Is this the Alien 3 of Predator movies? So underrated.
Is this the Alien 3 of Predator movies? So underrated
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It's a cop movie, that is nothing like the orginal, and is more of a spin off then anything. Felt more like a high budget TV show, if you watched HIGHLANDER or Robocop or Angel.
That's a pretty good way of putting it. I imagine all the cokeheads at the meeting shit a fucking brick when the guy pitching this flick said "...but instead of the jungle, he shows up in the URBAN JUNGLE."
I still liked it.
No, it's the Predator 2 of the Predator movies :^)
But yes, it's underrated. Perfect sequel.
I actually prefer Resurrection to 3.
Danny Glover was fucking shit but otherwise it's a great movie
it was almost a complete ripoff of a darkhorse predator comic that came out the year before right down to the jamaican gang getting slaughtered in the highrise except that is starred dutch's brother who was basically just dutch but a cop
Alien 3 was shit. Predator 2 was good.
PREDATOR 2 is great, FUCK the haters!
This guys. It's contact times but really good. Great cast, plot, setting, production, etc. Plus it took place in the future... 1997.
It was different from the original, so retards hated it despite it still being good.
>He's in town with a few days to kill
It was a girl predator
you probably like michael ba- i mean james cameron's aliens
It was a guy, it was a right of passage to be a man. Also he got his ass killed, girl Predators are better than the men
I love Preadator, but feels so derivative of Aliens that hurts.
Predator 2 have cheesy moments but expanded the whole mythology about the creature and added the Robocop kind of humor, that give a lot of personality to the film. The original lacked of humor, mythology, conflict and interesting characters. Aside from Dutch, Apollo Creed and Jesse Ventura the rest o fthe cast sucks and I canĀ“t care less if they live or died.
>predator movie uses ideas from predator comic
Stop the presses!
I thought it was more like the Aliens of Predator.
You mean concrete Jungle, the comic book that adapted an unused script idea for a sequel to predator?
Alien vs Predator and Earth War are exactly the same thing.
Contrarians at this point are just a cancer.
alien 3 was shit because of the crappy cgi aliens. what the fuck were they thinking?
>cgi aliens
>he does not share my opinons i hate him!!!!
It was shit because they spent the better part of a decade turning down scripts and ideas before settling on one that was unfinished.
It was shit because the studio pulled the plug on it before it was finished.
It was shit because even though Weaver was a producer and the film wouldn't have happened without her agreeing to it she was more focused on stipulations that the movie have no guns (for her new gun control obsession) and her being allowed to shave her head (idk why) than the film having a completed script or its director having any creative control.
Fucking love this film. I rate it higher than Predator 1
This was the first rated R movie I ever saw and that sex scene changed my life. I got my brother to buy the vhs and I paused it on that scene where you see her pubes and I fapped furiously.
You won't be needing any clothes.
Movie was blatant anti gun acting like average people shouldn't be able to defend themselves with guns. Like the train scene where the people on the train pull out their guns and stop the gang of criminals only for the cops to freak out about it.
what did he mean by this?
I love Jamaican Voodoo street gangs. What movies besides this and Marked for Death have them?
It's the way you idiots present it. You make it sound like fact that a popular thing sucks, only because it's popular.
Shrunken heads
Kind of felt like lethal weapon without mel gibson
i love this movie even though the final act kinda sucks. i mean why the fuck is predator running away from a pistol wielding danny glover?
im pretty sure predator 2 is generally liked though op
Counterpoint: Alien3 was better than resurrection or Prometheus because it expanded upon the existing canon rather than just making up a bunch of new shit.
The story was good and it was actually very well made including alien effects.
Predator 2 fucking sucks. If it didn't have the amazing Predator creature/design it would rightfully be considered shit tier. Danny Glover is AWFUL and it's a step down in literally every conceivable way from the first movie. It has a neat 90s aesthetic that comes and goes in terms of feeling dated, whereas Predator is timeless, but that's about it.
Only king Willie really knew voodoo, his thugs only used it as a scare tactic and didn't believe in it.
Can you be more specific about Glover? I thought he did good as a cop in way over his head.
Overrated more like. Sup Forums is the only place that doesn't think its on par with or better than the original.
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District 9?
He's sweating profusely while falling over himself to get away from the Predator for most of the movie. He's just a fucking bum and a terrible leading man, he really sinks the film. Bill Paxton is much more likeable and entertaining than Glover's character, who really should have played a police chief or some garbage. It's ridiculous this chump can defeat a Predator in single combat.
I never quite understood Gary Busey's death scene.. The flying disc cuts through him and his legs topple over but blood is still gushing from above..? Idk always confused me.
Its a very watered down/dumbed down version of predator.
Lots of anons have covered the bases already, I want to talk about tropes.
Specifically the trope:"one tough cleaning up the streets..." etc etc.
