Can all music be considered art?

Can all music be considered art?
>If you say yes
Even if it sucks?

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>Can all music be considered art?
>Even if it sucks?
Obviously. Retarded thread.

no some music is made strictly for commercial reasons.
but you have some post modern trolls who will make a case for shit music just to stroke their egos on what they can get away with.

yes, even if it sucks
art is not a code word for quality

prime examples of pomo

does this count as art?

Yes, even Suicide Silence, Justin Bieber and bandcamp noise "artists"

quality doesn't dictate weather something is art. intent to express is the prime qualification for art in any medium imo

i'd fuck that cat, but not in a gay way

>no some music is made strictly for commercial reasons
How does that make it not art?

art is not synonymous with "good"

No, I make a distinction between music as art and music as entertainment. Yes, a lot of music falls under both categories but there is also music that falls under only one or the other.

>I make a distinction between music as art and music as entertainment


"All X is art" is a modernist notion. You are at least 50 years out of date with your clueless critique of postmodernism.



No. I don't think product that is clearly created by formula for mass appeal and radioplay and without any actual inspiration or artistic intent can be called art. Doesn't matter if it still counts as "music".

The definition of art does not refer to perceived quality


They are an indigenous group who, although sharing percent of genes with the rest of population, lack communication skills.

If something was made with the intention of being art, then it is art.

Whether its good or bad is a whole other question.