

What went wrong?

You missed Resurrection...

Ok i took the bait, you can't possibly think Prometheus is better than Aliens

nobody real could actually think that

Aliens > Alien > Prometheus > Alien 3 > Alien 4

Alien > Alien 3 > Aliens > Prometheus > Alien Resurrection

for what purpose

Prometheus > Who cares about dated, campy, unintentional comedy trash

Cameron cucks out of the woodwork

Aliens is simultaneously sci-fi kino and action kino

Aliens isnt a revelatory piece of cinema but it is a perfect action film. Prometheus fails at everything besides...fx?

Aliens derailed the franchise into being pleb shit.

Alien 3 was a very compromised but still steered the franchise back to its roots, yet the audiences rejected it and so everything that followed was more capeshit in line with Aliens.

Too bad it's a movie in a horror franchise ya dip.

The action is absolute shit and there's nothing scifi kino about it pleb.

first half of aliens is pretty tense until it goes full action. it still does alien justice from a purely horror perspective

Aliens > Alien > Alien Resurrection > Alien 3 > Prometheus


Switch around Resurrection with 3 and you've got my list.

>Aliens > Alien
Looks like Sup Forumseddits back on the menu boys

Alien >>>> Prometheus > Alien 3 > Aliens > A:R

I don't care about your ranking of the other movies since they're all pretty flawed, but if Alien isn't your number one then you know presicely jack shit about cinema and you should stick to your video games. If you put an artless "muh fun" flick over a literal masterpiece then this isn't the medium for you.

Alien 3 > Prometheus > AvPR> AvP > Aliens > Alien > Alien 4

>Aliens = Alien : GOD KINO TIER
Aliens got more nominations to pretty much every award compared to Alien.

>Alien 3 > Prometheus : MID FILM TIER
Alien 3 and Prometheus are not bad, but decent. Some highlights of kino, but wasted oportunities

>AvP1 > Resurrection >>>>>> AvP2: FLICK TIER
Resurrection belongs to shit tier tied with AvP1 and 2... at least AvP1 is the more entretaining on this group.

>Aliens got more nominations to pretty much every award compared to Alien.
Which cements it as being plebbier

Don't blame Cameron because Hollywood can't find competent writers and directors to continue what he started. Aliens and T2 are great films. Everything that came after in those franchises was outside of his control.

>Aliens and T2 are great films.
You mean infantile capeshit dross.

Alien > Aliens, the rest are irrelevant


It's such a shame that the A3 production was so troubled. I love parts of it.

Name five action films that you consider great.

>action "fillm"
Video game genre for infantilized minds.

Action films are worthless pornography desu.

I agree, actually. I know a lot of people love Aliens but it's fucking terrible, barely even watchable because of the cringe-worthy dialogue and obnoxious, one-dimensional cast.

The only notable thing about it is Weaver's performance.

This is what I was looking for. So you just automatically throw the action genre under the bus? Are action and great writing/storytelling mutually exclusive properties?

>great writing/storytelling
More plebeian metrics of quality. All that matters is that the sick degenerate audience is left bleeding and broken. Action is a pro-enjoyment genre and pro-enjoyment = anti-artistic = degenerate.

You don't deserve a good time at the movies and anybody who provides you with one is contributing to the downfall of the west. You don't *get* a fun satisfyingly written story you can get invested in. You get blunt trauma to the head. You get the director breaking your fingers one at a time until you repent and give up your culturally destructive lifestyle. Cinema is there to anger, confuse, alienate audiences until they see the error of there ways.

Art is a compound fracture. Films like Aliens are the infantilizing bondage that keeps the white race in the gutter.

just how triggered would you say ypu are exactly, and after calculating that, how baited would you say you are

Alien > Alien: Isolation > Aliens > Alien 3 > Alien 4 > Prometheus

You're just validating what I already know about this board and the degenerates who post here. All you are doing is intensifying my devotion to stomping out the video game cancer.

In English please?

Alien was alright

Eh, Alien Isolation only works that well because you are the main character and it's all ego-perspective. If you were to watch Amanda from the outside it probably wouldn't be as terrifying.
(Although the Working Joes would still scare the shit out of me. God I hate those fuckers)

>he likes Aliens


It was actually 6 billion you antisemitic fuck

>I have assumptions about everyone who posts here, and confirmation bias isn't a thing

for you