Hallucinogens thread: bad LSD trip edition

Hallucinogens thread: bad LSD trip edition.

Help me out Sup Forums. I've done acid a few times now, and the last 2 times have been scarring experiences. I'll provide a summary:

1. Second to last time I was on a camping trip with a friend and an acquaintance in northern Minnesota. Did just under 2 tabs and thought my friend was God, my acquaintance was Satan, and my reality was coming to a close with good and evil asking me to decide my fate. I was existentially terrified. Eventually came down and had a decent experience but not without feeling very tripped out.

2. Did a tab with two good friends in a small apartment living room and watched movies/listened to music while some of their other friends came and went. Internally, I experienced a similar feeling in which my perception of reality was a big lie and, this time, my friends and I were all components of the same being about to converge and obliterate my existence to form a singularity. The prospect was terrifying, and later on I kept asking my friends what was wrong with me and apologizing for being the way I am.

Why the fuck am I being affected this much? Why can I not experience bliss and peace with the universe? Since my trips, I've had a constant internal struggle assuring myself reality is real and my life matters and I'm not living in the truman show, but it's difficult. Any advice?

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Your problems are unrelated to drugs. Read some philosophy.

I've never had a bad acid trip so I wouldn't know. The worst thats ever happened to me was I got paranoid as fuck and thought people were outside my house, but I live in a shitty area. Just change your setting every now and then and remind yourself you're tripping. Mushrooms are different though, they're fun up until I smoke weed, then I feel horrible. Any idea why?

dey just fuckin w you homie

You're taking too much for your mind. Slow down, take less. You know you're good at taking acid whent you can take a quarter of a tab and trip balls.

We've all been there though dude. I ate a ten strip trying to find the "answers.' I've been taking less and less since.

>taking a quarter tab
You're fucking kidding, right? First time I took acid I dropped a full one and barely tripped. 2 is pretty much the lowest you can go for a good trip, but you need to lose the tolerance.

Depends on how the tabs are dosed my friend.

this person is retarded.

everyone has different tolerances don't turn genetics into a dick measuring contest

yeah man, I used to trip, like a lot. always a good time (my first started a bit overwhelming but ended up loving it), couldn't imagine having a bad trip really.

Then the last 2 times I've had schizo-like delusion exactly like the ones you describe OP. Then it happened once just after smoking pot, so I decided best to stop tripping.

Well, its been a few month since I tripped and after some time to reflect on the experiences and trying to understand what I was supposed to learn from them I think I've grown a lot spiritually. Now I'm actually on just about the best possible path in life I could be on at the moment whereas before I was not.

Now I'm thinking about tripping again, because well tbh I fucking love acid

Yeah obviously, but most of them are anywhere from 150-200ug. Unless your shit is 500 then a quarter tab won't do much.

Tolerance has nothing to do with genetics, retard.

You need to control your environment better. Only GOOD friends and no random assholes showing up

if you try hallucinogens again it should probably be in a very familiar location and only with someone you're close with and trust. in my experience unpredictability in your situation and unfamiliar locations can send an acid trip into scary directions if you're not able to completely let yourself go to the trip

How did you overcome the delusions?

Just take a break for a year or however long you need to get more experience with these new type of thoughts you're having.

well, by understanding that they weren't exactly delusions, but I just misinterpreted what was happening exactly. you can't let your human mind 'humanize' the experience and simplify it down to "God and Satan". Of course what you're experiencing isn't the real reality, your perception of it is limited to your human senses. But what is really going on is much much more complex than a simple good vs evil. Realize there is no evil, nothing is working against you intentionally to harm you. This is all for you, ultimately the goal is for you to be pleased.

Yea that's the truth

>autism: the post
I don't know about you m8y but in my circle of druggos we all had different tolerances at start. We were all lanky fucks so weight wasn't the factor. Oxy, tabs, hell even pot. Different doses for each one of us.

Weight isn't the only factor you dumb shit.

Bad experience. Idk if Ill ever do acid again.

