Why do liberals hate straight white men having starring roles?
Do they think anybody wants to see a black guy as their lead in all their movies lol?
Or even a hispanic, muslim, or asian? Seriously, we run this bitch faggots
Why do liberals hate straight white men having starring roles?
Do they think anybody wants to see a black guy as their lead in all their movies lol?
Or even a hispanic, muslim, or asian? Seriously, we run this bitch faggots
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white guys can be the lead but they gotta answer to the snappy black boss lady
Every movie in Asia stars an Asian guy. 3 out of the top 10 grossing movies this year in 2016 was produced by / or starred Chinese people.
The Mermaid
Monster Hunt
Kung Fu Panda 3 (this was a joint US/China production)
It is actually 4 if you include Warcraft since Legendary Pictures is owned by Wanda which is a Chinese company.
Because liberals are the scum of the Earth.
Hispanics with basic European descent are white though. The "Main" hispanic is Spaniard. The mexicans are just injun mutant rape babies.
If you're going to shit talk Mexicans, say mexican, beaner, or whatever. Not hispanic cause Hispanics would have been Irish or Italian tier if it wasn't for the Mexicans stealing that word.
What bothers me the most is that you have white cisgenders bashing on white cisgenders. As a non-white, white liberals are no better than white conservatives; they don't give a rat's ass about anyone but themselves. They only "fight" for non-whites so that they can make themselves feel good. Malcolm X even warned people about the dangers of trusting white liberals.
>The white conservatives aren't friends of the Negro either, but they at least don't try to hide it. They are like wolves; they show their teeth in a snarl that keeps the Negro always aware of where he stands with them. But the white liberals are foxes, who also show their teeth to the Negro but pretend that they are smiling. The white liberals are more dangerous than the conservatives; they lure the Negro, and as the Negro runs from the growling wolf, he flees into the open jaws of the "smiling" fox.
This retard here sums up what is wrong with white liberals today:
We're just bored of all white boys ll the time desu senpai. It's like having Windows on default settings all the time, with the preset wallpaper up.
According to Sup Forums, you don't actually run shit. Sup Forums is always right, you know.
Stop projecting, conservacuck, all that nigger semen has screwed with your disturbed brain.
100% this.
white peopel didnt enslave asians or muslims or hispanics. We were killed and worked to our bones for the economic prosperity of the US and have yet to see any of the fruits of our (slave) labor
what do you want?
Leebrals, politics, yay
straight white men have more testosterone and are more masculine than them
They go where the money is. Turns out people who aren't white dudes are generally pretty jazzed about seeing stuff about people who aren't white dudes.
Sure thing, Juan.
they dont, it's not something they care about. Nobody actually really cares about this because its a non-issue
>using the term "cisgender" unironically
i know you're trying to fit in, but you need to go back.
cuckoldry is the essense of liberalism
>There are people who look at men like this and still think it's wrong to be gay
ITT things that only happen on the internet and possibly America
Projecting again, don't forget to prep the bull, faggot.
>tfw your parents get you a nice watch for your birthday but your wrist is too skinny and its loose even on the tightest point
wrist curls
>and then he said, "we run this bitch faggots"
i have really skinny bones/wrists/fingers too user, i'm very self conscious about it. i'd high five you or fist bump you but our tiny feminine wrists would probably break.
>lighting a cigar with a Bic
The very definition of pretension
His post had thought put into it and contributed to the discussion- did it fry your brain because it didn't have enough memes in it?
read the recent article about cuckolds by vice
the scene is very left wing.
not an argument
The same people bitching about white people portraying non-whites support non-whites portraying whites.
Despite being dark niggers, they are completely transparent
ITT actors people confuse you for for irl