What would Sup Forums do during The Purge?
What would Sup Forums do during The Purge?
shitpost on Sup Forums
shitpost on Sup Forums
kill niggers
shitpost on Sup Forums
shitpost on Sup Forums
shitpost on Sup Forums
shitpost on Sup Forums
What they'd all normally do.
Movies are a shit premise, and serious crime doesn't work like that. Taking away state consequences won't enable anything.
Loot and stack frags with the lads
Just kidding
I'd fun post on Sup Forums!
post shit on Sup Forums
shit a post on Sup Forums
Even if people did start acting wild, I'd imagine that cities and towns would organize militias to keep the people in check.
Sit in my bunkered up room and shitpost on Sup Forums, assuming my cable/phone service doesn't go out.
It would for petty crimes, theft, lots of disorderly conduct and taking shits on boss' lawns.
Get cucked
Rob a bank maybe
but honestly shit post on Sup Forums
Hunt down the fucking shill that keeps repeating these fucking threads and rape his ass.
Other than that, live spectator threads with Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Question: If you kidnap someone on Purge night is their continued captivity still illegal all other days of the year?
Quite honestly the kidnapping is the highest risk part, the captivity is fairly simple. I wouldn't be averse to doing the illegal imprisonment for the rest of the year if I could get through the most dangerous part of the process on Purge night.
And for that matter, let's say you steal something on Purge night. Is "possession of stolen property" then legal in regards to that property for every other day of the year, or can you steal something Purge night and then have police arrest you the next day for having stolen goods?
\vt\ no tsoptihs
You are putting more thought into this than the writers did
collect rainwater
...and for that we thank you.
what if you shoot someone and he dies 2 days later
kiss it
the attempted murder is legal
Of course it would be illegal. It's a continuous crime to keep someone against their will.
It would not be illegal to keep something you stole when it wasn't illegal to steal it.
But possession of stolen goods is a different crime from stealing the goods. Like you said, a continuous crime.
What if you rape a woman on Purge night and she becomes pregnant? Are you legally responsible for care of the child and obligated to pay child support? Or does a night without legal repercussions mean all actions performed on that night which would ordinarily have longer term repercussions no longer do either?
Wear a police uniform. You aren't allowed to kill government officials I think (I'm not a retard so I've never seen these movies).
No one can touch me. But since all other laws are voided, the impersonation of a government official should be legal.
I'd then discretely steal stuff and do whatever else you do on Purge day.
Hire someone to forge an official document claiming that I own the moon.
Then when the Purge is over and I legally own the moon, tell all the countries that they need to get their shit off my property.
Yeah!! And because it would be such a big job to keep everyone in check, some people would be designated to prepare and train for it full time, and because they had to do that full time, the people in the city would allocate a certain cut of their wages to pay for the militia's living expenses.
What a concept.
find the rarest pepe
You aren't allowed to kill government officials of rank 10, whatever the fuck that means. And there's weapon restrictions so you can't set off a nuke or bioweapon.
Eat some delicious hot dogs
Only if you're black, but then again they'll never get it anyway.
Move to Canada
If you have consensual sex with a woman and she has a kid you are legally obligated to support that child. So on Purge day all you did was avoid the legal repercussions of the rape itself.
So, I'll dress up like a general?
I'm gonna have to say shitpost on Sup Forums
but it was technically never stolen in the first place
Then it's still pretty easy to just do the kidnapping on Purge night and then keep them in captivity even if it is a crime on the rest of the days since getting caught at that point would only be a matter of not eliminating any witnesses.
>you are legally obligated to support that child
Except on Purge day.
It'd be a great way to cheat the system to just have bills due on Purge day.
Also that brings up the question as to whether ongoing debt that you avoid by exploiting Purge day collections would be punishable every other day.
Vote hillary
In that case, in the eyes of the law, the baby was never technically conceived in the first place either.
In fact, would babies born on Purge day be US citizens at all? It is a result of US law that anyone born in the United States is a US citizen, so if this law is no longer in effect then Purge babies might not even be American.
probably rob my local chinese place, then come back the next day. itd be illegal to throw me out then due to discrimination, right?
If you kill a nig on real purge hours they're still dead, you're either responsible for your actions that night or you're not.