>bought 4 taps, two for both myself and gf
>took a tap, wait 45 min, nothing
>take second tap, 5 min later first starts to kick in
>go to park with gf, have a good time
>get back to house like an hour later, she doesnt want her second one, and I don't want to waste it, so I take it
>half hour later, I'm tripping really hard, stomach is hurting, teeth start to hurt
>I'm curled up in bed with her because my back is fucking killing me and it hurts to move
> still have and ok time tripping with her
>about 3 hours after taking the 3rd tab, we go outside. its like 5 am at this point
>I'm tripping my fucking mind out. I dont feel like I'm having real thoughts, just little half sentence thoughts.
>so stuck in my own head that Im just walking and completely ignoring her, just somehow saying all the right things to keep her talking
>shes coming down at this point, so she's bored and I'm not talking, so we go back inside and she lays down on her phone, I can feel that I need to be by myself at this point.
>Try to close my eyes but laying down is making the physical pain worse, so I get up and start pacing. I'm tripping, not able to think about anything, I'm in pain, and I'm exhausted. >We're 9 hours into our trip and I'm starting to peak
>"I need to get out of here"
>"can you drive?"
>"yeah, I'll be fine"
>Sit in my car, realize I'm thirty minutes from home, and pray to god that I don't die.
>Start to drive home at 7 am peaking on the worst trip of my life in all kinds of physical pain
>Can't focus on driving because I'm tripping too hard, but find that the more I keep myself busy (chaning the radio, switching lanes), the easier it is.
>switch lanes 45 times up to the freeway
>switch between my saved radio stations continuously
>freaking the fuck out because of all the obvious reasons - im high, cops would know, im on acid, I could die, etc.
>hit the freeway on ramp

>9 hours in
>starting to peak

Yeah nah that was definitely not acid bro you are lucky you didnt end up in the hospital

Lemme guess it either tasted like metal or really bitter..

why were you in so much pain? pretty sure acid alone wouldn't cause that level of physical pain

>tripping out even worse now because I'm going 75 miles an hour in traffic
>keep with my lane change/radio method
>that FUCKING KIDS SONG BY ONE REPUBLIC comes on, never heard it before, its the trippiest thing I've ever heard in my life
>the sun is hitting the mountains because its morning and its a hot pink mixed with purple and I swerve into another lane
>didnt die
>get home somehow
>I'm cheering in my car and thanking god that I'm alive
>walk in the house and my family is eating breakfast
>have to act normal despite whats happening to me
>the trip is getting worse, im in a lot of pain
>take a shower which makes it a little better
>lay down in bed and I feel like Im losing my fucking mind
>My teeth feel like I'm getting a cavity filled by a dentist, but in all of my teeth
>my back feels like it hasn't been popped in years and Ive been sitting in a computer chair
>my eyes even hurt
>I am the most miserable I've ever been in my life at this point, and I still cant think
>I decide to take sleeping pills, and am looking up what happens when you take too much acid on my phone (mistake to look that up)
>wait an hour, and decide the sleeping pills aren't going to work
>try to play video games to take my mind off of it, it works well enough for an hour or so
>Try to lay down again, and it feels like nothing is making this any better, so I give in and just lay there and stare at the clock and wait for it to be over
>Text my girlfriend everything that is happening
>I stare at the clock from 9 am to 3 pm and rot inside of my head the whole time
>The trip finally starts to fade, and the pain subsides

Easily the worst thing I have ever been through. Fuck doing that shit again.

The first time I ever did acid my friends made me look in a mirror and shattered it. It felt like my entire being shattered like my soul was in pieces

that wasnt acid bro. again, you took some fake RC shit. dont hate on LSD because you couldnt be fucked to make sure you had the real deal before taking 3 doses like a reckless retard.

It was mixed in with a sour patch kid so I couldnt really taste much. I do remember burping up a chemically taste though.

