General Waffen SS and Wehrmacht Thread

General Waffen SS and Wehrmacht Thread

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You wanna talk politics, OP? Or just wallpapers?


Any Germans speakers wanna chat via email so I can practice my German?

Im 25 white male from South Africa. Just a bit of chit chat every now and then.

Politics opinions anything about the SS and Wehrmacht in general

Sounds good. I like the NSDAP but I wouldn't call myself a Nazi. National socialism is a German thing imo, though the propaganda is great.

>South Africa
Might wanna get out of there, goy.

>Might wanna get out of there, goy.
That's the plan. Got a few contacts in Germany, but need to speak German first

I personally think Hitler was an amazing leader he started an revolution put hope and courage back into every German he was amazing

Good plan. You might wanna try Sup Forums, they have a pretty sizable German population.
I have nothing but respect for the man.

Exactly! the media has made him into a monster and hide the truth!


History is written by the victors, user, and we know (((who))) was victorious in WWII, don't we?
It's interesting how if you look at what they actually believed, and at fascism in general, it's all eminently reasonable. So you have to paint its champion as a demon.

If you don't mind me asking, how did you start down the rightmost path? What redpilled you?

Honestly when i was a wee lil boy watching youtube videos on history i started seeing stuff on Wehrmacht and the SS and than i got to Hitler Speeches and what he said just really fit with me i mean he spoke the truth and i honestly loved every word he said because it was true

Hitler really was a powerful speaker. All good leaders are, I guess- look at our own new emperor. As for me I was a little older, a college shitlib who knew deep down it was all wrong but couldn't articulate my feelings. Got into Sup Forums "for the laughs" and started reading everything right-wing I could get my hands on to "arm myself against the enemy, y-you know". Eventually I just decided, fuck it, Hitler did nothing wrong, the Jew meme is real, this is the wrong timeline and we have to fix it.

Are you a Rockwell fan, by any chance?

Honestly i do not know who Rockwell is please enlighten me

He was the founder of the American Nazi Party. Dead now, of course, and his party, but he wrote some really great stuff and did a pretty good job of adapting fascist ideas to the US.

Can you name some of the books i would love to read them?

You speak Afrikaans?

His principal one is "This Time the World". If you're a reader, I actually have a few sites that I think you might like a lot.

None are specifically natsoc but they're definitely in that general vicinity.

Awesome thank you

I hope you all have fucking horrible deaths, you fucking wankers, you are all "hitlurr was osom" from your "safe" shithole of a country while your ancestors bled and suffered and cried all over the world just so you could one day dwell in your basement and fap to anime instead of being beheaded for being a brony in a nazi world. Stupid bitches, I sincerely hope your new overlord fucks you nice!

Now now calm your salt this is a place for Civil discussion

I can honor the sacrifice of my great-grandfathers while despising the kike politicians who led them to it.
There was no reason for the war in Europe, and that we fought alongside a fucking commie should tell you whether we were on the side of good.

They get this mad.