Who is ready for new Vikings next Thursday?

Who is ready for new Vikings next Thursday?

Best show on tv about to start again, shits gonna be so cash.

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who exactly is that sperm worm


Is it really that good, i've been thinking of getting into for some time now.

Its my favorite show on at the moment, it can get annoying when the vikings win all the time but so many based characters.

Its Katheryn Winnick, aka Lagertha in the show

No one? :(

>female viking warrior in 1000 AD is a slender chick that has a never-ending supply of eyeliner and other 21st century makeup

who approved that shit?


It's GoT with better cinematography and a more consistent cast.

Its goofy as fuck but fun.
The cast have a lot of personality and the action scenes are pretty good for the most part.

It has lots of ups and downs though.

>she will never be your mummy :(
why live

again? 10 episodes a year is more than enough

it starts this fall m8

IMDB says it airs on 7th of July

Don't trust imdb

>Next thursday



sorry senpai

>next Thursday
holy shit fucking yes!

>muh viking warrior
the fantasy aspect is however similar

>next Thursday

in one trailer i saw that Lagertha chick castrate some dude. What was that about?


Jesus, I never would have guessed slavs aged so well

a metaphor for how empowering it is to cuck a man

He was a creep who tried to rape her and betrayed her

What the fuck? I could've sworn i read an article the other day saying that the producers confirmed the second half would air in july

jesus christ is this gonna be a trend in tv shows now cus of GoT? They can show this but not rape or the internet will freak out? Castration is way worse, there's no way to recover from it

cheer up lad, s5 will have 20 episodes too

i have never asked this sincerely, but you have to delete your post OP because i and many dimwitted individuals like me will get their hopes up for nothing

the dude was already dying, he took a bolt to the throat

She's actually germanic racially speaking

Did she get a boob surgery done ?

She is the perfect woman on earth tho, followed closely by smirkfu.

no dead waifus here, user

tfw you realize Lagertha would beat Cersei or Olenna at politics AND would beat Brienne or Debad Poosay Martell in a fight


she would neither beat them at politics or beat Brienne. She'd beat bad pussy tho and I'd like to see them wrestle

No, she wouldn't. She'd kick the sneks's ass tho

Ecbert would be a great ruler.