I have no idea but it was awful. Especially the pain in my teeth

user, I was 18. How am I supposed to tell if its real acid? Am I going to take it to a lab? I knew the guy and trusted the guy, and I bought drugs and took too many. The thread was about bad trips, and thats what it was.

Yeah fucking exactly. Whoever sold it to you is a giant fucking scumbag and you should make him and anyone who knows him aware of that fact. Thats how people get killed. He mixed it with a sourpatch kid to hide the ridiculously bitter taste that RCs have. Acid is tasteless. He knew it was fake shit and wanted to make quick money.

Seriously that shit gets me so fucking mad. People get fucking killed that way or end up in the hospital with their life and psych destroyed, all so they can cheat and cut corners and make a buck. Meanwhile real LSD which is a magical, wonderful experience, gets made out to be some horrible drug and people who use and sell it get targeted by the media and law enforcement.

Rule of thumb: Ifs its bitter, its a spitter. NEVER take a RC unless youre willing to face horrible side effects like you described. If its not in tab/paper form, assume its fake and demand to be able to test it with a kit. Non-paper acid is very rare compared to the tab variety so you can assume that most of the liquid/gummy/etc shit is fake unless you test it. As for paper, you will know the second you put it in your mouth because its metallic, bitter, or numbs your tongue.

Sorry you got fucked over. Seriously make sure that guy gets some form of punishment for what he did, that is SO fucked up and people like him need to pay for what they do so other fucktards dont follow their scumbag footsteps.

Best of luck finding real lsd. You would like it. Ive literally never met anyone who has had a bad experience, or knew someone who had a bad experience, or even knew someone who knew someone that had a bad time. Its like a one a million thing. Dont turn it down because you got fake stuff.

There was no way you could have known the way the douchebag described it, even if you were aware to lookout for such things.

Sorry for being harsh lol. If it was paper than yeah you deserved it but the way it happened with you was unpreventable unless you tested which you wouldnt if you trusted the guy.

Only thing that i can recommend, is watching the videos of Psyched Substance. He not only talks about the substance, but a lot about his personal beliefs and life in general. This certainly help me trip.

I mean maybe he was just a shit drug dealer and didn't know what he was selling. Either way, youre right. I won't be buying anything from him again. Thank you for the tips, maybe I'll try the real thing sometime

Just get cozy with the idea of not existing and shit like that won't be scary.

You -are- eventually going to die, and the sooner you get over the fact that you will eventually not exist, the easier it'll be.

It's different from being suicidal, and more just like "well I can't do anything to stop it and me being upset about it isn't going to change fuck-all, sooooo"

Enjoy the ride while it lasts. Appreciate the sublime beauty of impermanence.

Its all good, friend. I didn't even consider that it wasn't real acid until now. Really glad that I didnt have some sort of long term effect from it.

Stop being such a hipster faggot and go hang yourself in your shitty Minneapolis apartment

You're dumb Bobby

how do you know if it is real acid, also what is "RC" ?

i want to try em but i dont have any contacts

ive never had a bad acid trip per say. but i did take 2 Nbombs or 25i w.e you wanna call it, and smoked a lot. Things were going good when we were playing mario kart. unfortunately i got a shitty controller so i just kept losing and it was kinda fucking with me making me unsure if im doing bad cause of the trip or the controller, but it didnt mtter cause eventually i just tripped into loss of reality mode and thought that me and my friends were the only real people and we were just like god/alien like and everything else was basically like the matrix. And i felt like everyone in the room was aware of it and have been waiting for me to find out. Then i went into real dream mode and just went full retard hallucinating and saw tons of random shit. And then i thought I had like a million people behind me cheering for me while i was playing mario kart.

worst things got was when i got slightly paranoid and thought i was really unconciouss and i was outside on the ground with people like laughing at me cause i couldnt get up. but then i snapped out of it and was back to feelin good and groovy again

It's a fucking great YouTube channel for psychonauts to start their research.
I know all he does is for harm reduction, and in any way it's supposed to encourage any drug use, but since I saw the video where he talks about the effects of acid, I couldn't stop myself from thinking how awesome of an experience it can be.
My most important advice to everyone wanting to use any drug is to research THE SHIT out of it, whatever the substance may be. Don't make the mistakes other do, you have internet, do your research.
Erowid is a great place too, there you find a lot of stuff about all kinds of drugs. Be smart guys, your body is the most important thing, don't fuck it up with drugs you don't understand, I'm not saying to don't do it, much on the opposite, drugs are awesome, but know what you are doing, so that you never put you or anyone you love in danger.

