asked "what is 1 + 1" and you still come here to ask other people the possible answer

OP, any good pics of these promiscuous girls you speak of?

I wasn't even able to post 5 minutes ago

As you are too stupid to keep condoms. Please get a vasectomy. The human race will be better off without your genetic material dragging it down.

this and this also if shes a virgin dont expect that you will succeed at first try

right on. thanks man. it took me about 8 tries to post that question.
let's see if this works.
try #1

>step 1. stop acting like a faggot
>step 2. fuck her
really not that complicated

I think most of you all misunderstood me a little bit. Last time we tried to have sex I did have condoms but I was so worried that the sex would be bad which made me not hard enough. Similar thing also happened with another girl

Also I heard fourchan has some real sex legends. Could you all tell me some cool sex tips

refer to

I just gave up earlier. I see it works better now. Let's hope it stays this way.

>I was so worried that the sex would be bad which made me not hard enough.

Alright then, talk to her. Tell her it's your first time, or tell her the odyssey of all of those previous attempts, whichever you want. But just tell her about how you're nervous or whatever and if she actually cares about you then she'll be patient and work with you to get the boner up and the condom on.

tl;dr communicate. bitches love to communicate.

Oh I get now. I suggest getting really drunk first. This is always a big help

Does this turn you on at all?