Alright Sup Forums seen every western I can think of on a hardcore binge

Alright Sup Forums seen every western I can think of on a hardcore binge

I challenge ya to name a Western I haven't seen n I'll drop what im doing right now and watch it

Other urls found in this thread:

Ride Lonesome

the man from the alamo

Get the Gringo

django kill if you live shoot

Boss Nigger

High noon I'm assuming you've seen it but it's worth a rewatch


She Wore a Yellow Ribbon

List the ones you watched fag

Too many to list

You guys got me with Maverick, but dats a tv show?... ill give it a whirl tho

Anybody seen the Rebel Johnny Yuma?

List em fag

The Lawless Breed

I think he was talking about the Mel Gibson movie about poker.

Anyway, have you seen The Quick and the Dead?


Correct. 1994 American Western Comedy Film. Thanks WIKI!

It's a pretty fun flick.

Yep, seeing Sam Raimis name pop up in the credits was nice

Every Bud Spencer western starting from Ace High

guns of diablo
one eyed jack
cat ballou
donner pass
welcome to blood city
border shootout

I haven't seen many westerns, what're some good entry level stuff?
Off the top of my head I think of The Good, bad and ugly, unforgiven, tombstone. None of which I've seen

anything with clint eastwood seems to be the general consensus

Here's a list:
-The Five Man Army
-Boot Hill
-They Call Me Trinity
-Trinity Is Still My Name
-It Can Be Done Amigo
-A Reason to Live, a Reason to Die
-Buddy Goes West

Jane got a gun?

Saw that one tonight. Decent enough, lack of any kind of suspense or a cool villain kills it though by the finale.

I dare you to watch the Shootist and not cry bitch tears by the end.


Pretty normie western but Sup Forums isn't full of koreashit anymore so I might get you with

>The Good, The Bad, and the Weird.

the assassination of jesse james by the coward robert ford

Have you seen my all time favorite The Great Silence? Pls respond

here's one you've probably never seen or heard of
its really good and very gory

Have you watched every Bud Spencer and Terence Hill western yet?

God Forgives... I Don't! (1967)
Ace High (1968)
Boot Hill (1969)
They Call Me Trinity (1970)
Trinity Is Still My Name (1971)




3:10 to Yuma
The Revenant
Pale Rider
True Grit
Bone Tomahawk

Gunslinger's Revenge
David Bowie is the villain.
Dare you.

>liking nu Westerns

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly is actually part of an unofficial trilogy. Different stories all featuring the same main character. Fistful of Dollars, and For a Few Dollars More are the two others from the trilogy.

Also, for a more modern take on westerns try the Coen Brothers version of True Grit, or Slow West starring Michael Fassbender

>Pale Rider is new
and the True Grit remake is better than the original. The only negative bit is that Rooster's eyepatch is on the wrong eye.



This has to be the GREATEDT intro ftom any Western ive seen .....EVER.

I can see where cukoldinongot the influence for Django

Open Range

Yellow Sky

True grit
The good the bad and the ugly
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid

I see lots of people on Sup Forums saying the new True Grit is better than the OG version. Is this point of view coming from people that enjoyed the original or is it coming from hipster faggots? Thanks.



Is OP interested in acid westerns? Try El Topo.

>I haven't seen many westerns, what're some good entry level stuff?

The Searchers (1953)
The Dollar's Trilogy (1964-1966)
Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid (1969)

One of my favorites, OP.

If you haven't seen it, you're doing yourself a disservice.

Not to forget Lightning Jack (1994) with Paul Hogan.

This is the best

>True Grit remake is better than the original
Fill your hand, you son of a bitch.

Bend of the River

>Fill your hand, you son of a bitch.

There was a great western where a guy tells that somebody at a table who has already drawn his revolver and blows him away saying, "I already did."

Does anybody know what movie that was?






John Wayne couldn't act for shit. His only good flick was The Searchers, which was a masterpiece. But anyone who says the original True Grit is better than the CoenKino™ version is just an edgy tittybaby.

Watch The Homesman or The Proposition.



> Paul Newman
> Western

I automatically said out loud

"Ooooooh this outta be good"

Please check out Hombre () and The Outrage () too. Not only are they my favorite westerns the social issues brought up by a leftist like Martin Ritt really pull them on another level. I can't even imagine the outrage The Outrage would cause if released today.

Despite Paul Newman plays the Mexican so well I had to ask myself first if it was really him. Of course he's looking good as always.


first half of bone tomahawk was pretty slow and all of a sudden got brutal as fuck

"Aquí llega Condemor, el pecador de la pradera"


nice bait mait
westerns are back and they're great.
>bone tomahawk
>slow west

it's like you want to make everyone think you have shit taste

Sukiyaki Western Django was pretty ok, nothing special but at least good for one time.

Young Guns
Young Guns ll


Who here /bohannon/?


It's a mini-series but it's better than 98% of western movies.

Is that Bruce Campbell?

Where'd you come up with that figure, champ?

IDK I don't wartch westers cuz there boring and yeah lol

By watching a shitload of westerns.


>set in the snow
>starring klaus kinski as villain
>ending will FUCK you UP

I remember I loved to watch this one Western flick with my grandfather when I was younger I believe it was called 'Mustang Country'

No fkn bull


shut the fuck up

red sun
the man who loved cat dancing

The good the bad and the weird

>tfw finally playing RDR

[cougar sounds]

El arracadas

Good luck finding a copy.