ITT: Post things you're sad you'll never be able to do

ITT: Post things you're sad you'll never be able to do.

I'll never get to shoot sperm out of my dick.
I cut my dick head when I was young with my pants zipper and now my dick hole is bigger than normal so when I cum it just oozes out.

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yeah, we're going to need to see your gaping jap's eye here OP

>fall down bicycling

well that went well.not like i really wanted a kid or anything.

Post your gaping dickhole already, OP. We want to see that shit.

ill never move out of my room

song related


This. You can't just say that shit and not delivar.

Why don't you just get it fixed? Just sew it part of the way up.

OP here.
Pic on its way

Have sex


OP here, it got caught in the zipper pretty badly

So fucking pathetically disgusting.

Wow you lost the balls too?


Fuck this im out

Here you can see the zipper marks

can't you just sew the cut back up?

Holy shit

Post a video of cum coming out of that thing or no balls

Hold it open and post pic

I'd rather not put anything else into/onto my dick

I hate relationships, and I will never find true love, and most likely will die alone.

OP, what does it look like when you cum?

Have a doctor do it

give birth to a baby.

I will never be able to masturbate with two hands, dick to small
never have pride in a big dick ;-;

>So fucking pathetically disgusting.

Sup Forums in five words right there

haha, look at your fucking stupid fingers

best insult of 2016 gentlemen


That's harsh