Girls are whores.
It truth
Girls are whores
Girls are mythical creatures
>neckbeard detected
OP are faggots.
It truth
so they shuld going naked.
Get thread?
Change of plans Dubs thred
Woo more dubs
Dubs Gods
My gf was kind of a whore before i met her. And probably still would be if not for us being in a relationship. Iv fucked around a bit myself but not nearly as much as her.
It really wouldnt be an issue except that iv happened to meet a few of her exes in various situations since we started dating. We're all pretty chill about it.
OP is a fag
they are on the net.
dubs checked
You mean girl you fap over but will never get cos you're too busy filling up your piss bottles?
>You mean girl you fap over but will never get cos you're too busy filling up your piss bottles?
Also dubs are truth
Dub gods
I don't like to make new threads, I'll take this one.
Have a GF since three months ago, shes ten years younger than me. At first sex was great, then it became meh, and now that we know each other better it's getting better again. First, I get her to deepthroat me. Then I taught her how to suck my balls. Last night I told her I wanted to cum in her mouth and she quickly said no, but accepted it after a few seconds, I'll do that next time. I get her to wear a choker, but said no to the garter belt. I think I can change her mind. Besides anal sex, I don't really know what else I should ask for...
> (You)
> (You)
> (You)
Nicely done
And yet, you want them. How does that make you feel wanting something you claim to despise?
You're dog
Learn english.
Where I did make mistake, you dog?
lol it's sad that you don't even know.
It's sad that you're a dog