/got/ general

/got/ general goes in the subject line you retard

Other urls found in this thread:


now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that S6 was a mess


how are we not banned yet

user, even though that faggot's thread was shit we can't keep making this, or we will be banned

The finale was the most satisfying that we've had since probably S1.


Season 5 and Season 6 are basically Book 5 plus some chapters

Wasted a good 10 plus episodes on fucking nothing.

The story was all over the place to pad out the seasons

I love a handful of episodes but you could easily throw out several episodes because how worthless they were

Episode 7 was a fucking waste of time

Why did the King kill himself? He never showed love for his wife's family or the plebs before and once they die he kills himself? A child commiting suicide? This show is stupid

I have no idea but let's keep it going

it felt a bit rushed and killing the direwolves for the sake of saving time and money sucks ass, but the confirmation of two fan theories (jon alive, R+L) made it worth sitting through, and the BotB was GOAT, Tied with Hardhome, bad tactics be damned.

>only man with a living direwolf
>climbed the wall
>killed white walkers
>shocked the night king
>told stannis to fuck off
>protected the wall
>made peace with the wildlings
>died and came back
>beat Ramsey 1v1 with his bare hands
>reclaimed his home in a short period of time


If it doesn't have /got/ general in the subject, it doesn't count as a /got/ general thread and so we have no problems.

This has happened before and the thread with /got/ general has never gotten pruned in favor of the one without

Reminder that Books > S1 > S3 > S4 > S2 > S6 > S5



>Beric & BWB
>Bronze Yohn
>Night King

Depending on how he handles the current situation.
If he manages to uncuck himself from Dany, and survive Grayscale.
If he doesn't turn out to be Sansa's bitch.
Used to be our guy for sure but he is now marked by the Dany character ruining curse, we'll see how he will develop.
See Varys.
See Varys.
>the Maesters
We haven't seen enough to make a substantial judgement but they show promise.
Walking a fine line, depends on how D&D handle him.
See Jon.


If Tommen had fostered with Tywin, would he have been a better King, or would he have been to weak for it no matter what?

First for Daario joining Jorah in the Friendzone camp.
At least she told Jorah to get back to her so if nothing he'll end up with her in Westeros while Daario stuck over there in Arabia

mods are probably giving us a week furlough because /got/ hasnt been shown in other parts of the world yet

>mfw I remember that Jon Snow and a bunch of other PoV characters are like 14 years old in the books

Still one of the worst decisions GRRM has ever had


Roughly half the season was great, which is more than what I can say for Seasons 2 and 5, but the mound of inconsistencies, bizarre pacing and clumsy dialogue are only getting worse.

Episode 9 of season 2 was better than alot of season 4

Someone prease post that pic of Aiden Gillen rolling face to show my friend

completely unheard of senpai I agree thanks for this insightful post I'm now #WithHer

are you man enough to vote for a woman?

>no Olenna
Shit list.

Fuck I hate Season 5

NOTHING HAPPENED and fan fucking fiction tier shit

He'd be better off with golden hand jamie

Maybe we are lucky, maybe they will let us stay this time. I can only have faith.

I'm reaaally interested in seeing what the in-universe explanation for the explosion will be. But then again I was really interested in seeing how everyone will react to Jon's resurrection so I'm not getting my hopes up.

Jon snow sucks lol

Tommen's like five when he becomes King in the books. His actions make way more sense that way.

"From the moment she came in, she was on it: She was professional, and she was just brilliant," Liam Cunningham, who plays Davos Seaworth, told THR about working with Ramsey during the season. "There's an old adage about how actors should never work with children or animals, but that's B.S. When kids are as good as this young lady is, it's a joy to play opposite. She was absolutely amazing. When somebody comes in and is that good, it makes your job that much easier."

Not bad for a meme kid.

I've already voted for a woman and she's been the best president we've had in 50 years

t. Argentine

What a shit show amirite?

Just like anime.
>teenagers saving the world

If she's that good, she's too good to be wasting her time with this show.

>Shireen and Lyanna

Is he one of us?

>Tommen jumping out the window

he didn't fly so good

The issue for me is that what truly separates GoT from other fantasy series isn't so much the intricacy of the setting, as it is the intricacy of the plot (which the setting enables). Remove the political upheaval, the threat of the Others, the swansongs of all these dying houses, and I can't picture whatever remains being even half as interesting.

Reposting to get answers

So Ghost of High Heart has visions of the future and usuallysees pretty eventful shit

>The old gods stir and will not let me sleep. I dreamt I saw a shadow with a burning heart butchering a golden stag, aye. I dreamt of a man without a face, waiting on a bridge that swayed and swung. On his shoulder perched a drowned crow with seaweed hanging from his wings. I dreamt of a roaring river and a woman that was a fish. Dead she drifted, with red tears on her cheeks, but when her eyes did open, oh, I woke from terror. All this I dreamt, and more.

>I dreamt a wolf howling in the rain, but no one heard his grief. I dreamt such a clangor I thought my head might burst, drums and horns and pipes and screams, but the saddest sound was the little bells. I dreamt of a maid at a feast with purple serpents in her hair, venom dripping from their fangs. And later I dreamt that maid again, slaying a savage giant in a castle built of snow.