No, it was just never conceived through illegal means, ie rape.
In the same way the item was not acquired through illegal means, ie theft.
By your retarded logic anyone murdered on Purge would not be legally dead.
Rape Jessica Alba
You could aim higher.
But not in the eyes of the law.
I'd be like if you accident ran a nig over and the court deemed you not guilty of manslaughter. Just because you aren't guilty doesn't mean the nig magically comes back to life after the court's decision.
What if the baby was born on purge day? Would you have to pay child support?
Become the Punisher, all those who seek to use the Purge to harm the innocent, etc I would hunt them down.
Fuck off faggot shes been my waifu since I was 8
Maybe he wants to hate fuck her.
shoot anyone that approaches my house while I'm shitposting on Sup Forums
That's not how it works. It's not that all laws cease to exist, it's that crimes cease to be illegal. Conception and birth certificates aren't illegal so they remain governmend by law. Raping and murdering the baby is illegal, but on Purge Day they become legal.
Yes because that isn't a crime. If you drop kicked the baby right after it came out, then you wouldn't need to pay child support though.
Become the Dolph Lundgren, all those who seek to use the Purge to harm the innocent, etc I would hunt them down.
go around rescuing cute cunnys in despair :3
Jokes on you, I'd blind myself and become Daredevil and stop your vigilante ass.
Hopefully after the purge I can then get into law school.
Why does CIA have a white Real Doll dressed as a Mexican peasant?
Well someone born on Purge day wouldn't be legally alive either in the sense that they wouldn't exist as a legal entity within the system.
Any action you perform on Purge night, for all legal purposes, your responsibilities are null to. So if you conceive a child on Purge night your legal responsibilities to it are absolved. That's why you don't get arrested the next day for killing someone on Purge night. The person is still, and you still killed them, but your legal obligations to the action are non-existent. For the same reason, it would be legal to conceive a child on Purge night and then not support it forthgoing because legal ramifications of your actions on Purge night simply don't exist.
I've always wanted to cum outside of a window.
This is correct
Though would the mother purge their kid next year?
How many kids get purged each year do you reckon?
It'd be legal since any evidence would be ruled out since it happened on Purge night.
I guess unless you held their trial on Purge night and passed unlawful evidence and convicted them off that.
Kill a few ex-girlfriends who don't deserve to still draw breath. Kill 2 ex-bosses. Figure out a way to erase all debt.
Form a militia that would stop people from committing crimes during the Purge.
In the movies, there's basically 3 kinds of Purgers
1. Random psychos going hunting.
2. Rich People paying the random psychos to capture people.
3. Military death-squads established by the government to kill poor people.
>The Purge occurs for 12 hours on March 21 to 22, from 7 p.m. until 7 a.m. the next day, during which all crime is legal and all police, fire, and medical emergency services remain unavailable.
keyword crime
I can't believe you made my google this stupid movie.
If you were an American citizen and you had your child in Mexico then came back to the US with the child, you'd be responsible for it. Even if it wasn't born in the US.
Now if you left the child in Mexico, then in the US I guess you wouldn't be legally responsible for it.
>any evidence would be ruled out
Pretty much this.
Even if you kidnap someone, steal something, etc crimes that would ordinarily have lasting residual criminality, you're never ever going to be arrested for it, because do you think the police are going to even bother trying to investigate any of the shit that went down in any Mad Max apocalypse of a city on Purge night? Among all the fucking crimes and waste and shit? Even if there was coherent evidence to find anymore? You think they're going to listen to the million people calling up the police office the next day saying someone in their family is missing? They'll just assume them dead.
shit on the tv
That has nothing to do with the second paragraph.
You're not responsible for lasting effects of crimes that you commit on Purge night.
non retarded question here:
What if you set a timer on weapons "below level 4" whatever the fuck that means, to go off the next day.
The people died the next day, but the act of setting the timer accrued on Purge. Would I be legally responsible to disarm the traps?
And birthing a child is not a crime, therefore a child born on purge night would still legally exist and the parents would be responsible.
If they did not want that responsibility they'd just kill the child on that or the next Purge.
The murders occurred not on Purge night.
but vigilantism is a crime
This. Laws don't just fucking disappear. Illegal things just become legal. I don't honestly don't understand how people on here are so retarded that they can't understand the basic premise of the fucking Purge.
