Posting what I have
Posting what I have
Doggos mostly
bumping for possible horse
bump for... research purposes
Dick in pussy got?
This seems like something that Conor Doorly fellow would be into
please stop.
i dont understand how these guys can penetrate a dog's pussy, i mean its way too litte, they have little dicks or what ?
>That's what I was waiting on
I have the weirdest boner right now, keep goin' !
depends on how big the dog is.
pussies expand, just like how both of our moms can be blasted by a 7ft negroe and enjoy it.
This is how we end up with things like aids lol. STOP.
Some dogs like Great Danes have huge pussies. I personally wouldn't do anything to small dogs because it could hurt them, but most dogs like Labs and ups can take dick willingly.
bumping for a cat.
kek, what a degenerate. kys.
He's going to make a centaur
Anyone know how to remove sound from webms? If so, I could post a lot more.
i dont hear a single sound from your webms, but it doesnt matter anyway, just keep posting it
when you cant manage to find a grill so you fuck sparky instead
OP you're fucking disgusting. This is even more immoral and disturbing than child porn. Animals have even less ability to consent than children. It's one thing if the animals doing the fucking and the woman is letting it, but fucking with a female animal's vegina is absolutely disgusting and deplorable. I firmly believe there is a God even though I am not a religious person. I am certain that you will be punished for posting this disgusting material.
>horse feeling what a large male horse is packing
>versus a small human penis
No, I have more vids, I just can't upload due to those ones having sound.