Stannis killing Renly with a shadowbaby, faceless man killing Balon under Euron's instructions, Catelyn coming back as Lady Stoneheart, the Red Wedding, the Purple Wedding, so why'd she have a vision of Sansa slapping Robin?

Could it be a red herring and Sansa really will kill Littlefinger?

He played Leon the Assassin where he fucks that loli too

this thread needs more cubfu

So what's the chance the fat fuck is gonna follow through with the 'Arya falls in love with Jon' still?

Do you think he did a front flip or something on the way down?

Tommen had it in him to be a good King. He just didn't get much guidance, and any little he got was at cross purposes.




Yes. Tywin was the only one who was competent enough to understand how to rule Westeros.

Jon is 14 at the beginning

5 or so years have passed since

Jon is maybe 20 by Winds of Winter


Sansa's taking that role now desu.

play on player

Only incestfags believe that shit

Stay strong, Branbro.

> best girl
> one scene
it won't stand bros

>mfw Tyrion, Jaime, Cersei, Jon, Danny actors will be paid 500k$ per episode from S7 and on.
No wonder they had to cut the episode numbers.


>Mark Mylod, who directed Ramsey's Game of Thrones debut in "The Broken Man," remembers shooting the character's first scene and immediately recognizing her instant hit status.

>"She walked in for the casting reading, and we were knocked completely sideways. It was one of those moments where you go, 'Oh my God, what a star.' You could not wish to meet a more delightful young lady.

Why do they call her Ramsey though?



characters who did nothing wrong: cersei, the imp, sansa and danny

debate me without using the word "reddit"

never give up the good fight sis

the more we complain about it the more d&d have to give us attention, like sansafags


No wonder animefags like this series so much. Also: only true fans can list every character in pic related.

>Actors who won't have a career after GoT
It's only fair. :^)

Her name is Bella Ramsey.

>Who should the North rally behind? A true born daughter of Ned and Catelyn Stark born here at Winterfell or a motherless bastard born in the South?
>"I dont care if he's a bastard"
>"King in the North!"



Did I miss this weeks fart/piss joke?

I imagine it went a little something like this


>waiting for the inevitable Sup Forums edit of this and Tommen jumping


"As you say, she rejects him in the beginning, but there's definitely something in her that's… it's kind of a jealousy toward Jon. He's getting all of the credit for basically Sansa saving his ass. Obviously he played a huge part in the Battle of the Bastards, but Sansa really saved him. There's a bit of jealousy there. She looks at Littlefinger knowing that he would have put her as Queen in the North, and given her the credit she deserves. I don't think she's gunning for the Iron Throne anytime soon, but she realizes that Littlefinger might be a better ally than she thought, a more trustworthy ally than she thought."

I used to think so but i've been re-reading the books and the scene youre showing happened a bit different. After robin leaves she takes the torn head of his doll and stabs it with a stick and posts it up like a head on a spike outside the snowcastle gate. Part of me still thinks sansa will kill Littlefinger to round out her character arc but im not near as certain as I once was.

I'm talking about the books

GRRM is a incestfag if you didn't notice.

I don't know if I can live without him /got/.

We have to steer the conversation. Hopefully Isaac will come out soon, that way we can peg D&D for being not just ableist for including fewer Bran scenes, but homophobic as well.

If this was real, would you love her more, /got/?

The real Patrician's OTP:

Plebbean's OTP:
Jon x Dany
CIA x Sansa
Meera x Bran

You got me
I'm no true scotsman

>characters who did nothing wrong
>the imp
Kinslaying? Fuckin' showfags.

Would you pledge your sword to her, in the many wars to come?

CIA guna clap them cheeks next season

What's the point of this character?

post yfw

Is that why they call that place King's Landing?

Just because Isaac is gay doesn't mean Bran is. Differentiate character from actor, please. That said, more Isaac is never a bad thing.

is there budgets somewhere of each epsiode? would like to know how much ep 9 cost compared to the others.


Dany will not win the Jonbowl ;_;

that's book shit not show shit

Why do they keep killing all the good actors?


How's kingslaying something bad per se? If the King is mad it's ok to kill him

You can't defeat him in elections or something like that


Did anyone else hear her say "his name is Aegon" ?

Has Preston seen this? His last hope of "we still don't even know who the father is" is officially dead

lol the garbage with arya/jon/tyrion sounds fucking awful im glad he changed that shit

He said Kinslaying
Not Kingslay

Why the fuck are normies going all "HURR HOW CAN VARYS TELEPORT XD"? Don't they understand that one episode doesn't take place in one day? Were they also confused that the direwolves grew three sizes in the first episode of season 1?

in the behind the scenes vignette about DAKINGINDANORF, the actors talk about how naive Jon is (he is) and how Sansa got screwed over (ehhh) and how tumultuous their relationship is.

Didn't really get a sense of that besides CIA manipulating, so if the actors are implying something but it doesn't come across that way on screen it just goes to show how shitty Salsa's character is being written