The 80s brought us some of the most violent movies of all time. PC police and politicians were really cracking down with censorship. One of the ways studios avoided NC-17 rating (and sometimes R) was to rewrite their main characters as cops. This also goes in tandem with the villain is a drug dealer trope.
Thr government would actually subsidize and even produce movies that picked its narrative. They dudnt care if it was crap.
This is the genius of shwarzenager. He frequently took movies that walked this line, and his best movies were the ones that abandoned the cop narrative and told an objective predator/running man/terminator. Im not saying they were deep movies but they presented no clear moral.
This is the main problem with P2. Too obvious of a cash in and just plain dumb. But not unenjoyable. Not nearly as bad as BvS.
The other trope this has is:"this time it's in L.A...." think 10 of the worst movies of all time, chances are they were set in L.A. or were moved to L.A. As if nothing happens in any other city.
He got decapitated
>He's sweating profusely
>He's just a fucking bum
>chump can defeat a Predator in single combat
>ignoring the first movie
Excellent critical analysis of a character in an action movie. But I think you forgot the part were youre a mouth drooling moron.
smoke weed everyday
It was an okay movie.
I enjoyed the fact it was original compared to the first movie. It took risks and went in different directions. The Predator was unique, had different tactics, style and weapons. The creature design was also good. The characters weren't swaps from the first either. But another user said it feels more like a spin off rather than a sequel.
However, what I loved is it didn't rely on nods and hints to the first movie like Predators. It did it's own thing.
I used to think so too but I just rewatched the scene and the disc clearly hits him just above the waist.
1:00 into the video:
>Jaguar sound effects as he throws it
No. Alien 3 is just outright bad.
Predator 2 is actually entertaining and has a fucking great ending.
what I hate about 2 is how every gun has some laughable laser sign or scope tacked on it in a vague attempt at "near-futuring" them or some shit. There are a lot of scenes with guns in them and they all have this shit and it makes the whole movie look cheaper and cornier than it is.
I must've watched this about a hundred times on VHS as a kid. Not gonna watch it again because it'll probably ruin it for me.
>fapping to pubes
>recommending someone that is pro gun go to a board that is filled with people who want to keep gun ownership from people
I could understand telling him to go to /k/ but why the fuck would you send a freedom lover to a facist board?
Predator 2 is properly rated as "fine." I've never heard people outright trash it, but it's universally acknowledged to be inferior to the first one. It was a decent attempt at trying something different for a sequel. It had a pretty good cast and decent effects.
For me, it really goes off the rails in the third act. The fact that the Predator turns into some horror movie villain who is barely harmed at all from being shot with a shotgun six times from a few feet away. They took the fact that he could heal from the first movie and totally went over the top with it. Then their final confrontation was pretty lame, although the reveal of the other Predators was kind of interesting.
It's not dogshit like people said at the time, but it's definitely nothing special.
The fact that people call it a good sequel or even better than the original blows my mind. Pure contrarianism?
i dunno. that pred seemed pretty fucked-up. he had his predator CPAP out, breathing in some kind of shit...
and he had to inject spaceroids after he smeared that blue shit on his chopped off arm.
I definitely did not forget the part where you're a stupid bitch-made faggot LMAO
guess what buddy? All those "near-futuring" accessories on their weapons are all chinese made shit you can get today for your weapons that cost less than $10 a pop.
oh how we progress, probably cost them hundreds back then to get those accessories for their sidearms
Honestly, i fucking love predator 2.
It's the Aliens of predator. Taking the franchise in it's own cheesier and more action packed direction, and it even had it's own notVasquez and literally Hudson.
Late years of public school was the shit, skipping classes to go watch aliens and predator and playing AvP2, quoting the movie as we did. When you friend starts asking if you want some candy, that's when you know you're about to get gutted like a fish.
The Predator in this movie is so shit.
In general Predators are so shit if you think about it.
>Fighting literally versus stand up monkeys (humans)
>With super melee and laser weapons
>With nearly perfect optical camuflage
>Element of surprise
>Superior stamina, strenght, body, resistance
>Expertice fighting space monsters and other predators and shit
At least you can admit that you overrate it out of ridiculous nostalgia.
Baby's first (you)?
>The Predator in this movie is so shit.
No shit sherlock. He was young and this was his trial. It doesn't help if you underestimate your prey either. Glover's character just didn't give a fuck about himself which the pred didn't count on. Psychopathic determination and a disregard for personal safety make for bad prey.
Sweating during a heat wave. Falling over himself because he's a man trying to hunt a predator who is not interested in him. Chump? He's an everyman. Paxton is a cocky character actor not likeable enough to be a lead. Instead he plays a flavorful side character who dies on his feet which is good. And Glover BARELY beats the predator, like Arnold he only lived because he was tricky and lucky.
No, it's the Predator 2 of Predator.
And yeah, it's pretty good.
Was glover lucky or was the pred unlucky?
Sup Forums are gun nuts actually.