I remember seeing a spider while tripping and almost had a stroke

user I know exactly wtf you're talking about. two times now on L at about the 40 min mark there is some wave that hits me slowly and the fear of losing my mind creeps up. Desperately latching onto reality I think of friends and then suddenly it feels like my whole life is a joke and everyone is out to rape me. It's fucking weird cos even sober there is still a slight fear.

Do you have any meditative practices atm?

i plan on wattching this for the first time on acid, since theres not much else to do during the winter on acid. Id also like to go through neighborhoods and see xmas lights while listening to chill music

read again

underrated post

No but I've tried and failed in the past. Glad to know others have experienced this. Makes me feel better.

i wouldnt do that. have you seen the new planet earth? pretty cool on acid.

i want to but id rather wait for it to go on netflix. if i see it on demand ill check an episode out.

Had a bad trip on shrooms, felt like I was dying and lied in bed shaking, was kinda crazy for a month or 2 after. Severe anxiety. Had two amazing trips before that, not sure why it happened.

that sucks. id hate to go through a bad trip like that. Thats why i try not to smoke too much or any pot when i take that kind of stuff cause ik thats the main thing that would cause me to freak out when things got bad.

I totally recommend the mobile app Headspace

Whatever it is, the practice of meditation will only benefit anyway so I think it's undeniably valuable.

Even though I'm pretty scared I will still take L again but probably a smaller dose. Since then have had almost two breakthrough on DMT and I was okay. Fucking thrilling though

the best advice i can give as a user of psychedelics is not to fight it. if you ingest the substance you're in for the ride and you better accept it. as you're climbing up that first hill the worst thing you can do is panic. you're already strapped in, let yourself go. the harder you try to hold onto your limited view of "reality" and sobriety, the worse time you're gonna have. just let it take you

best post i've seen in Sup Forums in a long time

Look up ego death

Looking back I actually think I can pinpoint how it went wrong, but almost a year later I'm dea lung with issues that stem from it. Only positive is I can help friends if they start to have a bad time.

from a fellow Sup Forumsrother who fried his brain on acid I just urge you to please stop messing with hallucinogens if you have had a few experiences already before you get to the state I am at but yes they are fucking fun and sometimes intense

What's your story?

Reality is an illusion, hallucinogens tend to shatter our existence and ask us questions that only matter. What is I?

ya m8 so lit
bob ross is so soothing too.
is it dumb to say i could taste colors on lsd

Hahaha Kids is pretty trippy. I can see why that would have freaked you out

>let go of that ego buddy

if you want to just chill out, take lower doses
the higher the dose, the more it dissolves ego

unwanted spiritual insights, maybe you aren't ready?

you went and had some bad analogues or what, rc's?

kek its about the dose actually on the blotter paper which can vary per seller.

Any DMT trip reports looking into trying it for the first time and would like to hear some ones experience on it.

I seriously think bad trips don't exist. Also a bad trip can improve your sense of wellbeing: collective-evolution.com/2016/09/10/having-a-bad-trip-on-shrooms-can-actually-improve-your-well-being/

You get a perspective of a really dark side while feeling really euphoric so there's surely some benefits. especially since you are in a state of mind where you can actually analyze what you are feeling deeply.

Bad trips are just anxiety. You're tripping, you can delve really deep into a lot of things in your mind and how you focus on things and so many other things that are going on. Your anxiety is heightened. Just DON'T feed anxiety when you're tripping. Work on it while you're tripping and it'll be the most therapeutic thing for ya.
