American education at work, folks.
He is 100% correct.
Disney likes safe, easy shit that normies will eat up.
George actually tried to push the series and the technology forward - JJ just went full boring retro because that's in right now.
Cameron is based and completely accurate.
>The director is now hard at work on 3 sequels to his own attempt at the most derivative movie [1].
What did they mean by this
are you 13 or something
Avatar was unlike anything else at the time visually
>this film was more of a retrenchment to things you had seen before, and characters you had seen before.
This is coming from the guy who made Pocahontas in space with a bunch of Smurfs.
Dances with Wolves, you retarded child.
Except it was visually the most impressive thing in cinema, and still holds up today. He also didn't create Pocahontas or Dances with Wolves and then remake it again decades later.
>cameron posted those george lucas threads this whole time
where are they taking it? hmmm, well, they're making the source of the force a tree and rey the one who will bring balance to the force because she is the reincarnation of the woman who created the jedi order. which makes the skywalkers unimportant.
based Cameron looking out for his bro's reputation
The king has spoken.
>believing clickbait rumors
Reminder that this is the same senile fuck that said he thought Terminator Genysis was great.
Fern Gully you fool
How can one man be so based?
>Not realising they were true after the set photo of the tree leaked
It's over
>it was okay but nothing special.
Man this guy takes no prisoners
thats why its still an integral part of the cultural zeitgeist right?
are you 14 or something? faggot?
>the Pocahontas in Space + Smurf meme
oh because all the rumors for ep.7 were soo fucking true even with the photo leaks that so totally "proved" them, do yourself a favor and stop giving click bait sites cash
They were until they changed them
That lightsaber plot device was just turned into the map
Not him, and I didn't think Avatar was anything too impressive beyond the visuals, but to be fair:
What movies have staying power these days?
Only real movies most people could name off the top of their heads as something that "stays with you" are ones that have no other choice, because they're part of an ongoing movie series and just don't quit reminding you.
I'm honestly not sure if there was a single movie after Revenge of the Sith that was widely brought up more than 3 years after it released without a continuation, and it too just surfed on the legend of the originals.
fuck off abatap
"I made Titanic to show other directors how its done. I leave the business for 10 years to let them have a chance - what do they do? Nothing. so I come back and make Avatar, maybe now they'll try and get on my level." - James Cameron
>they were until they changed
no, no they wernt, you fucking retard, people like you just want to think they the movie before they see so they take any piece of info written by faux journalists you get paid for every time you go on their site and read their literal nonsense based on snap judgements from a vague set photo leak
RotS had more imagination, better action, better music, better plot, only had worse dialogue.
>muh prequels suck meme le reddit letter media
I saw the interview where he says this. That little smile at the end. Every time.
Friendly reminder that Cameron unironically thinks Spielberg is the best living director.
The plot was almost exactly the same shit as what I read, except it was a map not a lightsaber, and the lightsaber was still in there anyway but not as big of a plot device. Hell of a coincidence buddy.
Me too.
So James Cameron just said what basically everyone else said about this movie? Am I supposed to care or be hurt by this?
Marvel and Disney shills literally BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
Enjoy your cape and star shit cucks, IRON JIM is returning in 2 years with NEXT LEVEL KINOKINEMA
>casually implying he isn't up there
based Cameron laying down the truth.
and this is a man who has made films, and beater the original star wars in tickets. This is a man who knows what he is talking about.
because it was so hard to guess that jj was just gonna retread a new hope and you really needed fucking clickbait to tell you that, sincerely fucking kill yourself dude for trying to give the worst thing to happen to mass media any credibility
>losing to iceland
This coming from Jim Cameron, who recently promoted Terminator Genesys?
>had more innovative visual imagination.
and JJ helped to bring a story that was at least tolerable
It like Lucas, Cameron (I'll throw Peter Jackson in too) gave up on story to focus on VFX to jerk it to.
Avatar was shit, but was eye candy
Hobbit was shit, but was 60fps eye candy
"This film was more of a retrenchment of things you had seen before."
As he works on four sequels to his Dances with Wolves remake.
>integral part of the cultural zeitgeist
In what fucking way? Most people have forgotten this movie even exists.
>if a movie hasn't become a meme then it must not be good or innovative
holy shit fuck off Sup Forums
This. Made zero impact culturally, totally forgotten about aside from being a factoid and dormant franchise.
The movie sucked but Cameron has his head so far up his ass he thinks people want 3 Avatar sequels.
Avatar was a much better told story than SW7, not to mention better paced.
Dont even try to pretend JJ Abrams is a better writer than Cameron.
>And this film was more of a retrenchment to things you had seen before
Same plot as the original Star Wars film
>Avatar was a much better told story
memeing this fucking hard, literally any story was told better than avatar, camerons a way better writer than abrams but you cant even begin to pretend that avatar was anything special or deserving of praise for its script or story
When will everyone come to appreciate the brilliance of the prequels?
They got high praise at the cinema release, I and all my friends who saw them remember enjoying them so much, now a top director states that were brilliantly original and artistic.
It's time to stop being brainwashed by people on the internet who have forced you to hate true art.
Movies are nothing but a business. Spielberg has made more money than any other director
James knew this
The Prequels were ambitious and didn't cowardly hide behind the Original Trilogy. It took the material in new directions, from locations to music. But are they actually good movies? Nah. The direction is lazy, the acting is bad, and the writing is miserable. Not the worse movies ever, though still disappointing and heavily flawed pictures.
He'll be rectifying that shortly.
This coming from the guy who claimed terminator genisys was great. He'll literally sell his opinion to the highest bidder.
He should stick to directing and shut the fuck up, like most directors.
you never read the leaks they had descriptions of scenes like Han Solo finding them after escaping, exactly what occurred
you are just wrong, it was leaked
They had problems though, not the least of which was the acting and dialogue. Hard to take the movie seriously with some of the worst lines in cinema history. Overuse of CG was distracting too, ITS SO DENSE. Especially ep1 has shit constantly flying around the screen, jar jar stepping in poop or some shit every scene. Taking the same ideas though, but with less "yes men" around George Lucas you might've had something equal or better than the OT. The movies have a lot of good ideas and potential, the general plot is quite good, you can tell what he is trying to achieve but he kind of misses his marks.
Like Jar Jar is supposed to be like Goofy. On paper he is probably better than R2D2 and C3PO but the final result is the problem.
>What movies have staying power these days?
sadly, capeshit.
dork night, iron man, cap, avengers, even fucking xmen
>Jimmy is a prequel babby
I'm old enough to remember 2009. Avatar was always uninspired shit.
even though I hate abatap, he's 100% correct. tfa was safe garbage, and if the leaks are true ep8 is going to be even worse than eu fanfiction.
Ridleyfag here.
Well played, Cameron. Well played.
Didn't you post this already?
So does his best friend George Lucas.
Being the posterboy of, at the time, HD 3D is not meaningful cultural impact.
Honestly, if JJ and Lucas both worked together, they could probably make something great.
>Lucas can push the boundaries
>JJ can cut george off when he goes full autism
>TFA is meh
>Terminator Genesys is great
C'mon Cameron, i know you have to stand up for your home boi, but this is just...c'mon...
But on the other hand I understand him. Avatar, as a highest grosing movie of all time, made that money purley on visuals and not the story.
Considering Cameron can't fucking walk away from Abatap to make GUNNM, I don't care for what he says anymore.
>Cherry picking few screenshots
And even then, it managed to be a better movie than all of the prequels combined. That speaks more of how impossibly shitty those movies were.