Dick r8 bread?

Dick r8 bread?
Bonus for big fat cocks

>Dick r8
I'll give you twenty five cents and some head


2 thin

Is this you? If so damnn moar

Bumping for rate my dick

Fucking perfect I'd ride

Nice, but I'd like it a lot more if it was in my mouth...



Thanks anons here is another angle

Have a contact? Damn


I have an old kik I used to used if you like. And here's my last one for the thread

Whats the kik?

Yes please




Those fat ass balls get drew me in. 8/10
R8 plz 1/2


Would you suck my cock?


if you'd suck mine

Is my dick weird? Would you suck it?

Weird? No. Would I suck it yes.
I'm uncircumcised too and I never pull the foreskin back when taking pictures that's the only weird part about it.