I think in the first movie, they say no govt officials and no explosive devises above a certain level or whatever. But in the sequel, they say "any and all crime." That is pretty clear to me. You could blow up the Whitehouse with a dirty nuke and any court of law would acquit you because "any and all" is pretty clear in the eyes of the law.
That has nothing to do with the post you just responded to.
The crimes becoming legal is the laws forbidding those crimes disappearing you dumb fucks.
Have you never read Hobbes in your lives?
But the act that caused the murder was on Purge. If you shoot someone and they bleed out finally dying the next day you are not responsible right?
If I set a trap or whatever on 5pm Purge day, then 3pm it goes off, and I'm at work, no where near the crime. Am I legally responsible?
rape and murder, so much rape and murder
When the act occurred that caused the injury or death is when a crime occurs. When you shot someone is when you killed them, regardless of when they actually die. When a bomb goes off, killing people or harming property, is when the crime was committed, not when you activated the bomb.
The whole conversation was about the responsibility to pay child support on children born during the purge.
Doesn't matter. If you kill people on Thursday with a bomb that you planted on Wednesday the police write down the murders as occurring on Thursday, not Wednesday. If the murder occurred on anything other than Purge day, you're fucked.
No, a child conceived during the Purge. Children aren't born and conceived on the same day. These were two different threads of thought.
I don't know. I say the act of setting the trap was the crime, when it goes off is just the repercussions of the crime.
I would rape so much cunny
>the act of setting the trap was the crime
You're talking about a number of crimes.
Planting a bomb with intent to kill people is a crime, and then killing people is also a crime. If you set a bomb in time's square and get caught you're charged with a crime. If you don't get caught and it goes off, you get even more charged with a crime. In this case the crime of setting the bomb on Purge day is ignored but it doesn't matter since the crime of killing a bunch of people the next day is going to prisonrape you.
Then as I already said before that, conceiving a child is also not a crime. Rape is.
If you had consensual sex with someone, and they got preggers, the sex act itself was legal.
So in the real world you had sex with a woman, she said it was rape. The courts disagreed, you are not innocent of the charges. You are still the father of the child are have to pay child support.
You kill someone, the courts find you innocent, you don't go to jail.
Same logic in purge.
Rape someone, rape is legal. Child is still there, you are still the father.
Kill someone, they are dead, no problem.
Well, you would be wrong. Death or injury is a repercussion of the crime. When the crime occurs is the act that causes that death or injury, not the planning or setting up of the crime.
Did the boston bombings occur when the two brothers set down the bomb on the sidewalk or when the bombs went off? The answer is when the bombs went off, because prior to that, the bombings hadn't occurred. There is a difference in committing a crime and attempting to commit a crime. Understand, dipshit?
>Then as I already said before that, conceiving a child is also not a crime. Rape is.
And, as I said, you are not legally culpable for lasting effects of crimes committed on Purge night, so if you rape a baby into some broad you don't have to do shit about it senpai.
>Rape someone, rape is legal. Child is still there, you are still the father.
>Kill someone, they are dead, no problem.
You mean:
>Kill someone, murder is legal. Person is still dead, you are still the murderer.
You're not responsible for the person being dead, and you're not responsible for the person being alive.
Uh....so if the bombs didn't go off there'd be no crime?
If the Boston bombers set the bombs but they didn't go off due to a technical error, there would be no crime. If the police caught the bombs before they went off there would be no crime?
Good to know. If I ever get in trouble can you be my lawyer?
Conception via rape is the crime.
Since the rape was purge time, the rapist father has zero legal responsibility.
You're going to have to cite that. I've never seen the movie. But the language on the wiki doesn't really lead me to believe that.
Crime is legal. Therefore rape is legal. However you are still the father of the child.
>I try to discuss movies based on reading the wiki instead of watching the movies
Why are you on a television and film discussion board then?
>I talk about movies I haven't seen
Crime is legal. Therefore rape is legal, as is consensual sex.
The resulting child is not a crime, and you would be responsible for it.
Seemed like an interesting topic to discuss legality.
Unfortunately the type of people who would actually watch this movie are retarded.